
>Tfw Pharah will never be a viable pick

She's literally one of the best characters in the game

>Only character I'm any good at is Lucio
>Hate playing Lucio

Mcree's range got nerfed, soldiers burst got nerfed, and projectiles got buffed


She's just fine, better than Tracer at least.

Lucio starts becoming much more fun when you spam "why are you so angry" while running circles on the payload

>Twoshotkill Rocket launcher
>Ult that can kill an entire team
>Not viable


She can't headshot, and she can't dodge in the air.
She needs a couple more tools to be useful at the pro level

Play on console. She's one of the best there.

>Jump Jet now boost for 1/3 the distance
>Now works on a charge system like symmeta's sentries. 3 second cooldown, max 3 charges.
>If in the air you now are boosted in whatever direction you are holding or upward with no direction input.

Sounds really fun desu

then she is just air tracer, not very unique

Quick Play fags need not apply.

remove tracer

So is Biz getting DDoS'd again?

I play almost nobody else. Usually do very well. Played allot of moded UT 99 and quake though.

Unless the enemy team has Anna healing. Healing splash attacks allows her to spam her ult so much faggots legitimately think there's a cheat for it.

>what did he mean by this?

I don't give a fuck I use her anyway. Pharah is bae.

My golden brown Egyptian queen. You're all there is, all there was, and all there ever will be

In fact, she is the only character I use. Get mad.

I though soldier's burst got buffed back to where it used to be

Pharah is only legit if she has Ana or Mercy but neither of those two are meta like Zen & Lucio unfortunately.

Pharah really needs 50 extra Shield HP for her to be used in the Meta again.

>mfw it's people like this guy that make me lose a match
I could've been 60+ but idiots like you stop me.
Bet you use Hanzo and Junkrat on Attack as well.

it will be hard for pharah to do her thing like back before season 1 because of mccree buff/tone down, zenyatta getting picked and ana. mercy hitting the benches doesn't help either. with mercy buffs she might get more play in season 2 leading to pharah reemerging aswell with discord nerf so we'll see.

at the very least i don't think any of this correlates to an issue with pharah herself as a design but the things surrounding her.

She needs more air mobility or quick gtfo landing drop option.

Junkrat is just as good good on attack as he is on defense

waifu shitters are the worst

I really want her to have a much lower cooldown on her jetpack or some kind of follow-up maneuver. Like an air-dash that she can use once after rocketing up.

Every time I play her I get salty, because I'm used to being able to jump all the damn time as Winston.

Also, I want something like that ZoE design for a skin.

She was B~A tier before the Mercy and McRee changes. Mercy no longer viable? No one to pocket Pharah. McRee SUPER viable? Pharah can't do shit in the air.

He is absolutely not. Literally his whole thing is spamming down corridors that the enemy needs to push. Take that away and he's significantly less effective.

a bit worse, he has less opportunities to lay traps that people will fall for

Dat lower left design. Ironically better than the bootleg Samus we got.

But that one's just a bootleg MGS boss.

Not shitpost intented, how would you fix Tracer??

>One of her designs is eggman.

The only time I see good Pharah's are only when she has a Mercy up her ass or the opposing team isn't trying to counter her or just plain ignoring her.

McCool Pilot?

Kind of really boring, probably my least favorite after the fuck-huge thing next to him.
I'd totally go for Porco Rosso or top right, though.

> (OP)
>Play on console. She's one of the best there.
Kill yourself

>Play Lucio like a person with ADHD overdosed on caffeine
>Exhaust myself after two matches
It's effective, but not smart.

No she's not. She has the second lowest winrate.

her ult can barely take out 2 people without getting herself killed

Gonna need a button for down

She will be if they fix McCree by retiring him because they have no idea how to balance him

No you dont.

Just drop.

Remove the overpowered bitch from the game

Top Right is better design than what we got.

t. shitter who doesn't know how to use her ult

Remove her along with Hanzo and Widowmaker.

Best way to use Pharah's ult is to not use pharahs ult.

like ever.

You should add Mei as well

good thing they went with the current design, the other ones were pretty shit

>top left

Pretty much.

you should see meis old design, bald mister freeze looking ass midget mother fucker

>One of the worst balancing of shooters
surprised people still blow so much money on simply multiplayer that the developers still cant balance

Blizzard cant even balance 11 classes in an MMORPG. What the hell makes you think they will balance 25+ classes in an FPS game where balancing is much more sensitive to tweak?

gotta pick up those gaems
theres an HD collection right?

I know how to use it's so context dependant that it's not even funny. Not to mention you must be really lucky to pull anything more than 3 kills with it

> yesterday, Gibraltar defense, hangar
> drop from the front of the huge behind the enemy lines pushing the payload
> 3 squishies there
> as I ult, one just moved to the side so I have to spray between left and right to try to hit them all
> end up killing one and hurting another two while getting myself killed

over 70% of the time doing the ult is a suicide mission, even with the element of surprise

in fact the ult is so fucking useless that people barely are afraid of it anymore

when they hear "justice" they don't run away, they usually think to themselves "neato, free Pharah kill" which desu is often the case

>bald mister freeze looking ass midget mother fucker
hello no
I'm fine with the current version

protip : if you're flying up right before using it you are not using it correctly

another protip : if you're using it to kill rather than perform area denial, you're using it incorrectly

Positioning is very important. Simply flank the enemy and coordinate with your team.

Yeah, I should probably grab it too.

bottom left

It's easy to pull more than 3 kills if you have a competent Zarya/Reinhardt/Mei to coordinate with

>It's an X character sucks when I play them like a lone wolf in a team based game episode.

She needs either more health or more aerial mobility. I feel like shift is a suicide button more often than not.

I like the idea of turning her jet pack into a series of "hops" like Tracer's blinks, which would make her more flexible.

>Move concussion rocket to right click
>Jump Jet now boost for 1/3 the distance
>Now works on a charge system like symmeta's sentries. 3 second cooldown, max 3 charges.
>Give her an E ability that blasts her in the direction she's aiming, like of like Winston's jump
If that doesn't make her viable, give her 25 armor and call it a day.

>cool Top Gun white guy with shades

I'll pass

> if you're flying up right before using it you are not using it correctly
flying is unique to her so firing it from above the enemy can be a good idea
so is firing it from the ground as most people would usually look up first for it, but
- you need to be close enough for it to be damage
- you don't want to be in the open as that would make you vulnerable
- however firing from behind partial cover means that if the enemy scatters in that direction you might risk firing at the wall which would kill you
- on the ground you are also vulerable to things like street pig walking right into you and making you die off your own ult

>another protip : if you're using it to kill rather than perform area denial, you're using it incorrectly
you can use it for area of denial depending on the case but if you think that's its intended purpose then it's without a doubt the shitiest ult in the game since all the other ults can and usually will kill people

frankly I often end up just using it to kill 1-2 people once it's ready rather than hold it waiting for a godo enough scenario (which might get me killed anyway)

flanking is hardly enough
flanking and syncing with the team sounds like it would be great but I don't play much comp, yet there have been some cases in QP where I coudl sync with a Zarya

>when it won't do anything to prolong her health
She'd still drop

I think it's a little fucked up how they gave Pharah a Native American skin instead of giving to a Native American character.

I remember seeing that
you're sure about that being Mei though? I thought it was simply a different character

what's even more fucked up is how white people were offended by this while native americans seemed to be ok with it

>2 abilities that 2 no damage, one that is SUPER situational

>Passive ability to become an easy floating target in the sky moving at the speed of smell

>Little to no splash damage from rockets

>Ult makes you a sitting duck and is random in the layout of the AOE rockets direction

What exactly is good about her? Other than defending the last point at Gibraltar she has little to no viability compared to every other offensive character.

How exactly do you know how Natives feel about it, Mr. All-Knowing-Whiteman?

>Other than defending the last point at Gibraltar she has little to no viability compared to every other offensive character.
actually on Gibraltar you can use it all the way through, attach and defense

same with a lot of other maps
in fact she can work on pretty much every map

> 2 abilities that 2 no damage, one that is SUPER situational
concussion blast can get you some very nice kills on a lot of maps, not to mention it's good for movement and getting out of trouble

there was a native american who spoke out on this topic (not sure if on reddit or tumblr) and said exactly that

But her lack of DPS relative to other Offensive heroes makes her a waste. He only gimmick is attack from the rafters, which is easily circumvented by hitscan weapons and he sluggish movespeed in the air.

>one dude "on Reddit or tumblr" said it so it's ok

Got it, thanks. That one elusive Native sure does have all the answers.

>lack of DPS
she can dish out more DPS than almost any other character, especally as you can spam the hell out of those rockets in choke points and crowds

she can also chew though Rein's shield faster than anyone apart from Bastion

>remove jetpack
>add grappling hooks
>adjust health to compensate

or just keep the jetpacks and add grappling hooks and roller blades and have her ult turn her into the monkey from super monkey ball

>I could've been 60+ but idiots like you stop me.
Opinion discarded.

Not even him.

>one of her beta concepts was literally Porco Rosso

>anyone apart from bastion

Uh, Reaper will kill a shield faster than Pharah can and he won't be shot down or killed immediately when doing so.

we're talking about real world scenarios here

and in real world scenarios if Rein is holding up a shield that usually means some of his team mates are behind it, firing
good luck taking out his shield as Reaper from shorter distances where the people behind the shield will gladly tear you as new one
as Pharah you can fire that from longer distances and still deal full damage

>tfw I finally got decent at ana and can be a reliable healer without dragging the team down

She's by far the most fun support to play. Miles above the other braindead healers and Poo in Loo

Not just that but I've found that getting the concussive blast just right over his shield can be great, it pushes his team away from him and him into your team, leaving them to tear through him pretty quickly if they're competent. But the fact she has so many counters does make her a pretty bad pick, and I like to think im a pretty good Pharah and work with my team.

i peaked at 66 maining pharah and winston, eat shit nigga