Why the fuck is this game so dark?

Why the fuck is this game so dark?
I have my flashlight on so fucking much it's almost insane

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Turn the brightness up you stupid nigger.

It's probably the renderer you are using. There's an updated OpenGL renderer online somewhere and a DX10 renderer that are both brighter than the DX9 one.

Turn up the brightness you edgy cunt

It's literally max you fucking retards

Because JC wears his sunglasses at night.

better than never being dark like HR even when it's night time, which it is all the time except in Hengsha I think
flashlight takes care of all the issues darkness would present, for the love of god rebind it from F12 though

His vision is augmented


Sunglasses are used to protect from the sun.
JC's "flashlight" is an implant embedded into his eyes to brighten places up.
Is this an euphemism for JC trying to protect other people from himself?

Because it's muh spooky throw every conspiracy in a blender cyberpunk trash.

Have you tried upping your brightness?

try i had the same problem you did

Wow this fucking idiot , turn up the brightness , it fucking worked for all of us idiot

Bothered me in HR and MD that Jensen's augments didn't include a flashlight or something in his eyes. Didn't want to bother with Smart Vision, but a lot of the sewers were pretty dark.

i am literally playing through it right now with max brightness and have the same problem

It's a bug on newer systems.
Install Kentie's Launcher, install this
and select another way to render it (Direct3D10/OpenGL)

You're welcome you dick sucker.

Now do you selva favor and play Revision instead

You mean GMDX

That wouldn't be a favor

You're right it would be a great service.

Nah, it would be "barely fixing a broken game"

revision fucking sucks.

Play it vanilla, or at least use GMDX.

For gods sakes this is what JC looks like in revision. Stop recommending this shit.

looks like a disabled gook

its really not a broken game in the first place

So you never tried Revision.
Good to know


Look it up online, it's really common and there's thousands of fixes.

Not to mention they completely change level design and other asthetics. The opening is missing the MJ12 globe hand statue for gods sakes.

They don't get it


unfortunately i did thanks to the suggestions of clowns like you

They overall made it a better game.
Sure, you can't see that with such nostalgia goggles, but someone that never played the game will appreciate Revision much more.
>that's not true, doesn't matter I never made people play both to hear their opinions!
>b-but it wouldn't be the same experience people had 16 years ago
Yeah, that's the point.

switch to 3dfx, fixed my problems, or opengl if you have nvidia

No you didn't, at least try better lies

>>b-but it wouldn't be the same experience people had 16 years ago
>Yeah, that's the point.

Awesome! I can have shitty lighting, terrible amateur models and not get to experience the actual game that was praised at the time. I even get to see completely different cutscenes that completely miss the point.


Get taste

>I can have shitty lighting, terrible amateur models

If that's what you want, just play vanilla.

You two are having a very compelling argument
>no u
>no u


ok kid

paul is literally sickening to look at.

They changed a bunch of shit from level design to character kill triggers. You're not even playing the same game. Its fan fiction.

At least playthrough the game vanilla you're first time and experiment with mods on replays.

I have never ever seen people defend Revision in a DX thread until now.

>They changed a bunch of shit
literally the point of an overhaul

>from level design
Which was atrocious to begin with
>n-no! It was great!
Yeah, in 1999

>You're not even playing the same game
Indeed, it's a better game.

>Its fan fiction
Fan fiction on the official Steam page of Deus Ex

>paul is literally sickening to look at.

Revision has Vanilla models by default.
You literally have to get to a special menu in order to change the models to modded ones, and one of them makes the game crash at one point, so it's literally not recommended and set off.

You would know if you played the game, instead you just keep shitposting crap you hear on Sup Forums.

Stop getting indoctrinated by this board, Sup Forums is a shitty place to get a brainwash from.

>>from level design
>Which was atrocious to begin with

ok nevermind. I understand now

It's hard, I know.
But things you loved when you were a child, just aren't that great anymore two decades later.

>server not found


user, you literally proved you never played the game.
You just heard shitposting on Sup Forums, and checked on YouTube to make sure you weren't going to post complete and utter bullshit.
You opened a video, watched three minutes, skipped to an indoor area, said "what a moment, this overhaul isn't the exact same game I completed 16 years ago!", and started posting shit about it to follow the Sup Forums hivemind.

It's ok.
Maybe one day you'll try it, maybe more than 40 minutes, and realize that having an actual opinion on something is better than parroting bullshits.


no you didn't, otherwise you'd realize that the updated models are toggles in the options menu

Well I'd have come up with a logical retort to all of your rhetorical, vague points, but your argument is self-defeating since you don't know what the word "literally" means.

Try googling it.

>vague points
That's the post he was replying to tbqhfam

>literally not knowing how "literally" is used in Sup Forums
Literally kill yourself

Wow, fuck you and your timing. Now I look like a shitty samefag phoneposter

They're both vague, but one is defending objectively horrible garbage for the purpose of being a pseudo-intellectual contrarian.

Literally, LITERALLY means "non-figuratively", and they're using it as "figuratively".