Help me Sup Forums

>school work for tomorrow
>subject: english(not an english speaking country)
>have to write about something I enjoy
>first post in this thread will be submitted
>must be in english and talk about vidya
>proof on 05/09/2016 when I get it back
help a brother out Sup Forums

I like to fap to 2d characters

05/09/2016 ?

Are you a time traveler user?


Ironic shitposting is still shitposting


Not vidya related faggot, don't make me get the mods

Not him but reading dates is weird for me.

05 Sep 16 I read as day/month/year
05/09/2016 I read as month/day/year
20160905 I read as year/month/day.

Next post after this one then, vidya stuff please.

Uh yeah it is fag. It's just broad/vague. There are video game characters that are 2d

how many words?

Guess you're writing about idolm@ster

I hope Naoto Shirogane from Persona 4 fists my asshole

If you can type english well enough to construct that OP you don't need any help and you're just being a lazy faggot.

Assuming you're in high school (you probably aren't) you'll need to write more than the 2,000 character limit a Sup Forums post would give you at most anyway.

Even if you just want a jumping off point for this thread, you're wasting your time. If that was your intent just look at the front page and pick a game that catches your eye or some shit.

Yes there are video game characters that are 2d, that doesn't mean all 2d characters are video game related like you implied, try again.

Eh fuck it I'll come up with some random shit really fast, thanks I guess, thanks for nothing other fags.

I didn't say all 2d fag. It'd be up to OP to choose what 2d videogame character to fap to.

Use my Persona one you FUCKING FAG

>mfw op doesn't deliver

> ask for help
> got some help
> didn't take it

LMAOing at ur life
