Why isn't there a spooky alien horror game yet Sup Forums?
Also spooky aliens in videogames thread
Vid related
Why isn't there a spooky alien horror game yet Sup Forums?
Also spooky aliens in videogames thread
Vid related
>playing Stellaris
>sending down probe teams to assimilate pre-spaceflight races
>they found xcom squads
>one of my agents goes full Avatar and elopes with his native waifu
>burn down their city
glimpses of fun in a dreadful game
The real Prey was spooky as fuck until you see the shitty alien design and that they can speak english...
But all in all the game had quite a few spooky alien moments.
>no one played elite force 2 to experience mission 3
I would play an entire game based around space salvage
>Kill ghost kids
>vagina doors
>visually over sexualised priestess.
Only things I remember from that game.
>forgetting the intro and art bell transmissions
Loved Outlaws as a kid, never knew about the easter egg.
Aren't the Penumbra games about spooky aliens?
/x/ here, you should pay us a visit, we'll show you weird ayy shit that will keep you up at night
Are aliens and ghosts friends?
Do Aliens get spooked by ghosts? Do demons get spooked by aliens?
Why do these threads always show up at 1am local time for me.
Yeah, but in the Lovecraftian sense, not the "classic" grey sense.
the ghosts we know are just human spirits that haven't moved on. so aliens have ghosts to but their ghosts are alien spirits that haven't moved on. demons probably wouldn't get spooked by aliens as they think they are the hottest shit around and nothing can take them on.
Maybe I'm thinking of a different game but I'm pretty sure there were literally little grey men in it.
Oh yeah? Prove it. I want to see some ayy shit that will keep me up tonight.
overture has them but your fucking crazy man its all in your head
What if Demons are just Alien Ghosts?
I warned you.
Alien: Isolation has been out for years though
kinda spooky tier
pfft HAHA tier
not horror
>not horror
what the fuck is it, then?
dont reptilians just want meat and heat for eggs?
A shit, overhyped game.
Alien, the movie, was part horror/part old-fashioned monster movie
Alien: Isolation is part monster movie/part action flick, much more akin to Aliens or Alien 3
Wasn't there some Area 51 game?
I hear US Army released it for free. Weird.
Would you prefer some dog turd horror game that relies on jump scares?
Not real tier
All of the above
Aliens have never been to earth. Of course alien life has to exist somewhere out there, but the universe is just too fucking massive for anyone to find eachother or travel to eachother. If you think otherwise you're retarded
>Alien: Isolation has been out for years
this is the real horror
I would prefer silent hills not being cancelled
when did they suggest the spooky aliums were real?
>Aliens have never been to earth.
t. government agent on their alien tech hanger lunch break
>A shit
you are mistaking Alien Isolation with your taste, my man
>you have been in here for more than 3 years
6 for me
please end it
I think playing the Long War mod for XCOM: EW can be pretty horrifying.
>implying I don't have this memorized
>its a text constantly changes font size and colour for EMPHASIS episode
I was abducted and this was of no use to me.
alien boys are for _______.
t. Sean Murray
That game was bretty good desu. Very fucking spooky for the first few levels, its kinda cool that it was contained within the base some shit like that has probably happened. I'm joking.
And for >He doesnt know
tell us on the dolls where the ayys touched you user
you have ayy fanfiction you mean
They didn't, they just took a saliva sample and some blood. Said they wanted to check how humans are adapting to the latest changes.
They spoke English to me, but did not communicate with each other, at least not verbally or physically.
They've been here for a long time now, and they already know everything they need, and probably more than we know ourselves. That's why that infopic was useless to me.
>They spoke English to me
one more reason not to learn japanese haha fuck you Sup Forums english is the best.
seriously though how do you know you weren't hallucinating or having a night terror?
In that case, every horror game ever is dogshit because every horror game is hyped out the ass
im pretty sure the aliens and alien language on the walls starting getting translated for you after you got that hawk spirit that flew around with you, everywhere it would perch the alien words would magically transform into english
>Regenerated 3 health
Oh, good.
Why is it that whenever someone gets abducted the aliens are always very vague with their intentions???
Really makes you think :^]
what happened to that one VR game about your kid getting abducted
Admittedly, I was drunk when they abducted me. It was late at night and I was returning from a party. But I know my limits, and I never drink myself to a stupor, so I'd like think I remain a semblance of clear sense even at my drunkest.
That matters little, however, since they waited for me to sober up before taking the samples. They made me drink a lot of water and used some medicine to accelerate the process, but I didn't feel any different after taking it. They also fed me some weird cocktail that resembled a protein-shake and tasted somewhat sour.
All in all, I spent about 20 hours with them, then they just transported me near the same place they abducted me at. Received some messages and notifications about missed calls on my phone, but nothing major. Been living normally since then, but never bothered to tell anyone about it. Nobody would believe me anyway.
Honestly, I got the impression that hey just give a flying fuck. Maybe they really don't care, or maybe they're incapable of it. Whatever the reasons, one thing is obvious - they're simply not at all personally invested in us. I got a very matter-of-fact vibe from them. Like a doctor doing a routine check-up.
Were you 100% lucid and awake during all of this or is it just like the aliens being vague and it's hazy/hard to remember
Because both of those things make supposed alien abductions hard to believe
Keeping as hostage and being used to gain leverage against the aliens in negotiations
I was lucid, but bored, so I took a short nap, because there was nothing to do. The room was empty, save for the bed-like piece of furniture (very comfy, tho) and a hole in the floor for me to piss into. I guess I could've squat-shit there as well, but I didn't want to. They kept me in that room for the most of my visit.
According to that one artist on Pixiv, getting fucked by Horses and huge tentacles.
Of course it was, it just happened to be a really fucking boring project about weather balloons. Its been decades and if aliums had really been discovered and hushed up, I think every fucking Russian with an illegal copy of windows XP would have hacked into the US to find it now.
>I would play an entire game based around space salvage
>being a space mercenary that does missions for corporations
>exploring distant mining bases on bigass asteroids
>collecting intel on abandoned ships in high orbit
fund it
And what did they look like?
Why wouldn't you be scared?
See, the reason why abductions seem so ridiculous to me is that people can't recount what happened, or any specific details, just basics. If the aliens were going to try and wipe their memory, why not do it the whole way? Or, if the aliens care little enough to let them remember certain things, why bother even fuzzing up the memories in the first place
do you have any hard evidence?
pictures, objects, video anything?
that game was pretty spooky at times
>implying I'm not giving a grey a face full of 357 if I ever see one
Aliens aren't real. Demons like to pose as them to get you interested and let your guard down to communicate
Am I the only one who found the communion image kinda funny?
I think the fact that Wikileaks hasn't found anything yet proves that the government doesn't know shit about ayys.
No. You really won't. /x/ is just a bunch of shitty roleplay bullshit and it was never good once.
Your entire board has been a fucking train wreck since its conception.
What if Wikileaks DID found some shit but they won't talk about it because it could make people bat shit crazy, and they actually made a deal with the government?
Grey men and ufos freak me the fuck out. Like nothing would terrify me more than see an UFO on the night sky irl. But I have no idea how they would make a horror game about them. Most realistically it would be you getting abducted and then you play hide and seek in the ufo like in most modern horror games, but that's not interesting enough
>no horror halo game
fucking why
doesn't even need to have flood, just the covenant protrayed how they are in the books and you being a normal ass human would work
Probably because no one will do anything about it and they know as such. As long as they stick to picking up lone people in a half-functional state and dropping them off without blatant mutilation everyone will always treat the stories like fabrications.
It's not until they go full The Hum mode and start mass abducting entire metropolises that deniers will finally accept as fact, if it ever comes to that. They got a good scheme going on, just keep catch & release and worry not since no one will believe them, why change it?
i'll need source, if you're still around
i fucking love horse
no, not mlp ones
It's basically Sup Forums but spooky but at least it has some decent threads if you forget that the posters actually believe in that stupid shit.
Why Star Trek games aren't made in the vein of Mass Effect or even like this will blow my mind until the end of time.
seconding request, I wanna see the alien get fucked by a horse
Sup Forums is shit too.
>And what did they look like?
Honestly? Reminded me of Protoss, just a lot skinnier, and they had mouths, but they were positioned very low on their "faces", like where our chins are. No clothes, no visible reproductive organs, leathery skin, blueish-grey in color. I didn't pay much attention to their feet, but their hands were very human-like - five fingers, opposable thumbs. That's about all I noted about their appearance.
>Why wouldn't you be scared?
Like I said, I was quite drunk when it happened, so I guess that kept me calm. And by the time I sobered up, I was sort of already used to the idea, not to mention that they never showed any hostile intentions towards me. To be perfectly honest, even if I was scared deep inside, the excitement of the experience was a lot stronger and overshadowed any fear. I'm just disappointed I learned so little. Almost feels like a wasted chance.
No, sorry... If I had, you'd probably have already heard about me on global news. I had a small scar where they stuck the blood sample needle, but it's all healed up now, it was hardly noticeable as is.
>personally saw one of the best UFO sightings anyone has ever seen
>saw it with my brother and mother
>we actually saw them leave the atmosphere, disappearing instantly with a huge plasma flash behind them
>never even bother telling anyone because even people who believe in aliums aren't going to believe that you saw one of the most intense sightings ever recorded
Yeah, but /x/ has the spooky gimmick
/x/ has been shit for years has it not?
I sort of believe you user, but that's only because I saw "something" in my house a while ago, which terrified me. I don't live there anymore but I still have the feeling that "it's not over". Fucking goosebumps just typing this.
user, that makes about as much sense as "denying" that the tooth fairy is real.
Alien life exists, but no aliens have ever come to earth and I doubt we will ever come in contact with any.
If anything that proves Julian Assange is really an alien hybrid whose mission on earth is to erode our faith in human governance so we just submit peacefully when the ayys decide it's time to come down
>won't be able to mess with your thoughts
Nigga, we humans have weapons that mess with your thoughts. Did you mean mind reading? Because fuck you, who are you to say they don't have that ability? Again, we humans have rudimentary technology to translate thought into data. You're saying a race that is so far ahead of us hasn't perfected this tech?
>conspiracy theories are for nutters here's how it really is
>keep in mind I'm literally retarded though, and PAY ATTENTION to my BIG TEXT
OK, this one time my dad and I were driving to our boy scout meeting and we saw what looked like a shiny ball over the town. We didn't know what it was, it wasn't a helicopter because it only had ONE bright light, like if someone shined a flashlight at you. Except it was moving slowly to our left, then took off like a bullet.
It's a town with a shipyard in it, so ALIENS LOOKING FOR NUCLEAR TECH.
the only real scary alien would be one that has no human features in it
What u seen NIGGA??
pls describe
Maybe it's just me, but being taken against my will into a strange room and having tests done on me for 20 hours while I was drunk would be fucking terrifying even without aliens
With aliens? Holy fuck, even worse. Humans are hard to predict and understand but aliens would be even worse. You literally don't know anything about them or what they might do.
I can see what you mean, when you said you haven't said anything because nobody would believe you. Because I don't believe you either.
so you want tentacle things? humans can tell when human features seem off, it's what makes it scary. if ayys have eyes and mouths and heads like ours but their features are all "off" it makes it that much scarier
Truly fucking great.
Uncanny valley
We saw multiple crafts appear to merge/split into each other, and then in a literal flash, they were gone. there was an orange plasma beam extending to the ground for a split second which disappeared right after they did.
We literally saw them blast out of the atmosphere at what are probably ridiculous speeds...Now, here's the interesting part, I've looked at every legitimate-seeming UFO video I can find for like 20 years and i've never seen the plasma trail again.
So I know what I saw was really special...but who would believe me? why would you? heh.
I saw this weird metallic objects in the sky earlier this year just floating for a while before flying really high up into the atmosphere. it was during the daytime during a long car ride and no one else in the car saw it as it was to the side high up in the sky. no plasma trail but I will agree that the absurdity of it all makes it hard to tell others. the whole thing lasted a few seconds and I have no pics so why would anyone believe me?
>You literally don't know anything about them or what they might do.
Try to think of it this way: would being scared help in a situation like that? I'd get scared if I met a lion in a jungle, because running away is at least an option, and I can be sure of its intentions. But that was a completely different situation. There was nowhere to run, but the abductors were obviously an intelligent species, who were gentle with me up till that point. Maybe I'm just quick to trust strangers, but I simply did not get a vibe that they might hurt me. Staying calm seemed like the rational thing to do.
>Because I don't believe you either.
It's alright. Thanks for taking interest in my case, anyway. I will go to bed now. Have a nice week.
if it was cropped it wouldnt show up on searches
Something happened to me last Thursday when I was driving home. I had a couple of miles to go - I looked up and saw a glowing orange object in the sky, to the east! It was moving very irregularly... suddenly there was intense light all around me - and when I came to, I was home. What do you think happened to me?
Well okay, basically I had moments that I found weird at night where I couldn't hear anythign outside (no sounds of winds in the trees, insect, etc. nothing). I didn't think much about it at the time, beside the fact that it was slightly unerving. But this one time, it woke me up. How do you wake up from "no sound"? I do;nt know.
So I didn't what anyone would do, just went to the bathroom for a piss. Still had this odd sensation. So I finish, wash my hands, freshen up my face and go back in the corridor. But there I froze completely. I could barely see it, bu "it" was like half in my room/half in the corridor. A humanoid shape, but very tall and "looking at me" (even if I couldn't see any eyes, I didn't open any light). The worst was the feeling of oddness that came with this, and I "felt" the lack of sound. So as I was shocked there, "it" just turned back in the room. I moved to the kitchen (right next to the bathroom) and sat in a corner. After a few minute of fear (I wanted to jump town the window or something stupid like that) the normal sounds of the house and exterior came back. Still, I slept there eventually and woke up on my kitchen floor the next morning.
Its a very poor visual description but its all about the intense feeling of oddness. I still from time to time hear the "sounds dying out" even here and it terrifies me every time.
Fuck that looks legit.