What fps's have good movement mechanics?

what fps's have good movement mechanics?

Quake and DOOM?


Halo 5

Titanfall. Easy. It lacks a lot but not gameplay wise. By far the best shooter movement wise.



console shooters are exempt from this thread, just so we're all aware.

If you were talking about aiming, maybe, but consoles actually have an inherent advaqntage for better movement since they have analog inputs instead of digital.

I'm primarily a PC user for games but stop being a eltist cuck and be honest about the pros and cons of platforms and input methods

So why is it that every console shooter ever created is slow with either no movement mechanics or "press X to ability", rather than things like strafejumping?


I can't speak for other console exclsuive shooters other then halo because halo is the only console exclusive one i've played (as in, to one console, i've played vanquish).

As far as Halo goes, the slowness is really an optical illusion: the characters in terms of the game world are actually walking at almost 20mph and are running at 36mph (which is actually consistent with how fast spartans move in the books). It's just that halo actually scales it's environments realistically in size rather then does it arbitrarily, among other things.

As far as gameplay is concerned, yes, that feels slower, but that's not inherently a bad thing. There are pros and cons associated with that, but i'm not going to get into that because i'm tired.

Halo 5, as mentioned in , is actually pretty fast. It's obviously not quake/doom fast, but it's almost DOOM speed and it has titanfall/advanced warefare style movement mechanics. There's an absurd amount of skilljumps in that game with an absurd amount of complexity, and the maps are well designed to faclitate pathways for skilled players who can chain the movement abilities in ways to reward them with nonobvious shortcuts.

>gears of war

o i am laffin

Do they scale the maps to the movement without scaling the individual models to the maps?

lotta fucking ass talking in this post

are you a vegetable


Not understanding your question, sorry.

I'm a bit retarded right now since I just drove across the state and haven't slept in 2 days

This, best playing COD since 4


Quake with grapple mod
Shattered horizon(3DOF game and you used force grenades to propel yourself around the map, so you had to get good at bouncing them off angles and setting the detonation time just right to launch you)[RIP]

>>implying we are talking about aiming
>implying that player isn't just retarded

He's rapidly moving his aim from left to right and back without actually tracking the enemy at all.

I'm 99% sure that's a bait webm somebody made just to post here and go "lol consoles" about

If it was him being unable to aim due to analog sticks then the issue would be lack of finese with the inner deadzones, which isn't what's going on.

