Do you still play Guitar Hero or Rock Band Sup Forums?

Do you still play Guitar Hero or Rock Band Sup Forums?

I do. I also am top 5 expert pro drummer.

I've been playing a lot of RB4 because it's the first one I've actually owned.
I'm getting better at drums but I still can't beat Beast and the Harlot on expert. Solo kills me every single time

I want to buy Rock Band while it's going cheap but:
1. I'm broke as fuck
2. I have RB1-3 exports on 360 but I only own a PS4
3. I'm in an 2nd floor apartment so can't really use the drums

feels bad man

No, and it's thanks to GH World Tour. That one was so shit that it killed my interest in the genre.

All my good scores are on my PS2 for GH2 and GH3, I should really compare them someday to 360 leaderboards. Fuck playing with input lag.

That being said, I just had a fun 3 hour session today with my friends and roommates playing RB3. Waiting on buying a Scorpio before getting RB4 with the adapter since my beatles set still works great.

I think GH5 setlist was underrated, WoR was overcharted but still fun, and GH2 will always be the best. Rock Band just improved consistently with each release. I still do not own RBGD or GH:M/GH:VH

Rate them setlists bois
1 > WT > 3 > 2 > 6 > 5
2 > 4 > 3 > 1

i've been playing phase shift on and off since i no longer have a console to play any of the older games on

i've been thinking about getting RB4 but the setlist isn't very good, and neither is the DLC that's getting put out.

Played gh3 and gh5 a lot, really liked them.
I've been playing gh live and I'm really liking it so far, as long as your internet connection works.

Does anyone know the cheapest way to get a hold of the cymbals for pro drums on a RB2 drumset? Also, can RB drumsets do dual pedals for kick drum?


>Rock Band
At least three times a month for the past 8 years.

>Guitar Hero
Probably not in about 5 years.

I'd still be playing if my guitar controllers weren't busted from overuse. I've gone through at least 3.

I don't think I've gone a full month without playing Rock Band 3 for at least a couple of hours since it was released.

Nope. The vast majority of music in western rhythm games, I can't stand.

I'd much rather bust out pop'n or IIDX.

I do, Rock Band master race.

In summation: Harmonix>Neversoft

It's been a long ass time, at least a year
Once I got 5 stars on all expert songs except TTFAF and Devil Went Down to Georgia (4 stars on those) I lost all motivation
Maybe I should try to 5 star one of those songs

Like the general public, I forgot GH:WoR

Put it last

I really, really want to like playing IIDX again, where I even have access to an ASC, but the few songs I like to listen to have hyper charts that are simple to the point of boring and Another or Black charts that are unfun note vomit.

You best believe it, my nig.

im a beatles-fag so that's my favorite rb, only shit thing is I can't get dlc now cause store shut down

I still go back to gh metallica

This. GH Metallica and its utilization of Expert+ Drums is fucking orgasmic

I got a 360 and i always wanted to play gh/rb which one should i get? Where can i get the guitars for cheap? Should i just buy the guitar and download frets on fire?

>tfw downloading whatever song you want from rb or gh and having them all in one song list.

Its a shame the custom song community are all expert+ spergs who make stuff impossible for normal people.

I haven't played a rhythm/music game since RB 2.

I'd like to try out some of those funky nip ones though.

I actually just rebought them all for the ps2.

I still break it out sometimes when I'm drinking with friends. I can still 100% Master Exploder on expert vocals.

Whoops. Forgot to change my name after I "sage goes in all fields" a thread earlier.

Rock band 2 is the best of all of them for 360.
Frets on fire is fun and all if you have no other choice, but it lacks the atmosphere of the real games.

Get guitar hero 3 and rockband 2-3

Guitars are expensive as shit in Amazon but easiest bet is craigslist. Got a 2 guitars for PS3 for 20 bucks together

>I can still 100% Master Exploder on expert vocals.

I'm guessing you don't need a microphone.

Is your voice fucking powerful?

>tfw FGFC'd Rock Band 2 on expert vocals years ago and still can nail even some of the hardest songs when just casually drinking and playing

No, to be honest after I bought Rocksmith 2014 on steam to play with my bass it kinda killed any want to play GH or RB again sadly.

Just checked scores on scorehero, holy fuck it's been 7 years already

>tfw you'll never round up some friends on the weekend and to the endless set list for rock band.

Shit took us 6 hours of nonstop play but we did it. I want to go back.