True or False: Bioware is a shitty company...

True or False: Bioware is a shitty company, and the reason why is because its fanbase cares less about gameplay and storytelling than what characters they can have sex with.

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True. Bioware games have become glorified dating Sims and they barely tried to hide it with Inquisition.

They should just make dating sims (if EA would let them), there's no shame in that if there's a market for it.

It's because they ran off most of their old fans. Their new fans are mostly women or homosexuals.

I hope they never remember Jade Empire. It's one of my favorite games and at one point I wouldn't have minded a sequel but now fuck them.

I played the shit out of that game when I was a kid too, one of the underrated classics.

Has the best plot twist of any of their games as well.

I haven't replayed it in years but I'm still pissed you have to go full evil to get Death's Hand.

Well the player character is the guy whose job is to LITERALLY bring souls to the underworld so it goes completely contrary to your duty to keep him around so I can kind of understand the intent behind it even if its lame

True I really do enjoy the world and even then I usually go Open Palm. The writing was so fucking good I really liked Sagacious Zu in hindsight even though I barely used him as a companion after getting Wild Flower.

i legitimately REALLY enjoyed inquisition

BioDrone here. This is false. Romance doesn't even make up 5% of the content in most Bioware games. At most there are 15-20 minutes of romance specific dialogue while rest are neutral to the character. If I was so desperate for pixel sex I would play my Japanese eroge games.

I liked all of the companions except for Dawn Star because she was always bitching about wanting to go home, though I always found it too convenient that she ended up in the same village as her father even though Zu should have recognized his leader if he was keeping an eye on her

Replace that with CDPR and it'd be true.

Tbh I've never played any of their games because I suspected that may be the case

Well he was going by an alias and it is mystic China so a lot of motherfuckers were probably named Li. His whole family was slaughtered too so he could have faked his death but idk.

Well its more that he never recognized his face that gets me how could he have watched over Dawn Star without being somewhat close to him also

I think I need to replay the game. I loved Mirabelle and I'm getting sketchy over details. It was also 15 years and all too so people change but I won't defend minor things I barely recall.

Most obvious true or false I've ever seen in my life tb.h fa.m

>If I was so desperate for pixel sex I would play my Japanese eroge games.
>If I was so desperate
>MY Japanese eroge games.
So you are desperate. Question is why wouldn't you want it in Bioware games now that they're shit?

My friends are casual gamers who love Bioware's ME and DA:I and said they wished it was a dating sim. Yes, they are women. Yes, I hate them for saying this.

Mass Effect 2 and Kotr we're good games. But yes in general they're a shit type company. Plus they killed Mass Effect 2 with 3 plus the whole TORtanic

I'm probably one of the few people who enjoyed ME1 over 2. 2 is a good story focused shooter but 1 was a good rpg and I like driving around on planets for random shit.

heck yeah, Jade Empire is the game I always think about with Bioware.

KOTOR and Jade Empire were the games they made back when they hadn't totally sold out. I would imagine they both have a lot more soul than Mass Effect

I need to play KOTOR one day.

Mass Effect has quality in it but 2 started to noticeably dropped as an rpg still enjoyable.

I played a bit a long time ago on Xbox. It's good, it's like Mass Effect without the negative qualities in my opinion. It doesn't get talked about as much anymore for some reason, back when it came out everyone heralded it as an obvious masterpiece for like 5 years straight.

Last game I bought at a Blockbuster was KOTOR 2 on xbox just because it was closing.

Now I'm depressed...

I think KOTOR and Jade Empire are masterpieces. For whatever reason though Mass Effect just didn't click with me though and I haven't tried Dragon Age.

Dragon Age Origins has some really good story and good characters.Morrigan is my personal favorite.

I disagree on Mass Effect 2. To me it seemed nothing more than a failed Gears clone with an Ocean 11's plot that spent 80% of the game focused on gathering team, as if the Reaper threat was just a sidequest.

It didn't fit in with the other two games in the series and can't stand on its gameplay which is bland and repetitive. I did like some of the characters like Mordin and Miranda though.

I don't know why, I'm kind of biased against Mass Effect. I played the first one and it was OK, the story was kind of hokey and closer to like, 24 than say Sopranos level of quality. The gameplay was very tiresome not that bad though, just very dry.

I never got a chance to play Mass Effect 2 but I find it hard to believe the writing and general atmosphere changed much. I've never heard anyone really say anything that inspiring about the game.

This. Along with the fact that the people who were around when Bioware was good are now long gone. They all left until that fat, bald, toupee wearing faggot was left. Then even be left afterwards.

new bioware really wants to shake off the stale formula they used for so many games, but people really like that formula.

well, enjoy mass effect: far cry edition i guess

Though actually in retrospect the mechanic of having the ship with the characters on it was pretty phenomenal. I'm being kind of a dick.

Everything Bioware does isn't bad, It's just half-assed. Even the romancing is half-assed. The combat is half-assed, and the story is half-assed, and it has everything to do with EA.

If bioware had 4+ years to make a game, it'd be legend

Biodrone please. The only reason that even has any basis is because of Biodrones jumping in with W3.

I agree with this partially, though I think DA2 and Inquisition are just bad altogether

^ we really need these guys to make something on the level of Witcher 3, would blow all of this stuff out of the water potentially

Combat was fluid and great, it just lacked depth. Not enough skills/skilltrees and customization

>So you are desperate

Nice English comprehension, nothing in that post implies I'm desperate for pixilated sex. I'm just saying that there are literal porn games that satisfy the need for "m-muh digital titties" than Bioware games considering how they only have 20 minutes of romance content in a 20 to 30 hour roleplaying game.

>Question is why wouldn't you want it in Bioware games now that they're shit?

Whether modern Bioware games are shit is purely subjective. Also why would I want Bioware to release porn games? Are you fucking retarded? Stop moving the goalpost.

I preferred Mass Effect 2's gameplay over Mass Effect 1. Mass Effect 1's combat and traveling felt really slow and clunky. 2's was more action oriented. I would go back and play Mass Effect 2 for shits and giggles because I like the shootouts (and Miranda's sweet ass), but I'd never pick up the first game again.

Partially true, their focus on characters was always there, but it only became priority over storytelling when their storytelling itself became shittier. Mass Effect 2 is a prime example of this transition.
As for gameplay, most of their titles have had serviceable gameplay with the exception of DA:I. Gameplay was never really a priority.

It has better shooting and gameplay but I enjoy the Mako and actually having to quest instead of basic fetch quests and all.
I won't argue with that writing quality.