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There isn't really a smoking gun, but there are way too many allusions to it to ignore.
SM06 with Eliza and Helle is the biggest tell.
I'm thinking it's HR Adam's brain having been transplanted into a fresh body. I'm almost certain somewhere I read a P-Sec that was talking about transferring brains into new bodies, or at least uploading an entire brain's worth of memories into a new body. This could be punished Jensen. Also, doesn't Sarif mention that his augs never actually showed up in Alaska? Meaning maybe they scooped HR adam's brain from HR adam's body, threw the corpse away, and made the new Adam from all TYM parts, or Orlov/McFadden parts.
you're a prototype for a larger system
Punished Venom Jensen.
Pretty sure the massive trauma is suppose to be his ordeal at Panchaea, it's more likely he just got brainwashed in to some Manchurian agent to kill Janus.
I hope we get to see an older Adam Jensen in the future.
Conspiracies you say? I think conspiravision is the best musictrack ever made, they made all the other tracks in the world to cover it up.
>Also, doesn't Sarif mention that his augs never actually showed up in Alaska?
No people misinterpret his dialogue way too much. He comments how easy it would be to identify Adam because all of his augs are Sarif (now bankrupt company) and they all have serial numbers on them which could easily identify Adam. The point he's trying to make here is that whoever found Adam knew who he was, but likely listed him as a John Doe on purpose.
No clone bullshit
Unless Versalife has kept a copy of Jensen in ice or something.
Thanks for the spoilers faggot
I kinda figured that was the real meaning, but with all the other allusions to cloning/consciousness transfer in the game surrounding Adam it's easy to connect that into the larger narrative.
People usually just like the Unatco theme and the Synapse
a lot of the soundtrack is criminally underrated
The Chruch of the Machine God believes it's possible to achieve "Singularity" by uploading their minds to a computer. It could be that rather than being a Clone, he's literally a Human Mind in a full mechanical body. We Ghost in the Shell now.
You mean Nicolette?
I'm disappointed we didn't get even an email regarding JC Denton. He was born the year this game takes place.
вoзвpaщeниe нa poдинy
гpyзoвoй вaгoн
There's no allusions to cloning in the game, there's more references to memory manipulation than anything which is most likely what happened to Adam.
The first letter from each line spell ADEM like how Sarif would say Jensen's first name, he's behind it all!
ADEM is an anagram of EDAM, a slice of cheese is triangle shaped like the Illuminati pyramid, oh god this is huge.
Explain why JC had to be "grown" to full age then? This would make MD's tech better than DX's.
My take on it is the memories he already had + the wiping they did of his year on Alaska. Meaning, they did a controlled deletion of that timeframe but managed to keep his past intact, not that he's a clone. Sarif's idea that whoever it was wanted him a John Doe due to how easy it would be to id him supports this. We'll probably see in a DLC.
Nanoaugmentation is mentioned
There's no reason to just namedrop JC somewhere
still would be better tech than the original dx
>not expecting story dlc
Id rather eidos not pull a Venom Snake in me, but I like the idea that the illuminati has turned jensen into a sleeper cell
You seriously expect spoiler tags on this board?
>putting something that big of a story element into an hour long story dlc
They'll save it for a sequel. Expect the DLC missions to just be short missions set before/after/during the events of the game to tie into the MD plot. Just like that little mission they included into the extras.
I'm imagining youtu.be
Havn't beaten the game yet but is there at least talks about a shift to nano machines?
There's emails
Wait a minute.. WOMAN... NOMAW.. NO MAW..!!!! He has no mom, clone confirmed!
>This is the second game in the HR franchise
>C is the second character away from A
This theory is dumb, he is not a clone everyone else is
Game ends on a cliffhanger where Bob Page releases nanobots in DC's water supply, to control the senate to further his goals. Cannot unread, enjoy your game, much love XOXO
>tfw no delara gf to cuddle with on the train
No, you are Illuminati trying to misdirect yourself.
>illuminati scum
>not daria, the blonde with the nice ass
>just adam's brain scooped into a new body
That's a waste of a good premise. Implanted memories/cloning would be a lot more interesting.
Or is he just two step away from being alone? BLONE, is just mispelled on purpose so we wouldn't realise that the last person he shuts out is Aria.
>mysterious agent is stalking you, meddling with your plans
>revealed at the end of the trilogy to be OG adam jesen working with Malik and Pritchard.
>He's secretly working for page
>illuminati is 100% anti-aug
>every nefarious conspiracy they have is based around getting rid of them
This is going to get really fucking old if this holds true for the rest of the series. They need to have at least one evil conspiracy on the side of aug proliferation.
>They need to have at least one evil conspiracy on the side of aug proliferation.
I thought Page was meant to be that.
why don't people get banned for posting spoilers like this without tags?
Its against the rules. Do your fucking jobs mods
The point I think they're actually trying to make is that Adam has been subconsciously mentally conditioned to do what they want him to, lots of brain-fuckery stuff. There are really no references to cloning in MD but lots and lots of references to brainwashing.
its been a fucking week
And TYM.
I wish they'd stop focusing so much on augs. After 2 games where it was the main plot line maybe it should take a back seat. There's an ingame newspaper that says there's not even 10 million left.
Adam had his memory of the time in the WHO facility wiped out.
They turned him into a manchurian candidate who will take down Janus. They also have him a kill phrase or switch so that's happening.
He doesn't get a good end.
Malik and Pritchard are the real parents who adopted clone test tube Jensen, who ages faster than a normal human. Due to a memory problem that is caused by his fabricated consciouness, Adam can't really learn or remember anything. Adam's behaviour is preprogrammed and memories are planted and so are yours, these games are designed on purpose to trigger you to receive new memories. Also it was designed that you play the game, and come to this board to read this. And make you react exactly like you react now at this moment.
Everything is in place,
B. Page
Who the fuck is Janus?
It isn't Bob. That's some next level fuckery he's doing if so.
Early version of Daedulus serving everett.
But daedalus is the merging of Eliza and Adam
>McCready didn't betray you at the end
Biggest twist
Picus vault emails reveal that Morgan Everett was part of manufacturing the narrative of finding a lone hero floating in the ocean literally on the same day the event happened and Picus was just looking for an appropriate subject. So I think this line is more referencing how Adam's memories of his rescue and the ensuing year were manufactured, rather than some weird cloning bullshit. Maybe some Total Recall shenanigans.
Why he would? He's just cranky.
10 million when the incident happened, 7,2 million augs left afterwards IIRC. Which means that 2,8 million augs died in a matter of hours, presumably many more naturals, most likely tens of millions.
>mfw Janus says Billions of augs would die if I didn't stop the rich fucks from being poisoned
>Malik and Pritchard are the real parents who adopted clone test tube Jensen, who ages faster than a normal human
>Both clearly lust for Jensen's dick
>the coolest augs are also the most useless
Why is Rise of the Tomb Raider Lara Croft in Dude Sex?
No, deus ex world didn't have accelerated cloning until Invisible War. He's brainwashed, a testing ground for Man in Black.
MD still has better tech because designers couldn't help themselves. But around MD JC is born so that throws clone theory out.
Illuminati is anti-aug because they fear how powerfull they are and they can't control them, people could take down current systems.
Then in HR it is revealed that you can control augs.
So they double down on the propaganda and try to force anti-aug laws.
What? This is what SJW writers lead to. A world controling organization dating hundrets of years is doing completely illogical things because muh commentary
How do we know he has an implemented killswitch?
It's cheaper and easier to control people through martial law than convincing everyone to get augmented and then convincing them to get killswitch biochips installed. Going with anti-aug sentiment was an opportunity to force their agenda from a different angle.
>all this head canon to make up for the shit story in the game
Just fucking face it, the game plot was pure garbage
No, hes not a clone, no there wont be a part 2, no the sequel wont coem anytime soon
Its all there is, and its shit, first game had shit story, Thi4F from teh same studio had a shit story, this one has even worse one
I mean what the fuck did people expect after Thiaf? Did people really expect the fucking incompetent clown responsible for that disaster coudl ever produce anything worthwhile?
Be glad game is pretty and has solid gameplay.
The game's been out a couple days, if you cared enough you'd have beat it by now, or at least had the common sense to not browse Sup Forums in the meantime.
So what is DeBeers end game with Adam? Why is he keeping Adam a secret from his fellow conspirators? Does Bob Page know about it as well, or is he still in the planning stages of his own coup?
Maybe DeBeers knows about Page, and is going to use Adam as leverage or something, who fucking knows where they go with this story.
Honestly, I hope they retcon the original game, at least to give them more freedom to do their own Deus Ex story without the constrictions of the original game. I'd like to see them do a complete re-make of the original, keeping certain plot elements and story settings, but having new twists, new characters, etc. and different plot points so that it's not the same story we've already seen and played 1000x.
DeBeers was never fond of Page. He never trusted him.
Especially because Illuminati are trying to get rid of augs/control them and Page owns a fucking company that makes medicine for augs, and Page wants technological progress above all else.
Deus Ex has a completely separate team and the MD team is literally the same as the HR team with the exception of the gameplay director
>Honestly, I hope they retcon the original game
fuck off faggot
True, I mean their entire agenda in HR was to completely control augmented people, or at least limit their abilities (much like the Human Restoration act in MD), so they clearly see augmentation as a massive threat to their power somehow, though I don't exactly understand what the huge deal is honestly. I mean military grade augments are maybe a problem, but the vast majority of augs are not military grade.
In fact you would think they would be supporting augmentation because they would be able to more easily control the population with everyone being augmented than people being unaugmented.
He's supposed to be Pritchards replacement but he ends up being mostly an asshole with no hint of Pritchards tsundere-ness.
I'm pretty sure the point of the biochip in HR was to use it to effectively and selectively shut people down and use that as leverage to control the augmented populace. With martial law, aug ghettos, the Human Restoration Act and the new proposed biochip that's supposed to 'limit' augmented abilities, it sounds like the illuminati are still getting what they want, generally
Why not? The original will still exist. I don't want to play the same exact fucking game over again with a modern engine, I would rather them be able to do their own thing and keep the story similar, but have changes that allow it to be its own game. I don't think that's unreasonable at all.
GARM was pretty disappointing. Just two big hangars, where in HR, the away missions were pretty big, multiple level ordeals.
I don't know why I like this game so much. I'm about halfway through my third play through. Nothing particularly sticks out to me as great but it's fun as shit.
>I don't want to play the same exact fucking game over again with a modern engine
then go play the prequels or the other Deus Ex games you fucking shitstain
just because you're tired of DX1 doesn't mean it has to be replaced.
This discussion is worthless. Eidos already said they'd never do a remake because they can't do justice to the first game.
I didn't think it was that bad, I really dug the aesthetics and everything outside of the base and whatnot, but I agree it was far too short.
Also it was a very difficult mission to go foxiest of the hounds on, at least without sneaking through completely with cloak. Those two guards that were dashing up the obstacles, coupled with the 5 guys who were inside the shooting range was such a pain in the ass to do pacifist.
Main story lady isn't sjw you fuckwad
reminder that Warren Spector and Sheldon Pacotti are making System Shock 3 while that Harvey Smith retard is stuck on his cheap thief-knockoff.
It was kind of weird considering how huge Golem city felt.
Didn't one of the Tomb Raider games have Jensen's augs as preorder bonus?
>Jensen doesn't appear in DX because he got killed by Lara Croft
>Lara Croft harvested Jensen's augs
>Illuminati picks up Jensen's body and experiments on it further
Save the bomb maker or rob the bank?
Rob the bank
save miller
create a save
do both
This mean what did they?
I did this.
Saving the bomb maker was fucking cool as shit with the collective ascension, but I felt like the bank was more fun to play.
They share incompetence and complete inability to design the narrative side of a game if not the dev leads.
And if half of a studio is badly managed its highly unlikely the other half is any different.
But the end, the product speaks for itself, its as badly written and slapped together as Thief 4 was. Maybe even worse.
Thief at lest felt like it was a finished turd, this game feels like its missing half the content, then again i had the very same feeling playing the last game.
The way the last levels were slapped together in panachaea or what ever it was called felt like they just were rushing to throw the game out the doors.
It just spent itself in the first half and then just fizzles out with no answers, with a wall of never to be solved plotholes and dead end plot threads and an abstract promise of continuation that wont come.
If they make a sequel, it will be another soft reboot shit where it will pic up fuck knows where but sure as hell nowhere near this story.
Cant wait to see Jensen on his wacky new adventures! Fuck me, why do i get excited for those games, new Dishonored will probably improve nothing over the first one.
It doesn't matter that much in the end. You get an antidote for the bioweapon if you rob the bank that you can use to save Miller at one point but otherwise the rewards don't do anything interesting other than giving you a plan-B if you're a hardcore fuckup and suck at the last mission.