Have you ever tricked a guy into thinking that you are a girl online?
Have you ever tricked a guy into thinking that you are a girl online?
Yeah, multiple times. It's really fucking easy, guys online are desperate as hell.
No. I don't see the point of it, unless you get a kick out of getting lusted after by turbo nerds.
And doing it for items/virtual currency is the fuckenist thing I've ever heard. For real money, sure, but why are you playing a videogame if you're just gonna spend your time making some guy's dick hard hoping they'll toss you money for it?
If you make a girl avatar and say XD a lot it's pretty easy
when i was in middle school i played online and nobody talked to me in the mmo i played
then i decided to make a new character and i modeled it after a character i liked in a book, which was a girl
within an hour of playing i had made 2 friends because they thought i was a girl even though i hadn't said anything and i just rolled with it for like a year, eventually just stopped playing, took my secret with me
i never explicitly stated i was a girl or not but people seemed to believe what they wanted to believe and i let them
I am a girl, though
Yes. It's incredibly easy too. I had a girl character on FFXIV. If you're nice to people, don't act like an ERP slut, and use emoticons then people will begin to think you're a real girl. If you play along, people will bend over backwards trying to be your friend and make you happy.
It's really odd honestly I wonder why guys act that way towards girls
I did when I played Brood War as a kid, an entire community believed me
It wasn't sexual or anything, I just genuinely thought no one would want to be my friend online if I was myself, since no one in real life did
Provide mammaries or kindly leave.
Sounds like you were right, you sound awful.
The last time I did that I was like 11 and telling guys I was a 19-year-old girl. I had WoW boyfriends and helped orchestrate the Darnassus wedding-crash horde raid of someone who dumped me for a shiny new draenei tramp.
I didn't turn out as fucked up as I could've, in retrospect
stop this meme
you are a guy
Three main reasons:
1. They are lonely and want a friend. These people are clingy with most people, and latch onto girls with passive personalities the most because they are the least likely to tell them to go away.
2. The guy wants a girlfriend and is willing to try to create that type of relationship with a girl he has only met through text/voice communication in an online game.
3. Same as above, but this guy also believes he has a better chance at landing a girl through the game than IRL. This is usually because he believes he has more in common with girls playing the game or that they will have lower standards.
What the fuck. I was like 18 when WoW came out.
lol that's pretty great. Did you get dumped because they found out you were a little boy?
I played MapleStory for a long time. I had several male characters. For giggles, I decided to make an archer and chose female. As soon as I made it to Henesys, people were throwing mesos and items at me. Friend requests left and right. I didn't even have to say anything, and this was a basic female character without any fancy, cute NX items. It's shocking how quickly people wanted to give me things.
I won't lie either: I took advantage of the generosity. I never said I was a girl but I never said I wasn't. So I just took all the stuff and used it to fund my main character.
My brother used to do this back in 2005 or 2006 in Runescape. Well, I never played with him but one day I went into his room and saw him playing as a girl. Had some dudes following him around so I guess he was leading them on.
Now he's 20 and a kissless virgin.
All the time. I would offer runs through Deadmines in WoW and start sexytime chat and then aggro everything and wipe everyone. Le epin trolle legoin in action xD
That was 12 years ago, user.
No user, I really am a girl. It is not a trick.
I tricked like 30 people in vanilla WOW. Some of my guild mates gave me free blues.
>If you're nice to people, don't act like an ERP slut, and use emoticons
The best thing is that I've met far more real life girls who are huge into ERP and never use emoticons.
Same thing with ones who always say that only guys max out their breast sliders. I'm on to your tricks. You flat chests are the guys pretending to be girls.
I do it every single day.
I have a kik with a fake girl, a consistent life story, voice changers, all sorts of shit
I do it to get off
>Now he's 20 and a kissless virgin
why havent you helped him out with that, you bastard
If anyone gets a bit too friendly, I start talking in dudebro.
Most people get the message pretty quick.
I know what this threads actually about and I'm here to give some great advice.
When pretending to be a girl online, don't keep the act up.
Use your girl avatar, act girly all the time, all that, but if someone asks if you're a girl, just tell them the truth. If they tell you to get on voice, get on voice. Everyone will be like "oh I thought you were a girl" but 8/10 times - from then on - they will treat you no different and still thirst after you.
Probably because being openly gay is becoming much more common in this day and age, but I honestly have no idea why this works. People will romanticize your personality and grow attached, regardless of your actual gender.
But if you try to go on with the "I'm actually a girl!!" facade then you're going to get caught really fucking quick. Don't do it, its not worth, and you'll lose your friends because everyone will think of you as a liar.
Anyway, that's all. Hope this could help some of my crossplaying anons.
Have you ever done gay things with your best friend growing up?
>Early on, refuse to play a girl because shit falls apart easily, makes it harder to make real friends because starting as a lie is a bad foundation
>first time I try, not to get free shit but because whole new server/community, I join the Penny Arcade vs PVP comic server, roll a fem dwarf and use a girl name
>try to keep a story straight
>get hit on a couple times but nothing major
>did run into Gabe once, pretty cool dude
>end up raiding with them as a huntard in AQ20, have tons of fun
>eventually go back to my main server though
Was fun while it lasted. I do it more often these days but I never try to tell them I'm a girl irl. I don't tell them I'm a dude outright either, though, I either omit it or wait until they ask directly.
I personally don't give two shits what you are irl, I base my interactions on your avatar. I already have a bf I'm very happy with irl anyways
Yes, you'd have to be stupid to have never taken advantage of such a thing.
I doubleteamed a girl with my best friend in highschool. That was kinda gay.
Only if the balls touch.
>voice changers
explain. all the ones I saw sound robotic as fuck
>Not pretending to be a female android
>guy in kronos guild says he's trans a while back
>he says it again tonight
>other guy says he's trans too
>first guy says he was kidding
>gonna hit on 2nd guy now instead of thinkin about hittin on 1st after confirming he was trans
Yep. I've even tricked a girl into thinking I'm a girl, then got her to send nudes to me and her husband was ok with it because he thought I was a girl too.
>Some guy asks me if I'm really a girl
>Ask him if he's really a werewolf
>"That's not the same thing"
I mean, unless you're looking to fuck me over the computer somehow I don't see how either of that matters.
This, nigga.
No but I've tricked guys into thinking I'm a guy.
wanna play kronos with me bro?
>mfw voice changers
how the fuck do you fake a live pic on kik then faggot
Yeah back when I was a edgy 19 year old browsing on Sup Forums and doing omegle trolling. I'd use a video or looping gif of a girl to get guys to do stupid shit. Usually put a shoe on their head, other times whip their dick out. All I did was promise them tits, you could do the same today.
I used to run a scam with my buddy on Phantasy Star Universe for the 360 where he would pretend to be a girl. He would invite people back to his room to sext with him for 1600 MS points. I'd get pics of girls from threads on Sup Forums and we would rake in MS points and Meseta.
Is the game really so bad you'd rather text fuck losers than play the game?
I once convinced a guild in SWTOR I was a girl, specifically to expose another insanely obvious catfish who was making moves on pretty much everyone.
He claimed he was doing it because his sister died and he wanted to feel what it was like for her to continue being alive. I'm not sure what this had to do with him pretending to have been pregnant and the describing the erotic joy of breastfeeding on guildchat, but I feel like I did some good that day.
Why did I have to pretend to be female? Deep cover
Naw it was for Microsoft points and sometimes for the money to skip running Deragan a million times to get drops to make the wilderness or cafe rooms.
>No. I don't see the point of it
Literally every MMO has people that would rather erp
>He says yes
Funny thing, in Second Life there was this guy advertising he was a horse looking for a woman who would voice with him. Some girl asked, 'Would you whinny on voice?' to which he said 'No'.
Fucking posers, I swear.
Yep, and I'm a tranny now.
wanna play kronos?
>1-60 grind
fuck that desu
>All these people talking about how they used to pretend to be girls on MMOs 'for items'
>Huge tranny uprising 10 years later
It can't be a coincidence.
>cute trannies never have time to play vg's they're too busy getting railed
>i'll never get to know them and get my own qtboigf
>implying I've gotten laid in the last 3 months
>last 3 months
>implying i've literally ever held hands with someone
i think i might've been on a date once but im not sure i went to pittsburgh comic-con with a girl and we went to a restaurant after to eat but if she was throwing out any signals at all i wasn't picking them up in the least
Ok, just be confident. Also this has NOTHING to do with video games.
>He's been on a date with a girl
what's a video game
>there are people who have played WoW for it's entirety and are not even old enough to drink
All the time. I still do it. Lonely guys will ignore a lot of red flags since they really really want to believe the person on the other side is a cute girl.
I usually refuse the free stuff despite getting offers to purchase me games/items/dlc bullshit all the time. Mainly because my computer is worse than a toaster at this point and can't run anything made after 2004.
Still, it's nice to feel loved. I also erp/write well enough to make guys jack off apparently, so there's that at least.
>not being best friends with the guy you catfished
For you.
What anime is this?
You sound very boring
Boku no Pico
Starcraft Broodwar had an epic girl like 10-12 years ago.
There was a girl named "Zia" and one of the big name Starcraft players fell madly in love with her. He "dated" her for a year or so online.
Turns out that "she" was just an obscenely obese, zit faced, black scraggly haired gross dude named Adam.
He fell out of love with Adam. :(