It has now been exactly one year since this game came out

It has now been exactly one year since this game came out.

How do you feel about it?

They played us like a damn fiddle.

I was doing a semi-good job of forgetting about it until this thread showed up on the front page.

Thanks. Now I remember that this game killed games for me.

It was fun.

As a classic Metal Gear fan that's never really been in love with the direction the series started taking with MGS3, I think the gameplay is pretty good for what it tries to be despite my lack of enthusiasm. The story is a mess.

Overall I'm not offended by it or anything.

I still like it.

Still playing it. Recently started challenging myself by playing through missions with nothing in the way of weapons, aside from the water gun.

What the lowest GZ has gone on sale lads?

I got it for 360 back then and barely got to Africa. The shit graphics and frame rate were too much to handle.

I pirated it last month for PC. and I've been enjoying it. The gameplay makes me feel good, like I'm succeeding something.

The story is whatever, but I like the cinematography. Especially the way it attempts to emulate western film. Its fun. And the sound design gives me a permanent boner.

Not a good "traditional" MGS game, but I like it for what it is.

Watergun OP

>TFW the squirt gun can just one shot the transmitter in C2W for an easy win

I've gotten over it, like everyone should have by now

Absolute masterpiece.

Art that reaches such a level of meta only rivaled by MGS2 before it.

I'm being completely genuine.

Post your Sup Forumsenoms

In terms of gameplay, it's my favorite in the series. The freeform mission design and the sheer number of options at your disposal meant that I played the game for upwards of 150 hours without getting bored.

Story wasn't amazing but I went in with low expectations on that front.

except you already did.

That looks like mine senpai

Yes but he wasn't upside down before.

If it's really been a year then I feel like I've done nothing with my life.

You can still watch the god tier trailers and play GZs.

400 hours later and i have only managed to get one female with savage

I play Metal Gear mostly for the batshit insanity and MGSV only really delivered at the start of the game and during some of the skull battles.
I was burned out on open world games and would rather play GTA 5 for that.


Man I really love this game, but at the same time there's so much that makes me feel like I can't say that. The gameplay was really fun and the world was really immersive for me, but I'm in the minority in that camp since people take it as being empty. I liked the story too, despite it's massive and gaping flaws, but that's probably because I'm the idiot and It played me like damn fiddle and never took the massive hint that Venom was never Big Boss. It's such an ingenious train wreck. It lives up to it's themes for all the wrong reasons.

It was okay.

>Gameplay got repetitive
>Best controlling game in the entire series
>Mission 51 being gone is a fucking shame
>N313 twist at the end is pretty cool. Decent way to tie up the story of Big Boss.

I liked it a lot. The story was for sure disappointing but I enjoyed playing it so much that I can look past that.

It's funny. I really enjoy the individual scenes of MGSV, but I don't really give a damn about the narrative thread connecting them.

Kind of mimics the more broken up mission structure, now that I think about it.

I enjoyed it a lot but I'll never not be severely disappointed in it being so blatantly unfinished. Revenge was good but you could tell that Race was just cobbled together from assets finished before Kojima left and that it was only a fraction of what it was meant to be. I doubt that Chapter 3 ever existed. It was probably always going to just be a title card triggered after the nuke counter hit 0 so Kojima could do his 'muh phantom pain' metaphor but there's barely even a Chapter 2. I'd be perfectly satisfied with TPP if Race was finished.

It's shit. Haven't played it btw.

Mostly over it being disappointing and unfinished. Been mulling over whether I ought to replay it one of these days just to see if I might enjoy it more now. I actually haven't even touched the other games either since finishing V. It pretty much killed my passion for replaying the series, something not even 4 or PW did. It fucked my inner Metal Gear fanboy hard.

If the game was just fucking finished I could have probably swallowed the awful plot.

Phenomenal idea for a game that was overhyped by critics to sell copies. Wasn't executed very well in general, imo.

It's a 3/10 for me.

Gameplay was fun, but holy hell the world felt so empty, story was a mess and it being unfinished ultimately killed me.

Huey is innocent, you guys have literally no proofs of him being guilty.

It was fun for a single playthrough. The invasion feature was a waste and the open world was questionable since there's nothing worth exploring.

Also good for pic related

Mindless fun and lots of addictive gameplay elements. The game does a good job at this.

>that moment when you realize all the cutscenes were basically in the trailers

>sperg in class says MGSV would've been a 10/10 if it was MGS4
>says 4 shouldnt exist and TPP should be the final chapter

Chances are he is in this thread. All I have to say is fuck off retard.

An absolute masterpiece of what video games can accomplish when they respect the player enough to approach it like a piece of art. Unfortunately people still haven't realized what Kojima was trying to achieve by allowing the player to experience Venom's exact emotions, and the game will likely take a few more years to get the appreciation it deserves. Maybe by then people will start reading some of Kojima's interviews where he highlights the design decisions.

If you think the game was unfinished and honestly believe that extra mission with the kids should have been included, you need to go back and spend some more time with the game.

i would have loved to have the weapon variety that was in 4

I still play it and enjoy it. I never used upgraded gear, so that probably helped in keeping the game fun.

All it really needs is a basic level editor and i'd see myself playing it forever.

What fucking triggered me the most was every fucking time you wanted to do ANYTHING you had to go back to your heli and THEN go to your destination. Why couldn't you just fast travel.

Hope you're ready to spend several hours fucking around with tapes and repeat missions just to trigger another disjointed story event while you try to figure out if the game even fucking ended or not. Also, the last real mission in the game is a multi-tank battle ripped straight out of Peace Walker's extra ops, except somehow more annoying to play.

What a disaster


I've been meaning to play through it once but after trying out Afghanistan and having the story leaked to me I feel too disappointed to play it.
It was supposed to be the one to finally tie up the past and present (which 4 kind of did but that was before Peace Walker), and I just feel like we should have gotten much more than we did after being promised so much for 3 whole years.

Also fuck the faggots who complained so much about the cutscenes in 4 that made them virtually non-existent in 5, the story would've been remarkably better with more.

MGS2 v2.0

There's a form of fast travel, though. The cardboard box trick.

>literally the whole game building up vocal cord parasites as a doomsday weapon
>big ass, most powerful fucking metal gear introduced
>both stolen by Eli lol
>no you dont get to experience what happens to either

Yeah, kill yourself faggot.

such a qt

I think they all look alike

You're looking at the plot line alone. You need to actually see how it's interwoven and everything that it means.

>tfw never got a remastered HD version of Metal Gear 1 and 2 and never will with the Fox engine
>tfw the game didn't end with Solid Snake arriving on Outer Heaven
>tfw will never get a satisfying conclusion ever

Feels so fucking good to play. Mechanics are top notch. Still playing it with ~300 hours and still having fun.

Major disappointment in terms of story and MGO3 but other than that it was pretty fun

Mgs4 was the peak of the series gameplay wise

MgsV shouldn't have bothered with an expensive new engine, just take MGS4 gameplay, add mgsv maps and base management stuff, then add some fucking indoor areas or something and call it a day Jesus fuck Kojima you spent the budget on a good looking engine and 4 console versions

Yeah, it is a complete plot hole as to what happens other than one fucking line in credits and a rough draft cutscene that isn't canon.

Man I remember being so hyped to play this shit with Sup Forums after all the fun times with MGO2

How did they fuck that up so badly?

Dude casettes lmao

The issue isn't that, the important stuff is there, but Race as an actual game is so blatantly cobbled together and not fully realised that it hurts. It gets the point across but nowhere near as well as it could have done. I doubt Chapter 3 ever existed and it was always going to be the white whale but Race should have been so much better.

hold up what did you just say? interwoven what do you get when drop the n?

Metal Gear games are about themes, the plot devices have always been a little bit stupid desu senpai.

>no you dont get to experience what happens to either

Even without mission 51 it's obvious Liquid salvage some parts from Sahelanthropus to make Rex.

MGS2 was the ending of the series, the rest is just footnotes.

>MGS4 gameplay better than MGSV
Someone has some nostaliga goggles on. MGSV has the best third person stealth action controls and equipment in the gaming medium. It's too bad the game felt so empty due to the incomplete plot.

I enjoy the gameplay and I'm a sucker for the base building stuff, I just wish there was more to do at Mother Base.

The story's not great, but I'm not too far into it.

Just started it a few days ago.

Except they made shit like the barrel roll maneuver harder to do, which is a godsend in both 4 and 5. At least it's not peace walker where you can't even crawl. Literal unplayable garbage.

4 feels so much better for me, like they took MGS2's amazing controls and added more weapons, customization, and ways to exploit the environment

I play 5 by running full sprint, diving, and tranquing or holding up people.

It is obvious the game was unfinished and you'd be delusional to think otherwise. The two main plot devices just disappear from the fucking game and there is literally no closure whatsoever on them. If they had left the god damn metal gear on mother base and not had mantis take the vial, the game would feel much more complete ironically.


Liquid had nothing to do with REX's development. FOXHOUND simply hijacked it. REX was Otacon's baby.

nostalgia goggles for 4? maybe it just the preference user

Fuck MB. I was promised unique and customizable MB with animals roaming around.

What I got was everyone's MB being a carbon copy and animals shipped to a separate platform.

>I have to press 18 buttons to shoot in first person
Yeah, no thanks. The only thing it did better was CQC.

>Even without mission 51 it's obvious Liquid salvage some parts from Sahelanthropus to make Rex.
Armstech and Darpa made Rex you faggot

The plot device did it's purpose and were meant to think everything through.


Well senpai at least MGS4 doesn't have psychic guards with shotguns.

only retards hate v. notice how almost all the people who say v sucked are people who say 4 is a masterpiece. need i say more?


The only purpose it had was to piss people off because it felt unfinished. What you're saying is as dumb as if the game ended after mission 29 and it was in the credits that Venom killed skullface.

18 buttons what type of ps3 controller did you have at the time do you have a photo can you draw it?

The parasites became obsolete thanks to fox-die and sahelanthropus wasn't even functional and we see it again in msg1.
Even MGS2 was incomplete and now Sup Forums loves that game.
I swear this board is full of sheep.

>Even MGS2 was incomplete and now Sup Forums loves that game.
This meme again

MGS2 had cut content but its story was actually finished. That's not the case with MGSV.

>I think they all look alike

To be fair, a big reason why may simply be because there's only one hair style that doesn't look like shit.

Look how fucking jagged the head is here.

Not the same user you quoted, but to be fair, it IS a dick move to tease the player by showing Shell 2 on the player's map the whole game, only to ever allow them to enter the core. And have it turn out to be home to a shitty underwater escort section.

Get back on the boat

how tf did you pirate it

>Ocelot escaping with RAY in a game meant to be the last is ok
>Liquid escaping with Sahelanthropus in a prequel game is not ok

Sheep, you are all a bunch of sheep.

I honestly wonder if the game is so half baked because of his fall out with Konami and that forced him to just end it halfway through.

Of course, I'm not defending Kojima either. What we got was still crap and he wasted a lot of time and money on I don't know what, because even the half the game we were given was repetitive, inconsequential nonsense.

Not even what I was talking about but alright. Fucking loser.

I just remember Sup Forums praising it as GOAT for like 5 days and then doing a complete 360

Are you retarded it just pain stupid?

That explains it.

Just started playing it and GZ about a week ago.
I'm having fun with it.

denovo tho. ive havent been able to find a decent crack

>but its story was actually finished.

Yeah, sure.

Still haven't finished it and MGS 1-3 are some of my favourite games of all time

It's not bad but people shitting on MGS that weren't MGS fans in the first place really fucking hurt the game IMO

because Sahelanthropus is never mentioned in the other games, nor is what liquid did next....

prequel's usually lead into the film that it's a prequel for. This feels like there needs to be a game between V and the following games now.

You cant even prove its not.

>Meanwhile Venom is missing entire lines of dialogue that completely change how his character can be interpreted

Great gameplay, a few really good areas, fun collection system, and it felt polished in most areas. But no NG+ and a weak, unfinished story are the major issues. Also the sniper battle with Quiet wasn't nearly as satisfying as The End.

I enjoyed it immensely, but I dunno if I could ever replay it. Felt like I saw all there was to see.

I had a great fucking time with it though.

The biggest disappointment I've experienced in video games.

user, REX and Sally being so similar should suggest that it was recycled.

Meant to reply to

>playing against quiet for first time
>Think they'll do the End boss fight over one big map
>First thing I do is drop a supply drop on her head
>Win within 2 minutes

Fucking disappointing desu