FFXV thread
What are you looking forward to the most?
I want to fight Diamond Weapon and some other superbosses.
FFXV thread
What are you looking forward to the most?
I want to fight Diamond Weapon and some other superbosses.
Cidney and Iris are the game's only qualities. Oh, and the soundtrack maybe.
The pc version
I want Crowe over Iris.
xv-kun's suicide
Just looking forward to playing it and seeing how much depth the game play has. I was really excited to see noctis wearing white during that last show.
looking forward to my refund, and the non stop threads shit posting about how its the new worst game ever made because they have a Sephriroth 2.0 in it and other shit.
Seeing the Ultima weapon was nice though, didn't expect that.
The only thing left I was looking forward to was the hot guys and since the graphics look like shit and the CGI is pretty bad, I probably won't buy it.
Already cold.
I know a lot of traditionalits have given it shit, but I am really interested in exploring the modern meets magic world they have as the setting.
I'm looking forward to the quieter, more darker moments that are hopefully a carry over form versus. It can't always be a happy road trip game r-right?
Loli Luna
The PC version, I don't know how square can get away with using PC rendered footage for all of their promotional videos and not release a PC version at launch. It's as if they don't want money.
Tabata wants to waste another few years and tons of money on a DX12 version that will probably not even look better
>It can't always be a happy road trip game r-right?
It's a Tabata game so we already know lots of people are gonna die.
What the shit has he done in the past, I cant remember.
dead bleeding chocobos
Diamond Weapon is dead though, so is Ultros and the Knights of Round
Good luck with Adamantoise though
3rd Birthday, Crisis Core and Type-0.
So all shit?
it's not turn based combat is it?
was 3rd Birthday any count? I heard it was utter shit, but I enjoy Parasite eve, yet never played PE2.
Should I play 2 and 3?
Can't wait to hold O for 15 hours
Thanks Tabata
So based on the movie anyone who has worn the ring and been approved by the old kings can use their powers. However from the 50 minute gameplay video we've been given Noctus is shown going around collecting their powers or whatever. So does he not put on the ring? He's royal blood so does he already just have access to those warping abilities? Would he be allowed to just wear the ring without necessarily being judged?
Play 2, don't play 3. Seriously it's a really bad game
I wish it was, where have you been the last year?
>Diamond Weapon is dead though
There's more than one.
>so is Ultros and the Knights of Round
The KotR are probably gonna be the final boss.
Don't know about 3rd Birthday, but CC was meh and T0 was alright IMO.
See you in 2021.
>So does he not put on the ring?
It's hold O; the game. We complained about the simplistic combat in 13 and what did they do? Make it even easier...
One big question.
Years ago they wanted to set a future FF game based on the future of FF7.
Is FF15 going to be the in the future version of fucking FF7, we have a character that looks exactly like Sephiroth but with different shade of hair, we got the summons etc, even the weapons.
The diamond weapon in KG was cool and that, but why use the same model? Why not create a new monster or something?
They literally want the 7 audience. They're really desperate for this to be better than 7.
CC and Type-0 were trash.
So only non-royal bloodlines are judged.
As much as i like the XV combat even though it's not that great. People should really stop using this webm
It doesn't represent the full game at all in which you'd have a full party and the hold circle thing isn't really that wrong. Sure there will be bosses and some stronger enemies where you'll ahve to do a little more than that, but for most smaller enemies holding circle and square will work just fine. The combat isn't some deep shit where you have to think about every little move you make against every enemy and it doesn't need to be since FF never has been at the top when it comes to gameplay
Why doesn't Insomnia have an army?
Just a handful of guys with powers thanks to the king, and some cops.
That's it?
Sounds ridiculous that Niflhem hasn't invaded them with ease.
>tfw teleporting was unique to only Noct/Caelum bloodline
>Tabata lets literal throwaway characters have it
muh wall
Because it's heavily recognizable and it's a cool as fuck design? Why even question it like that?
>They literally want the 7 audience.
Which is like everyone who is into the franchise, right? You make it sound like the FF13 audience isn't entirely more cancerous than the FF7 audience. Lightning fags are the worst.
Yes, the judges are literally the previous kings of Lucis, hence why Regis also joined them, Noctis ain't got no reason to be judge by them for bearing the rings power is his birthright
And yes, Noctis already has warping abilities thanks to his bloodline, just like Regis can and he shared that power with the kingsglaives, Noctis WILL get a new type of magic when he put on the ring and we've been teased about that since january but we have no idea what kind of magic will it be
>Diamond weapon
That doesn't excuse a non-existent army and the fact the leader of the Kingglaive is the enemy's fucking general. He could've blown up the crystal himself or killed the King off guard any time disabling the Kingsglaive.
They were just, "borrowing" his powers. Whatever that means. We still don't know jack shit about the worlds lore. Which is why I was curious about how Noct goes about warping around when the crystal is gone and his father is dead. I'm assuming it's a royal bloodline power. Whether or not the ring grants it, who knows.
Did you complain when Stella was shown summoning weapons like Noctis?
fuck off retard
Ah alright.. makes sense.
I look forward to having a diverse playable team to rotate in combat like all final fantasies.
It was never a power you could "borrow" as it was directly tied to their bloodline. His friends were able to use magic because of him but not warp.
What's will be the pest party to use? Noctis seems pretty good, so I'll probably use him.
FYI: Prompto warps in the VR game.
>muh Versus lore
They can have warp shared now too, deal with it
Never said it made sense but that's what they're going with.
>he doesn't know
Please, I need a legitimate answer to this. It makes zero sense. Also Ardin just wanders into the city like nothing.
Are Lucius just fucking retarded?
>muh diversity
go back to tumblr
Kingslaive were their army, it wasn't just a handful of guys.
>comparing literal throwaway characters to the heroine that was already stated to have a similar power to Noct seeing as they both saw the light
Hmmm, sure does smell like defense force.
Also, Stella never had armiger.
>having hope for a Tabata game after he shit out this Fanfiction.net tier nonsense
I can't wait for the "XV will be good" meme to die.
>implying that's canon
>Are Lucius just fucking retarded?
People liked Versus even though Kingdom Hearts is literally an autistic Japanese man's fanfic.
It's good after 30 hours!
Praise Tabata!
>muh Versus lore
Will forever be better than XV's "lore"
>not ten posts in
>already shitposting out the ass
See, we DID try to have a positive thread. Shit posters just always congregate to it.
K. You can always leave if you don't like it. Instead of complaining about people complaining.
Oh I'm not even a Nomurafag, he's fucking trash too. I just want Kitase and Sakaguchi to come back and Make Final Fantasy Great Again
Nice meme kid. Diversity doesn't mean less white people in video games like it does in real life.
FFXV has the weakest cast of any FF and you can only control 1 character.
It was supposed to be a spin-off and should've stayed as one. That's the whole reason they wanted it to be one, so people like you wouldn't bitch. also, character switching was a thing and the gameplay was supposed to be difficult.
Then Square and Tabata shit all over everything.
>implying Stella wasn't a thrown away character
You don't need an army if you have a means of keeping the enemy out. Plus it's just their capital city, it's not a nation or anything.
Yeah, I'm sure that was a huge turning point in his career.