Describe Adam Jensen without referring to his appearance or his career

Describe Adam Jensen without referring to his appearance or his career.

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What the fuck are you talking about, how can I describe someone without talking about their appearance or profession

"Adam Jensen never asked to be a robot man but he became one anyway"

He didn't ask for this.

by his character traits, that's the point.

"Geralt is a world weary but with a strong sense of right and wrong and loyal to his friends."

"Adam jensen, uhhh likes clocks?"

Adam is a person who is also a robot

Gruff, disgruntled, fairly jaded and ultimately kind of tired. He has a humanistic and streak but his cynicism often overpowers it. He's not particularly fond of authority. That good enough for you, Mr. Plinkett?

Hates children

Its a tvtropes quality test of a "good character"

The bomb

Your thread is the most disappointing thing since my son.

Ill give you the first three but gruff and disgruntled are synonyms so.

whether or not he's cynical or hates authority depends on how you play him.

So Geralt is the most generic fantasy hero ever? Good to know.

A passive but well-intentioned man whose friends and loved ones try to exploit him after his life is suddenly and dramatically changed, spurring him to develop his own convictions as he struggles to find a balance between doing the right thing and doing what's best for himself.

So sounds like he passed the test.

>not "my wifes son"

ya missed a million (you's) ya dummy

a focused and driven individual, tends to get hung up on the past. also a very slick talker.

Post pictures of your son's ass

well hell, I don't even pass that test

Adam Jensen had a strong set of beliefs until they were ripped away from him on two separate canon occasions. He questions his morals and ideals on a daily basis as the world he lives in changes as well. This is obvious by his drinking and smoking. His apartment in each game explains his character since our choice as players changes his personality.

I can't. He hanged himself in a gas station bathroom.

Did he hang himself in a gas station bathroom?

Me too
>who am I
>I'm a fat Asian-oh wait I failed already

So what you're saying is, Mr. Jensen struggles to make moral decisions in his day to day life.

You're mixing your memes son, that's not how it works

>Geralt is a world weary


>Describe the personality of an RPG character whose morality can change based on the players decision

No they're not. Gruff just means terse and abrasive. Disgruntled means angry or dissatisfied. Gruff characters are typically disgruntled, but they're not synonymous or even contingent.

Describe yourself without referring to your appearance or career.

He doesn't ask for much.

>whether or not he's cynical or hates authority depends on how you play him

Not really. He canonically makes up his own mind about things and has no problem disobeying orders.

He's also a workaholic, keeps himself emotionally distant, doesn't like to be patronized or kept in the dark.

Honestly, the notion that Adam Jensen is devoid of character is fucking stupid.

Geralt is world weary. Hes been alive for nearly 100 years and he's just so fucking sick of everyone shit.

I'm intelligent, nihilistic, and have a wicked sense of humor.

Literally me

Life handed him lemons and he made lemonade. Instead of letting a really shitty turn of events beat him down, he had the strength of character to become a better man from it.

Lol fuck you edgester you're just a neet

Adam is a cynic with a worldly perspective. He comes off blunt and straightforward but is actually capable of lateral thinking and adapting to situations and people on the fly. He has a strong sense of personal style, often tailoring coats specifically for himself. He can be burdened with bouts of depression at home but has no problems disassociating his personal feelings with his professional life. Likes to tinker with things, there's always something he's taking apart or putting back together in his apartment.

Because people are more than their occupation and appearance. It's called being a person instead of a shallow tool, you should try it sometime.

Jackie Chan

An outwardly gruff, cynical, and jaded man who is actually just a big softy who cares about people and is quick to forgive.
His interests include politics, business, and clocks. Many of his fears and insecurities come from his body largely not being his own, but rather, company property.

a guy struggling with crippling feeling of dehumanization in uneasy times

also likes cereal and muslim tomboys

If there's anyone who hasn't seen this before, please do yourself a favor and give it a watch.
In addition to being hilarious, the Plinkett Prequel reviews are fantastic reviews with a lot of spot on criticism and insight.

Part this thread is referring to is at 6:46.

"A lifetime of just being in the wrong place at the right time has given Jensen a cynical streak a mile wide, but his anger at the injustice of being yanked around his whole life by hands in the shadows has given him the strength of character to see that not only his but everyone else's wrongs are righted, even if his mostly fruitless efforts have left him jaded and frankly just weary of it all."

This character test is fucking stupid, fuck it and fuck you, OP.

the "didn't inquire mentioned privileges" man

Shut up, you miserable fucking worm. When you see what I have in store for this pathetic, wretched earth, you will either break down crying or cease functioning all together. I am not to be trifled with, do you understand me?

He's... stoic.

He never asked for this.

He's stoic? I guess?

A very tired guy who is pretty sick of people randomly fucking with his robot bits. He likes clocks, cool sunglasses, and cereal. He acts like a cool guy who has his shit together, but he's still bitter about losing so much of his body and being unable to fix the events of Human Revolution, and he only forms close relationships with very select people. He has a dry sense of humor, but isn't overly sarcastic. He also seems to be more caring and empathetic than most full humans, despite almost being totally machine.

The joke here is you are pretending that this is satire, but you actually mean it, you autistic freak

I want Susan to suck my dick.

Cynical yet believes in stuff, so somewhat conflicted I guess? Unselfish. Motivated.

He hates naturals

Didn't understand me the first time, eh kiddo? Heh, if only you knew what I have planned for insolent cretins like yourself...
They say ignorance is bliss. Enjoy it while it lasts.

I...ahh...I get what you're doing, by the way.

That's right jay.

What's this guy's name again?

This test doesn't really work on rpg characters, since they're often defined by player choice.

I could describe the Adam I played but it probably wouldn't be quite the same as yours.

Mike "Tyson" Stoklasa.

Punched out every anti-aug activist in Detroit

Where does his coat go when he enters a mission zone?

he's prissy
anal retentive
totally hot, in a bad boy sort of way?
he's dashing
wanna be dashing
he's a rogue, but deep down, a heart of- a thief with a heart of gold.

He never asked for this.

He's cold, articulate, critical, cynical and highly analytical, he's the kind of person that always tries to wear a strong face despite being very troubled and frustrated internally, he has a very dry and sarcastic sense of humour that is completely lost on most people, doubtlessly frustrating him further.

He never asked for this

Good answer, user


Describe yourself without referring to your appearance or career, Sup Forums.

Jensen is a world weary but with a strong sense of right and wrong and loyal to his friends.

>Moral and dedicated to justice who doesn't like when authority abuse their power
>Has a troubled past that he struggles to overcome but doesn't reveal to people
>Subdued, cool and collected personality sometimes to a point of seeming cold or inhuman


what did he mean by this?


A gruff cybernetic autismo

>Adam will never pound my boypussy with his augmented cybercock
Just end my fucking life already

>You all look alike to me
>Women never fail to underestimate men

why was HR adam such an alpha

His character is suppose to be a blank slate for you to sort of impose yourself on. I hate this trend of voiced main characters that show emotion. JC was done well and people idiotically shit on him because he doesn't have emotion in his voice.

Anyway Jensen is kind of stand offish and an asshole honestly. He just shits on people for no real reason it seems.

Probably in a locker on the plane he travels in. though he somehow gets a new coat for MD's final mission. Even though you find out that it's a custom jacket.

That's well done.

>but with a strong sense of right and wrong
geralt literally doesn't give a fuck about "right and wrong" unless you play him that way.

The fact that he has a strong personality and background but they still pull off player choices so well speaks volumes cough fallout 4 cough

Power tripping from his augments.

>JC was done well and people idiotically shit on him because he doesn't have emotion in his voice.
JC was done worse. He still has a personality, constantly making sarcastic remarks and gushing about how much loves democracy but the player has much less choice when it comes to dialogue.

You don't really control who Adam is, more like you steer who he becomes.

I suppose he sometimes sarcastically responds to people you're right but it doesn't really compare to the way Jensen just shits on people.

At least I don't think so. I really should replay Deus Ex and see.

But what about ones you walk to? When you're walking around Hengsha you're wearing the jacket, but when you go into Tong's gang hideout it's off, for example.

>watching Red Liberal Media

It's been awhile how many different ways are there to enter/exit that area?

>implying they're liberal after BTFOing feminists/social justice faggots

He can be easily be baited into long lengthy debates on politics and is generally a nice guy once you get to know him. He can also make up nice lies on the spot.

They shit on liberals pretty often, they bluntly called Joss Wedon a sjw.

Describe Cthulhu without referring to his appearance or his career.

A cripple with stunning luck doesn't realize he is basically batman and should be rolling in pussy.

He fucking loves childrens cereal and getting into heated debates with complete strangers over politics, philosophy, and the nature of man

Oh, and I forgot, ex-cop

He didn't ask for this.


>getting into heated debates with complete strangers over politics, philosophy, and the nature of man

Pretty much a staple among Dude Sex protagonists.

Jaded, quick to jump to conclusions when emotional, seldom happy.

Did IWman do that? Never played that one