Game is made in Japan

>Game is made in Japan
>Game is set in Japan
>The characters are all Japanese
>They do Japanese things
>They celebrate Japanese holidays
>They eat Japanese food with Japanese sounding names
>They use Japanese honorifics
>But they speak exclusively in English
>There is no option to make them speak Japanese because the translation team didn't want to spend any extra money or effort on licensing, despite this now being a very common and standardized practice across the entire industry even among much smaller translation teams.
>Their primary competition for the year recorded four separate audio tracks that can be used for all versions of their game regardless of region, at no extra cost to players.
>If you find this jarring, thematically inappropriate, or unacceptable then you're a filthy disgusting weeaboo who needs to gain height, lose weight, and get a job

How the fuck is anyone defending this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Eat your hamburgers, Apollo.

Just get the Nip verson

turbo weeaboos only use english dubs

Learn Japanese you lazy fuck.

No one's defending it seriously, dual audio would be objectively the best option, but you sound like a big whiny fag if you won't shut up about the lack of dual audio.
Especially if you don't want to learn japanese to circumvent your issues.

Is Atlus and they love to fuck up things that's why i'm not buying this shit.

Eat your hamburgers, apollo

Just don't buy it.

Also, murikans are unable to read and play at same time. It's too hard for they.

>game is set in japan
>you want it to have english text

Just fuck right off

To be fair, there are people who play a game like Zero Time Dilemma which is
>Set in America
>Features American characters
>Has English text
>Has characters pronouncing said English text in English regardless of version

But people will still listen to it in Japanese because "WELL SUGITA'S IN IT!".

Nobody actually has standards for these things user, people just listen to what they are used to listening to.

Learn Japanese you autistic weaboo

>standardized practice across the entire industry even among much smaller translation teams
You sound like a whiny bitch but if Neptunia games, which are made with a $100 budget, can include the Japanese audio I don't see why Atlus can't do it.

>buys a game licensed by western branch
>in a western country
>doesn't learn the language to simply import

You're worst than a weeaboo. you're a lazy fucking weeaboo. Get the fuck out.


You can't learn Japanese.

You forgot to mention the retarded Fatlus tax that they put in their games.

I'm not a hardcore dual audio guy, but if they're gonna ask us for extra shekels because of their dumb made-up tax, they should at least make up for it by actually making their physical products worth the price.

I'm not saying the game shouldn't have Japanese audio as well but to be fair, lots of English shows are in Japanese in Japan despite having English speaking, non-Japanese people who celebrate different holidays and whatnot. It's kind of a dumb argument to be honest. But to be fair, those shows often have subtitled versions as well even on TV.

>their primary competition for the year recorded four separate audio tracks that can be used for all versions of their game regardless of region, at no extra cost to players.

How the fucking hell can you think P5 can compete with FF sales wise?

>PS3 version confirmed
>can literally use the undub for nip voices
>still bitching about muh dual audio

This. Also it doesn't help that Atlus can't have a worldwide release.

Witcher 3 was released worldwide and had at least 5 languages (dub and sub).

I shouldn't have to. Atlus USA is essentially the only localization team left who refuse to do dual audio. They're outside the norm and think they can get away with it because you people let them get away with it by acting like you are right now.

I'm not. I'm going to pirate the undub. Just a few years ago I dumped 300 dollars for a fucking Vita and P4G, so I'm more than happy to give them money if they deserve it, which they don't. Its just a shame that I'll have to play the version with shittier graphics to accomplish it when I was more than willing to give them extra money for even a DLC voice pack if they had offered it.

Reminder that Atlus region locked Persona 4 Arena on PS3 so the Japanese couldn't import it at a cheaper price.

>can literally use the undub for nip voices
I've been doing this since P3.

>Amerisharts call that garbage Sushi

>Persona doesn't compete with Final Fantasy meme

Fuck off whore:

You're right user, the Persona games have no association with the English language whatsoever.

How dare those evil localizers rewrite all the music in the game to English, not to mention all the incidental English found through the games?

Clearly the creators of the game hate English so much, which is why they were FORCED to found a localization studio specifically for the US audience, unlike most companies that farm it out to third parties.

Why, if I didn't know any better (thanks to enlightened posts such as yours), I'd say Atlus loves the English language and wants to make their international releases as good as possible.

>Persona does compete with Final Fantasy meme
they're completely different genres, and at completely different levels of recognition. I don't think you know what competition means.

Too bad most persona fans here are dumb as fuck and genuinely believed dual audio from Atlus. Anyone else would have prepared for this.

>can literally use the undub for nip voices

but i dont know how to do that

They also call this pizza. A country of shit taste.

OP didn't say the Persona games have no association with the English language. Stop strawmanning.

The link proves you wrong.

Just save the money from the english dub which can be 100% cut and keep the JP voices.

How is this even a problem? English dubs of these games always, always, always suck.

Name a single persona game that has sold 1 mill in Japan alone.

If you can't please fuck off.

Fanboys .
Shit stirrers who like to do the "progressive" thing always and now it's seen as an alt right or whatever to not like this shit.

Lowest common denominator won't buy sub-only games.

>The link proves you wrong.
no, it doesn't. it's a coincidence. you're looking for causations that aren't there.

Two piece of shit slices of pizza don't represent and entire fucking country full of pizza places, faggot. What do you eat in your country, sheep stomach or some other faggot shit?

>still thinks the Japanese language can be translated 1:1
Jap audio will never conpletely sync up to what subtitles are displaying, if you're going to be a butthurt weeb about it them learn Japanese and import.

Persona 4 was better in English anyway. The point comes across just fine, you read/hear it in English but the characters speak Japanese. Same with something like the Black Lagoon anime, they're speaking Japanese but you assume they're talking in English

It's not a coincidence that two JRPGs are going to compete, whether the sellers, publishers and devs intend it or not.

>what is a causation

There was no argument about causation. The link simply proves that they are in competition. There was no claim about the cause. Competition is simply the effect.

You're retarded.

>but i dont know how to do that

Who's fault is this? Literally a dumbass who can't use google.

i dont know how to use google

Sorry, I thought you'd be able to connect the dots from
>the creators love English
>they put work into making the dub just as good as the original
>maybe I should stop ceaselessly bitching about it.

I believed because I thought times had changed. Its a standard thing in the industry now, with the exception of them. They shouldn't be able to get away with it.

You need custom firmware. If you've updated your PS3 past a certain firmware you'll need to downgrade it which requires hardware manipulation. There are people on hacking forums who you can pay to do it for you.

Its not that simple. High quality voice work, at least in Japan, usually comes with limitations such as "you can't use my voice overseas without paying me". I don't have any idea why publishers let them get away with that, its probably a union thing or something. But fucking Atlus of all developers and publishers should be able to get it done somehow. They just don't care.

>competition on a series where one never comes as close to selling as much as the other
>even the shittiest game sells more than the entire persona franchise alone

>X must be close to Y, in order to be in competition with Y

Shitty thinking. That's not what competition mean. It doesn't have to be a close competition for there to be one.

FF is much more likely to take a significant amount of sales from Persona that Persona to FF. There is competition like a there is between a small weak predator to a much bigger one.

>they use honorifics that arent even in the original script for the dub

im unironically looking forward to the dub

>Persona 4 was better in English anyway.

It really wasn't. I'm playing it for the first time with Japanese audio right now since the Vita was hacked and there's absolutely no comparison. The English version was tolerable when I didn't know any better, but the Japanese version completely blows it out of the water.

See Learn what competition means. One side can be much weaker in comparison and there could still be competition.

Are you Americans? It's common for them to think competition means somewhat equal forces.

Who cares? Everyone fucking knows Atlus have fat ass ego's over their dubs and don't put them in their main persona titles. Literally why i kept my PS3 for this very reason. It is your own fault that you deluded yourself in to thinking they would change and not prepare for the situation yourself.

Bitching on here does nothing and changes nothing.

who cares about gook pitching sounds?

Why don't you just import the Japanese game if it's such a big deal?

That's a non sequitur. Considering the creators of the game are not even the ones behind the dub. The dub is managed by a different team, in ATLUS USA. No one from ATLUS JPN (i.e no one who took part in making the game or the heads) is doing the work to be as good as the original in translation.

You're an idiot. Loving English doesn't mean you can be fluent in it.

most people in native english countries cannot read japanese

Then it's a shitty competition no one should care about as the result is obvious.

>take 7 months to localize a big title
>no dual audio
>Atlus tax
>no A-list American VAs

Oh, my.

PS3 is shit.

Then why would someone want Japanese audio? Why would anyone want to listen to a language they can't understand for hours on end?

yeah, that teddy gook voice truly is great user

>Literally mention America in every other post
This unrequited tsundere act you people have makes my skin crawl.


FF fans and their publisher shouldn't care much or not at all.

On the other hand for Persona, there is more to care. Evidence behind that is when the date for FF was pushed, Persona 5 preorder increased significantly and brought Persona 5 to top 3 in amazon jp.

That was the first post. Don't kid yourself, you're not that interesting.

Anyone who says they prefer Black Lagoon with jap audio deserves a punch in the throat.

is ashley burtch VAing in it?

XV is literally a AAA game compared to persona and will be advertised publicly over the world it's selling on so of course it gotta have multiple languages.

P5 should have Jap voices with eng subs but yeah, it's Atlus.

Because it isn't painful to listen to, while American is.

pc when

why would you ever
learn anything
except for
the english language
you fucking spastics
oh no let's learn other languages like the fucking yippie we are
fuck other countries
fuck other
learn english and only
learn english
get the whole world to
learn english
fucking commies

So? That's because FF got delayed.

JRPG fans had no choice but to play Persona 5 in September.

apparently, yes

Exactly, so there is some competition (but affects one party much more than the other) considering they're both JRPGs, which is my point.

Why would you lie on Sup Forums?

It does suck OP, but I'm not going to let VA get in the way of a game. Not a big loss for me. I played Arc Rise Fantasia with the dub.

weeaboos dont use dubs

if you use dubs you arent a weeb

But that is only in JP.

Why do you think P5 is pushed so far away in the western release? SMTIV Apocalypse was legit dubbed in a month so that wouldn't be the obvious excuse.

>learn this worthless language spoken by one country which has been slipping into the gutter for the last two decades

no thanks

for fun obviously

So which game is Overrated shit? P5 or FFXV?

the first vocs used are always the best regardless of language. for example the souls series always sounds better than a typical dub because it was originally done in english. but we live in an age where kids are too ADD to read subtitles and play at the same time. shame.

Square put out a survey earlier in the year implicitly asking if people would buy FFXV if it came out at the same time Persona 5 was announced for before they both got delayed.

Atlus responded with a drawing of the cast saying "2016 belongs to us!".

They're direct competition.

Looking at Dragon's Dogma as an example, the Japanese is licensed for exclusive use only in Japan.

Samething applies to VA in other games, they can be bound contractually to only own the rights in certain countries, and have to buy the rights to sell that VA in other countries.


Fags pretend they had the best games on PS2, shit is laughable

>I shouldn't have to.
News flash, if you want to complain, you can solve your own problems.
Stop being a self-entitled sissy.

Japan is paying them year round to localize their games for them. This isn't mercenary work like 8-4 or other translation companies. It's not an afterthought, and nobody forced them to do this shit, just like no one forced them to sign shitty contracts with the Jap voice actors.
Yet you weebs act all victimized because they aren't meeting your needs. It's pitiful.

This is true.

Resident Evil, despite being a Japanese series is intended to be played in English.

But Persona 5 should be played in Japanese.

If you use the Japanese dub with English subtitles in Persona 4, the text and the voiceover will not match at all.
The game would have to be translated much more literally for the Japanese audio to make sense, and they're not going to do that. A straight translation is never a good choice in fiction

Yeah yeah but it's obvious which one is bigger in Japan regardless so no point thinking a survey makes them equals or something.

Spoken japanese is easier to understand than written Japanese.

>I'll have to play the version with shittier graphics

How to spot a fag who doesn't play persona

Dragon's Dogma was originally English only. They didn't dub it into Japanese until Dark Arisen.

>made in japan
>set in japan
>characters are japanese
>japanese food, culture, customs, holidays

Its exotic and interesting to us looking in from the outside, but hiw conceited and unoriginal do you have to be to only set games in and about your country?

Any other country would go to various locations with different types of people.

Not japan. Always japan. Always teebagers including cutesy shy girls and emotionless 'boys' with hot topic hair

Because it's a great game and the English dub from Atlus is always top tier so stop whining you little pussy.

No. Go fuck yourself.

Why is Haru best girl?

I don't give a shit about sub or dub but I don't know why they refuse to put Japanese dub in it.
Is it so difficult technology?
many games have 7-8 language voice pack nowadays

>Atlus USA refuses
You have no idea how getting Jap audio actually works and yet you come here to complain about how your fanfic makes you mad.

Nah, fuck off and die. Also if I didn't have Yuri Lowenthal burnout I'd say he was great in the role, same with Laura Bailey.

No sir, you go fuck yourself with that dragon dildo you have.

>Reminder that this is the reason the game is delayed for so long
Maybe we could start a campaign and make Atlus USA sound racist for the "erasure of Japanese actors" and "whitewashing" the game?

Definitely better than whoever Japan had for Yosuke. He sounded like a retired, pack-a-day game show host. That's objectively bad casting.