Will you be getting Kat's game on December 2nd?

Will you be getting Kat's game on December 2nd?

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It's looking like a massive improvement over the first, for sure. I just hope the Luna and Jupiter armors aren't too shallow in their skill pools.

first game was kinda boring and really short, i'll pass

I hope there's more qt costumes

Wonder if they'll bring back some of those costumes. Maid and catsuit would be fucking great to see in the sequel.

Are these included in the base game or do I have to preorder somewhere for dlc?

Those costumes are from Gravity Rush 1. They are all included in the remastered version for ps4.


Preorders when

If you play the original Vita version you would have to pay for the packs they're packaged with. Remastered version includes them from the get-go (technically you have to wait until a certain point in the main campaign to access them).

>thicc Kat
delete this


What are you, gay?


Looks really good


Poor Kat got sandwiched in between FF15 and South Park, no doubt leaving her forgotten

I will still buy it though

I swear Kat's butt looks bigger this time around.


Man, all Gravity Rush does is make me really fucking in the mood for GAL films.

So someone explain who the Kat in the white outfit is in the first game.

Can't it be December already? What if I die before it comes out?


You'll get to play it in Sup Forums heaven


>mfw spy costume
every time

Gravity Queen.

While it could be some ruse cruise by the Japanese writers, it seems hard to imagine them pulling a twist and going "Surprise, it wasn't really Kat's previous life at all!"

>FFXV will draw all the shitposters to it and away from kat's sequel

Almost certainly.


No. I'm not getting a console just for fifteen games.

full please

So was it all a dream?

>Gravity Rush Rule 34
So fucking difficult.


I'm thinking the "dream" Cyanea is referring to is more like a containment for the souls/minds of everyone and that the real world will probably be revealed at the end of the game. It seems hard to imagine it will all end with just a second game, but instead expand into even greater horizons for a third.

Fuck yes, Kat is delicious.


>40 hour game
I can understand the game isnt for everyone but it sure as hell isnt short

the vegetables actually look modeled

If you ignore the races and challenges, it is fairly short.

I've been waiting for 4 years so I am very ready

It looks like an Imperial Boy painting has come to life. I can't wait.

The DLC side missions that come with the PS4 version increase the length dramatically

No Vita verion

No buy

don't fuck the cat


Only slightly. For one, they only add 2 story-based missions each, and only about 3 of them even last that long.

I hope they announce some preorder figure

Probably, I think I'm close in being done with 1.

Will this game run at 60fps?

Gonna platinum? It's pretty easy to do so

I swear to fuck if they don't make this an unlockable outfit

I doubt it, too much physics and shit going on
Maybe on the NEO

kat is for hug not fug ok

First game did, so no reason to see this one wouldn't. And looking at the footage so far, it seems to be running nice and buttery.

I'll hug her butt.

Than who can I fug?

I want to fuck this


last I heard it's targeting 1080p/60fps, Remastered was and this only looks marginally better graphically

>weebcucks buying shit games becauae of a polygon girl has them pussywhipped

Call Kotaku

The first game is a Vita port that could have ran on a PS3 at 60fps.

And it ran 60fps on PS4.

>baiting falseflagger shitposts his retardation

News at 11.

Just fap, seriously just fucking fap. Why would you pay money for 2d when it's free?

Maybe if you gave the actual name of the game instead of referring to it as just "Kat's game".

Maybe because the game is actually fun and well crafted?

Kat's Game: 2 Magnets How Do They Work

Day one. Still got time to beat the first. Made it to the last couple of chapters on my old account.

>I can't reverse image search: the post

Reminder that Cyanea is a harlot.

sauce on the cartoon chinese

X button means Xbox version, right? right?

>you will never be as lucky as Syd


Man I'll never forget the feeling of dread when I realized the plot was only beginning to ramp up, but I was already pretty much maxed out on upgrades. The first game felt so incomplete.

It was
More like half of the shit was cut and no questions were answered. I really hope GR2 will fix that and won't focuse too much on the new characters

>We still haven't seen the top of the world pillar
>or what lies within the void beneath it

It depends:
Will Kat do yuri things with Raven?

The cuts aren't quite as obvious as some people make them out to be. With that said though, it is hard to not notice how some plot elements just get resolved a tad too quickly, even with the game's metanarrative of being like a comic book/show.

I mean, the game pretty much just ends and non of the plotstrings end even the one sidequest in the game has no end

The main story does reach a reasonable conclusion, but certainly leaves you wanting more. I can kind of agree with the Singlor quest, though hopefully that will be continued in the next game.



Kat needs more doujin, like theone with the ghost girl where they have sex in the nightsky

You link that shit. You link that shit hard, user!



Is it worth getting the first one for PS4 while I wait?

kat putting on weight would add more energy to her gravity kicks

Still wish the game had a vita release. Granted, the vita is dead in the water but half of what made the first game fun was its controls

Well, they are "Press x to eat donut" in the sequel.

>Kat eventually unlocks a butt bump attack if her butt gets fat enough, crushing enemies under her rear as it glows gold

>the vegetables are all the own models with their own physics
>in FFXV the fruits are just a texture in a basket

Yes, day zero buy (going to preorder when it's close to release).

This and Nier Automata are my most anticipated future titles... period. Nothing else comes close.

Kat is a vision of perfection, evidence that God's hand still occasionally works through man.

Physics are handled by CPU, a single core maybe 2 can do all the work.

The first game looked like a Moebius comic come to life, so I'm glad they're maintaining a similar style.

Of course. One of my most anticipated games this year. Hopefully they let us play in the tanktop/shorts outfit.

>it'll draw all sales away also


user it took me 27 hours to plat it.

At most the story should take a normal person around 22 hours.

Not any time soon. Waiting for the ps5 to come out then ill get the ps4. Too bad it wont be on the vita.