My mind is blown!

>3000 players


Other urls found in this thread:

shame people realized the game was shit after they gave them their money

>call it 3D Starbound the first time they show it
>game comes out
>it's actually even worse than Starbound
well shit

i really dislike all the shitposting about that game, but HOLY FUCK that game is the biggest trainwreck i have seen for some time
its really a shame that it was successful financially, but also quite saying for the current state of vidya

5 billion years

It just keeps plummeting.



I think even Planetside 2 has more players than this shitheap.

>Psychological horror
Getting conned is really traumatizing

If 4 Sean Murray dies tomorrow

All according to plan. Now with only 3k players, the galaxy won't get discovered up so quick. More planets for me.


WE DID IT Sup ForumsRO'S

>mfw I paid full price for No Man's Sky, published a negative review, then got a full price refund and got GE2RB instead


It was so bad Sony offered refunds, and steam already has refunds so no big deal there.

You mean this 5 right?


>750k~ owners
Yea I'm sure the devs are devastated

>not billions and billions


And best of all the game will delete your previous discoveries so you can discover them all over again.


The NMS reddit is still coming up with ways to ward off the 'haters'

Too bad they're only for the standard rule set and are enforced, aka 2 hours and 1 minute means no refund.


he already cashed out tho

hes rolling in money

Do you think it'll hit battleborn numbers?

It's not even in the 800 biggest selling games on Steam right now.

>they already made bank off gullible idiots
>hello games disbands :( :( :(
>they reform with a different name and a different front man
>kickstart a new game and start the whole thing all over

It's not a flop if everyone got payed. And believe it or not they still have dedicated fans that will play nms for the next 10 years.

Back when it was still under development, people kept saying "DO NOT FUCKING PRE-ORDER THAT SHIT" and "it will be shit, screencap this"
Did anyone screencap the predictions?


fuck off reddit


Awww yeah
How is the co-op?

Are you serious?

It'll skyrocket back into high numbers once they quit their bullshit and lower the price to $30

The game doesn't suck, but what the fuck were they thinking putting it out for $60? Fuck that.

Steam removed this rule for NMS specifically

Their biggest user base, console users, are getting refunds by Sony. This is not looking good for them

literally the best thing about this meme
I smile every time I see it

No, if you have steam, they put a disclaimer right on their home page.
2 hours refund rule still applies to NMS. It sucks, I know.


>still no tweet since the 18th

Is he gonna be okay?

Remember, manchildren, autists, weebs, are Sup Forumsirgins are a small, but dedicated and faithful audience, but normies and redditors will abandon you as soon as slip up
You reap what you sow

When your game's playerbase is decreasing geometrically, you know you fucked up.

That's what I've been saying. Should've let it be a digital download playstation store game and on steam for 20 or 30 bucks, been honest with the game play, and just let it be. Still would've made money, wouldn't have been hated on so hard, and Sean wouldn't have been labeled the biggest douche in gaming history.

They had to put that there since click bait sites were reporting that anyone at any time could get a refund. If you bought the game at or near launch, they've been giving you a refund no questions asked

Yea that disclaimer really screams "but this game!"

It'll be neat if there are some tell-alls that start leaking out.

I believe that valve has already deposit money into Sean's account, so if they allow refund now, it's valve's loss. There is no rule that forces Sean to return the money now that he has it, unless a lawsuit is fired.
Valve probably doesn't want that.

That's retard, what's the point of discovery if you have no proof of it

it gets funnier with every day that passes when he doesn't respond

Holy shit

>imgur com/gallery/RzOJf#QR0kClc

I honestly can't believe that there are people like this out there. It's just too sad and pathetic.

I hope, at least, that this was some autistic 12 years old and not a full grown man.


>The game doesn't suck
it acually does, which is the main problem
its a boring grindfest and after you played ~6 hours it becomes obvious how limited, pointless and shallow the whole game is

Fuck, thanks for confirm



I believe they store user's discoveries data on their server (?). I think they can't afford a strong server to handle 1 million+ discoveries data so they went with this method.
People are mad as fuck.

>It took me 7 hours to realize that there was nothing more to see in this game and I can't get a refund from steam

60 dollars wasted.

strange. I had 9 hours played, asked for a refund under false advertising, it was rejected, I asked again and they refunded it. This was when people were first saying Steam was offering refunds no matter play time.

Is it true?
I think the disclaimer was there so that people would stop trying to request a refund.
Valve's staff is lazy.

You deserve to lose your money for buying this piece of shit.

>he fell for the Nu Male's Lies

I know

There was a guy who played for 70 hours and got a refund. Just got to send a support ticket and keep pestering steam for a refund till you get it.

>can't afford
But everyone's saying they made bank on this and are swimming in money now! If the game truly was the most successful launch in history, why not just buy better servers?

Welp, hopefully you learned your lesson. Now go suck some cock and make that 60 buckaroos back.

Lets see that notebook three planets in and all the species and plant variety are already starting to blur together.

Why would you waste money on a dead game?
I believe the best route for Sean right now is forming a new studio, pick a different person to represent the team, make new game, scam for money again.

What. His tweet makes zero fucking sense.

What a clusterfuck. I really liked this game, but it does lack lasting appeal for sure. First few hours are absolutely amazing, but nothing is going to bring that feeling back. It could be extended with better pacing and more content. I'm hoping it will become cult enough that mods will be able to fix all that, but I'm very worried that modders will bail and it will be dead before that happens.

Fun but occasionally unstable

>Sup Forums was right again

You dumbfucks never learn.

Well there are already mods for the game, and they already look better than the base game.



Reminds me of Spore planets.

Violently clashing colors with the same 2 trees 2 ferns and 2 grasses everywhere.

It's almost nostalgic.

>steam loosening refund restrictions especially for NMS buyers
id say they're in a bad spot, yes

Sentinels not allowing large scale cities and stuff. Sounds pretty stupid but it might make a decent alien invasion game where earth must stop the evil sentinels from demolishing its mini malls and adult sex arcades.

Honestly the whole sentinel thing made me lose all interest in the game when I first heard about it. Its fucking stupid the universe would be littered with robots like that all doing the same shit. A civilization dumb enough to think that was a good idea would of likely died out early on because they all starved to death while putting a shot load of effort into sentinel bullshit.

That nigger is creating a Voynich manuscript.

Definitely, and they make a huge difference. But if modders can't start adding content then the game is fucked. More colors and size options are nice, but we need more plants, more animal parts, more biomes, etc. It just needs more content.

Overhauling some of the mechanics would really help too, but I don't see that happening. It could, but I'd be surprised. If new assets can be added alongside the old ones (plus some modelers willing to spend a lot of time) that would make a hell of a difference in keeping exploration fresh. And exploration is the heart of the game.

Progression is something that can apparently be tweaked to a strong degree, but the average person can't do it right. Talented developers struggle with pacing. The devs really fucked that part up. Hopefully one of the rare modders that can into progression will fix it.

Overwatch crashed as hard as NMS, but nobody talks about it because Blizzards hides their online players.

Are you one of the legendary 3000?

You know soon you'll have over a quintillion planets EACH!

Well now the servers are under less stress, people should be able to see each other.

I have seen a thousand threads about this game so why not weigh in.

I own a PS4, but I was never hyped for this game. When they showed the big showcase at E3 2015 and everyone made a big deal of it, I had one doubt in my head.

Procedurally generated planets and animals and planets. Neat. But WHAT IS THERE TO DO ON THEM.

And I was fucking right. The game simply isn't fun. Exploring is neat, for awhile, but with nothing to do on these big empty planets, the game is fucking lifeless.

I wish

The thing that pisses me off the most about No Game's Sky is that it might kill off the small resurgence of space combat sims. Between this, Elite: Dangerous, and Scam Citizen, the genre might get buried once again.

I don't need a procedural galaxy. I could not care less about resource harvesting. All I want is to hop into a starfighter with 6 degrees of freedom, and shoot the ever-loving shit out of my enemies. How fucking hard is that?

And I just want to be a space mercenary upgrading to bigger and better ships with bigger and better guns and maybe having a sandbox faction system I can play around with.

But it seems no one can do that without wanting to create an entire universe attached to the concept. Oh well.

I should probably try Freelancer again, even if it's kinda old.

Yes yes but have you seen True Ending? It is mind blowing

Blunder of the year

Blunder of the millenium

We finally got our Tortanic 2. It took years but Sean Murry has delivered. The game may be crap but the constant shit storm on Sup Forums has been a blast.

Man, what a time to be alive

so has anyone from the no mans sky team said anything about this major backlash or have they just hid away ad hope this al blows over

>popularity of single player game drops 3 weeks after release

When we were memeing for the last few years about this game I always thought it would be bad because procedurally generated games like this usually are really boring, I had no idea that the game would turn out to be a literal scam and superman64 level quality

Hi, Sean

The difference is that most people don't also refund the game.

Tortanic was a commercial failure
NMS isn't, in fact, for an indie game it's obscenely successful