>There are people on this board who have never done the walk.
There are people on this board who have never done the walk
Other urls found in this thread:
>Crestfall soon
Stupid dwarfposter
Fucking night elves get of this board
I love skyrim xd
>tfw walking from IF to SW my first time playing WoW because i didn't know there was a tram
and i'd do it again in a heartbeat just to get that magic feeling back, even for a short time.
>tfw warlock lvl 20 quest
Are you >implying that I played Alliance?
yeah walking to destinations instead of just fast travelling everywhere has a way of making the world seem fucking huge
I should have picked an easier class for my first character.
>tfw was actually spooked as fuck walking along main path of duskwood
>out of nowhere, its fucking stitches
Same here bro, playing alliance warlock was fucking suffering. Undead rogues everywhere
>Water totem shaman quest
>Get quest in main city
>Go to Ratchet
>Go to Southern Barrens
>Go to Tarren Mill
>Go to Southern Barrens
>Go to Ashenvale
>Go to Southern Barrens
>Go to Ratchet
>Go to some hidden spot in Silverpine Forest
>Go to Ratchet
All this before the flight path in Camp Taurajo and you kept fucking up and going to the wrong dude in Barrens and fuck you forgot to fill the water in Tarren Mill. And then they made the air quest
>Go to this dude lol here you go also have the best buff in the game here you go 40% movement speed and 30% attack speed lmao
that quest was so fucking silly and i loved it, being forced to move around and interact and have experiences to make progress is so healthy for any mmo
>there are people on this board who still play WoW
>there are people on this board that get excited to eat more shit from Blizzard's asshole
At this point I'm just hoping Blizz releases a vanilla server. It's the only thing that will redeem the game. I've finally given up on WoW ever returning to reclaiming it's past fun. Blizz has their idea of what the game is and it's not going to change back. Most of the original devs left and/or moved onto other projects.
Based on Mark's meeting with Mike, I think there's a strong possibility, but it's riddled with political bullshit. I think Mike Morhaime really likes the idea of releasing the MMO he was originally responsible for producing.
I swam to Westfall
>60s running around STV ganking the shit out of everyone all day
>Always chose to just put auto walk on and swim to bb and do something else meanwhile
fucking crocodiles
fucking raptors
fucking orcs
>crocolisks aggroing from a mile away
Being a Night Elf was suffering.
remember how your realm felt like a world with a community
Is it wrong to be a purist when it comes to wow I've met people who only touch one class and they're all pro is sticking with one class for the whole game worth it
CRZ is terrible and they really should get rid of it and just merge servers if they need to
Fucking christ I miss this
>instanced realms
when will this horrible meme die
>not cutting through the mountains, gnome airfield, and farms
What are you, a noob?
The majority of the modern WoW player base will never understand this image.
considering half the players are on the other faction, i'd be inclined to agree
No because 99% of randoms you partied with were assholes or retards. Your best bet was to play with a real life friend and even then you would have to answer to some faggot guild master or tank who wants his ass wiped for him.
>Playing Alliance
Sorry, I'm not a colossal faggot. Be glad you fucks never had to level through the Barrens on every single character, since your only other option for 10-20 was Silverpine and that didn't have anywhere near enough quests to get you to 20 on its own. The Ghostlands where a fucking godsend from TBC onwards.
I also haven't played WoW since before Cata
I probably would've rolled a Dwarf if I played Alliance
>going through the north entrance instead of the south
For what reason?
I did the Org -> TB walk instead.
>flying for the first time on the way back from TB to Org
It was magical.
>All your screenshots from the original are gone
>All you have is private server screenshots
>be a human lv30
>Damn, i wonder how far can i go with my first mount
>Reached Silvermoon
Crossing the plaguelands in lv30 was fun
I'll never forget how a level 46 shaman helped show me where to go, and how we were both in ghost wolf for the entire time.
Ghost wolf was fucking amazing, out speeding everyone at 20 aside from rogues for 15 seconds was fun. Then having Windfury proc itself and also off of Stormstrike was broken but satisfying.
>Sentry Totem bungee jumping never again
>first mount
wew you had it easy
>That awkward level hump where you're too strong for Loch Modan but not strong enough for Deadmines
>Have to decide to grind boringly in Westfall or brave the Wetlands
The fear after I chose the latter is something I'll never forget
Im a wrath baby, a friend of mine started in tbc and told me stories of that.
>playing alliance
When I first made a belf I tried to swim to tirisfal glades. When fatigue killed me I ran through the plaguelands to reach it
>Vanilla Warrior
>miss 3 times in a row with my two handed axe
>ah shit I'm dead
I don't know how I leveled one to 60.
We didn't do the walk because we're not nerds like you
>Vanilla Warrior
>Charging critters to try and get every bit of speed possible when running around before level 40
The Walk is from Qeynos to Freeport nigga.
You grouped with people and still got decent xp, that's how
And why should anyone care about hyping up a server that doesn't even exist yet?
>leveling up my first character
>make friends with a shaman
>we water walk across the ocean from stranglethorne vale to orgrimmar
Was awesome
>pull a second mob
>hello darkness my old friend
This image unearthed some very vague memories.
You would go this way if you rolled a Night Elf but hated their early level regions, right?
I now want to get a private server just to do the run.
Goddamn, walking through the Dwarven hills are so fucking comfy.
>Miss Rend
>Miss Overpower
oh my fucking god thank you
Having to travel through a real honest to god "mountain pass" was a fucking. experience.
Alliance plz
Who else think the game died as early as BC?
>flying mounts
>cross realm shit
Do you mean the felhunter quest at 30?
Walking from UC to the Wetlands was a goddamn death march on a PVP server
>Leveling a Priest solo in Vanilla
I mean it wasn't as bad as Warrior for sure
But it was pretty fucking close
Lol and EQ wasn't some pussy shit like WoW, you could easily die multiple times and have to retrace your steps for hours, or not be able to get back to your corpse before it decayed, lose levels etc..
In the early days it was not at all easy to get people to bind you to zones and shit
You would go that way if you made a night elf and ran out of quest in darkshore at lvl 13 but didn't want to grind so you had to get your ass chewed by level 25 crocodiles just to get to the next quest zone.
I sacrificed everything. What have you given?
>leveling a shadow priest to 60 without wand spec
>finally hitting 60
>PvP stats
I also have a soft spot for 40-mans
>sister introduces me to the game
>leveling up with me as a nelf druid
>"hey, I want to do my water form quest, it wont take long"
>taking a boat from darkshore to the wetlands then walking all the way to westfall
I actually enjoyed the yearlong track, it made me realise how big the game was
I played WoW once back in like 2005 or something, stumbled around for a little bit then kept getting killed in a dungeon. Every guild I joined wanted me on mic which I didn't want to do. Gave it up instead of renewing the sub for a second month. WoW is not fun solo.
Also WoW's artstyle was always shit too.
*Huln Highmountain intensifies*
cyrodiil looks a little off in this picture
More like
>Pure torture
>Run out of mana in two pulls even with Spirit Tap
>Get fucked if you ever pull more than one mob
>Hit 40
>Suddenly have the armor of a plate wearer
>Still run out of mana constantly though
>PVP stats
That is when I stopped playing the game. The day good dungeon gear was no longer considered good PVP gear was the day the game lost every bit of fun.
>tfw leveling up and getting ganked by a cunt then you keep running into him in different zones and bgs since you both are leveling up at around the same pace
By the time we hit the 40s we'd just emote to each other, I miss that. I still remember the fucking stupid fights we had in tanaris.
to Blizzard, the ideal WoW is one which is 100% raiding and is basically Dota 2
it's dead user, and it's never coming back. Vanilla servers will never happen either.
do you think there are people who play wow who think the horde always had paladins and the alliance always had shaman?
>vanilla warrior
>master the art of intimidating shout + bandage
this dude
Priest wasn't that bad. probably top non gimmick leveling up there with rogue. the bad ones were warrior and all the retard that went enh for shaman leveling while ele was just cruise control
>Run Wailing Caverns
>One fucking retard keeps fucking up the jump
>It's the healer
>it's a rogue challenges you to a duel outside org/if then bleed kites you episode
People were not wrong when they said Resilience and Flying Mounts were very big mistakes
They said it back then, and fucking retards are still trying to debate it to this day. Lo and Behold Legion doesn't have flying mounts, go fucking figure.
Arenas were not bad at all. Cross-Realm Battlegrounds were a necessary evil because you couldn't play against your own server, but Battlegroups still existed. Now it's just a whole fucking mishmash.
Mixing Shaman and Paladins was a mistake.
Lvl 30 mount, the bait is strong in this one
>quality right hand time
how do right handed people jerk off with their dominant hand?
idk about ya'all niggas but I realized wand spec was fucking key at level 11, ya'all must have been just plain retarded
>holy fire
>next mob plz
>Full clear of Blackrock Depths
Maybe he's left handed
because a submissive hand doesn't do it for me
running was fine once, but doing it again and again, spending 25 minutes just to level up your spell and see if it was even worth in the first place. No fucking thanks. Not having the money for the spell. I don't know how people leveled another character, shit took too long. Private servers during tbc was so great
True that.
>staying in Shadowform 24/7 because it costs so much mana to activate it
>drinking after nearly every mob killed
A rogue buddy of mine and I used to do dailies together during BC and he'd always get mad when he'd ask for a heal and I'd throw him a shield.
>Vanilla Mage
>Sit at the start of Molten Core 30 minutes before the raid starts casting food and drink spells for everyone
I wanted to shoot frostbolts, not be a portable cafeteria.
I had to go there for the seal form quest on my druid I think
What an adventure
>tfw someone escorted you all the way from the Night Elf starting area in to fucking Ironforge back in vanilla
I'm sorry for forgetting the Night Elf start area, as I literally haven't played WoW in 10 years now.
Those were fond memories though, walking that entire way with someone, and taking the boats.
I did the same thing in FFXI CoP, walked all the way from Bastok to Jeuno as a level 20.
Good times.
My friends do so thats the only thing keeping me playing
I remember running that shit one time on my alt and this guy was perfectly fine and capable, spoke in group chat, tanked well, all that but god fucking HELP HIM make that god damn jump
>probably top non gimmick leveling up there with rogue
The fuck are you smoking? Even without counting AoE farming like Frost Mages there was still Warlocks and Hunters. Priests fucking sucked to level until you get Shadow Form.
Even if you wand things to death, pulling more than one mob before Shadowform was a death sentence.
priest was hilarious
>tfw going through old pics and remembering how bad ret pally was
maybe if you took the time to read one single response you'd realize you're a fuckboy neckbeard retard
>I deleted my Feenix files
Time to download again
he didnt take the tram and leveled in goldshire-westfall-redridge-duskshire-stv
>Full clear of Sunken Temple
Warlock and hunter are specifically gimmick leveling. With priest all you need is a mind blast a dot and a good wand.
>Join a group to gnomeregan on my first character
>They summed me to the stone I think
>Go in, do the instance for like 10 minutes, group disbands
>Now I am standing there as a ghost in a completely unknown area
>Think, "If i go all the way as a ghost to tarren mill and ress, not only will it be faster but I will avoid all the dangers
>Run all the way
>Finally reach tarren mill and ress at the spirit
>Get a loading screen
>Oh no
>End up ressed at the gnomeregan graveyard with ress sickness