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So I want to play Bloodlines
What do I need besides GOG release?

unofficial patch, last version is 9.5 i think

Post your favorite track, used or unused


this one for me


It's not my favorite but every time I go into the Last Round it makes me laugh because the voice and the lyrics are over the top.

I'd like to stick it in the singer, but I'm afraid she'll sound like her singing voice.

I was under the impression GoG had the 9.5 already installed.

I'd love to have sex while listening to it, for some reason it makes me horny


Love that 90s trip hop vibe

What is trip hop? There's so many music genres that i'm confused

The genre that VtM uses for a lot of its atmospheric stuff, the main menu theme for example.

It's like a really ambient, (often dark) dark sort of hip hop from the UK, a lot of soul in there too. Can be upbeat and funky too.


I thought this was a guy the whole time.

Thanks for actually explaining instead of shitposting me to death

Here is another example of it, Massive Attack GOAT. youtube.com/watch?v=p_pg29keUCU Just posted that other one because it was plagarised to make the VtM theme

>not posting the best song in the game
Y'all niggas are thin bloods.


>an upbeat strange funky forest feel

Here is another one you might recognise basically completely copied for VtM:


The 90s was the absolute shit for underground music in the UK

Music genres are hard to define okay? Particularly when they exist for ages and bands push out and really stretch them.

>official upload has not made the song available in your country

Well I guess I'm gonna give my view to some other guy that stole your song. God, region locks have to be the stupidest shit to grace the internet.

Fucking retarded I know, sorry. Confusingly that song AND another famous trip hop song both are based off a sample of an old soul tune, so really there are like 4 of them youtube.com/watch?v=F3bBKTdk2Kk

...you realize I was making a reference right?

To be fair you were referencing a statement from an autistic guy whose description has nothing to do with the vocalizations he made to a fairly normal description so I can see taking it as a vague sort of insult.

Went over my head I'm sorry.

What the hell was her problem?

So it was from that EH REH thing? That is one meme that really passed me by, I think it must have become popular here in that year or two I took off due to the anita cancer. or maybe I just never clicked on those threads. Feel silly now.

Interview with the composer:

Q: This has been probably asked a lot, but was the similarity between the VTM: Bloodlines Theme and Massive Attack's Angel intentional?

Rik Schaffer: Yep. When I started the project, that was the placeholder track they had in for like a year. They were married to it, but couldn't get the rights. They said make something similar. I hate copying artists, but made it kind of my own.

Q: Do you prefer composing music traditionally , while playing instruments, or do you do it digitally right now?

Rik Schaffer: I don't write music or read music. Self taught. Everything starts in my head, then the guitar and piano are enemies until I find it. With the atmosphere compositions, those were started on synths or non traditional instruments.

Q: What do you think of poems based on gameplay from games? What music should go with it? Say if it is based on Bloodlines?

Rik Schaffer: Poems of Bloodlines and Vampires? Dark, brooding, sexual, but not Count Chocula.

Q: If you could... Would you make new music to Vampire: the Masquerade Bloodlines? Like adding new musical scores to diverse [sic] the current amazing music already in the game? / Did you use any music samples when making the soundtrack?

Rik Schaffer: I couldn't. That music wasn't even a game score. It was an album. I'm not that guy, or in that place anymore. I was broke, living on a couch, out of rehab and jail and living in Hollywood. Basically a character of the game.

Q: What's your favorite track from Bloodlines? I was listening to the Chinatown theme earlier.. so good!

Rik Schaffer: Hollywood Hub, wrote it a day after being released from jail. I was in the worst depression of my life, it captured it.


Q: What was the inspiration for Santa Monica theme track? First part is kind the night itself, mood and mysterious, and second part makes you crap your pants because it's so scary and strange?

Rik Schaffer: SM theme - Started on a Fender electric Rhodes piano with that sample riff, watching the game I realized it needed to evolve from a simple sparse "jazz" to evil.

Q: Besides the opening theme, did you have any other influences on the soundtrack? Some years ago I could swear I heard something familiar, but I've of course forgotten what it was now.

Rik Schaffer: Influences: The Omen soundtrack, Fight Club score, Pink Floyd, substances.I've worked on 140 games in 20 years, either scoring, sfx design or voice over. Lots of VO. Bloodlines is in the top 3 ever.

Q: Have you played the game? What's your favorite clan?

Rik Schaffer: I liked the class that were schizo and talk off. My wife voiced some of those in the game. Yes, Malks.

Q: How is living in Hollywood for you? Did you capture your own thoughts on the district in Hollywood theme?

Rik Schaffer: I moved out of Hollywood in 2004 to a peaceful suburb in the Valley. My wife was pregnant and we didn't want to raise kids in Hollywood. Plus the temptations for me.

Q: Your wife's lucky. I'd love to get into voice acting and work on something like this.

Rik Schaffer: My wife was the casting director for Bloodlines and tons of other games. We do more VO gigs than anything else these days.

Q: Do you think you're done with video game music? Would it have to be something special to bring you back?

Rik Schaffer: I'm done composing because I can't beat Bloodlines. As an artist I found writing was fresh and I was edgy and prolific again. If my screenplay gets sold, I'll score it. Or if Bloodlines two or something similar came up, but even then I'm not a depressed down and out twenty five year old... I've been approached by a number of "Vampire" type projects over the years.

(Pt 2)

and the last bit:

Q: What did you do to go to jail?

Rik Schaffer: The drug dealers are the real bloodsuckers.

Q: Do you agree that the best things come up the creative minds while being in a low? In the worst moments of life?

Rik Schaffer: I started using drugs as a young guitar player when I was touring. Thinking all my heroes did it and I needed it to get to that place. But I found being in a depression and having life throw curveballs at you makes creativity flow. I write on weed sometimes, but primarily I think THE MOST important thing is to be born with a surreal mind that generates creative ideas. Sometimes I want to stop my mind, but I am blessed it creates. Thanks again everyone. Take care and create!


no1 cares about some noname

Well that's just like, your opinion, man

I care. The composer having come out of jail really adds to the game for some reason.

I thought it was interesting that his wife was the casting director. The voice work on VtM is still one of the high points in western games, fucking no-one went to the lengths they did to actually make the characters all interesting and their actors to be invested and know what their lines meant, even the side characters.

I care, but who cares about you?

Gen has a really sexy mom voice. I would cum so fast.

Guy seemed like a bit of a standard hollywood guy up himself a little, who blasted his brain with drugs, but the fact that all that music was written by a fucked up 25 year old just out of jail in the middle of a really bad depression adds to the mystique some.

There is literally never going to be another game like this is there?


Paradox acquired the rights recently and Obsidian expressed interest in making a sequel. Leonard Boyarsky (project leader + lead art director of Bloodlines) recently joined their team. There's hope.

I mean, shit like in that interview just posted. It really came of its moment, involved a lot of a subculture, and had a load of devs hitting their absolute peak together, just got assfucked by Activision.

It's super rare to ever put the magic back in the bottle again. Just look what happened to all the Looking Glass/Ion Storm guys after that run of games, Dishonoured is probably the only decent game any of them have made ever since.

Started playing redemption. What an ugly game and the dialog is pretty shitty with that false old english. Still, pretty fun.

>that feel when lacuna coil released a new album this year


>tfw when it's almost a year since WW was bought by Paradox
>still no new about a VtM:B sequel
>no new WoD release by WW

A true Vtm:B sequel would make so much bank for Paradox. The industry is completely different now to when the original came out, the way people learn about and buy games has changed entirely, word of mouth and going "viral" is king, and the cult following would make such a fucking noise if this thing looked like it was going to be made.

I just hope it'll be an immersive sim and not another fucking isometric shitshow.

Isometric would be nice if the writing was as good as the first.
My only wish is to have an ost at the same level as VtM:B.

Are there are nice mods/extra content besides the unnoficial patch fixes

>it has been more than a decade since Bloodlines


Too many isometrics now, I want a first person RPG that isn't a butchered casualised mess.

I get your complain, but is there any RPG that isn't a casualised mess made in the last three years?

What patches and mods are essential for the VtM: Bloodlines experience?

The unofficial patch. Basic for a first and plus for the others. As for mods, all of them are shit but antitribu made some quite good decisions regarding on the implementation of the Tzimisce and Lasombra discipline, try it if you truly want to experience Obtenebration and Vicissitude as well as bad models.

This is the good shit.

Just finished the game for the first time... is the Indiana Jones ending I got the bad ending or what?

Also, is Nines kill?

>is the Indiana Jones ending I got the bad ending or what?
No, it's one of the good ones. Glad you didn't open it, although you should have let LaCroix to do it.
>Also, is Nines kill?
No, replay the game, this time side with the anarchs.

Well, you could definitely call the box being carted away by Top Men one of the less bad endings. You didn't get Wile.E.Coyote'd, so that's a plus.

Nines is not kill.

Gehenna game when?

Is there any actual way to get through the game by going completely social build?

I think there's a .jpg for this

Not really.
Even if you kiss all the ass you can, the story kind of railroads you a bit by having people stab you in the back. The ending choice is basically: "Do you side with A and fight B, side with B and fight A, or do your own thing and fight BOTH of them?"

found it

Yes, except for the random mandatory boss fights at the end

I tried to let him open it after reloading my save, but the game would only let me pick from variations of "no, fuck you".

What was in the sarcophagus?

Play the game again. This time don't go to the Tremere Chantry after dealing with the bloodhunt in Santa Monica.
It was full of explosives, a courtesy of Jack.

mfw fleshy geodudes

Anyone else react really negatively to her shit?

Bitch treated me like a horny and retarded edgy teenager, and expected me to be grateful for it.

Pissed me off. Good to know I'm not a sub.

She's a malkavian delusion from a child abuse based split personality.
She doesn't really have a grasp on who is and isn't a horny teen.


I post this every thread

>Good to know I'm not a sub.

Your fucking loss, desu

she's truly perfect

subing is fun but everyone is a sub these days. don't be boring. be a switch.

>I post this every thread


kill yourself


I got the gog version with the preinstalled unofficial update but I've seen people playing the tutorial with an added NPC guard for dialogue skills that's not there, what mod adds that and what else does it do?

if your gonna reference massive attack you basically mean triphop

It's the plus version, GOG uses the basic one. Plus also adds shitty quests and bugs. Try it after playing the game trough once.

That's the plus version of the unofficial patch.

I've played through already a long time ago. How bad are the bugs and how shitty are the quests?

Shit game

Lets be honest though, all the music actually sucked arse it just fits really well with the game

So tell me. Did you open it?

I did.

Damnit user you had one fucking job

That's what I get for being a power hungry asshole.

Ministry is actually good. So is Chiasm and the one Genetorturer song.

my first character was a crazy bloodthirsty malk that did things on a whim, so out of character i literally flipped a coin to determine whether i did or not.

it was tails, so i left it to the dying prince and went on my way

im pretty sure the mc in bloodlines didnt live long after killing both the kuei jin and the LA prince off anyways, probably a short life to be had if you choose to do things your own way by yourself

personally i hated the ending because it gave the illusion that you were doing things your own way, when ultimately it was just you working under Smiling Jack, instead of working under the Princess or the Prince
