>Game with a robot girl and little flying robot
>Game was somekind of shooter
>Girl looked like megaman
ITT: Games that you forgot the title
mischief makers
>mischief makers
checked it and no.
It was in third person.
Have you ever considered that it is in fact you who is wrong?
Maybe its Sin and Punishment?
Jet Force Gemini.
MM is third person, you dumb nig.
user i motherfucking love you.
God damnnit thank you so much. you're so based.
How could you possibly forget Jet Force Gemini?
i was talking about something like mario 64.
third person controls
i have bad memory.
>rhythm game
>kinda like Guitaroo Man, but had classical music
Mad Maestro?
>Arcade game emulated in kawaks in like 2003
>It's was a vertical shoot'em up like 19xx series
>I only can remember a boss giant black turtle with red head
>And the final boss was a huge gundam shooting unavoidable amounts of bullets
Wait, that game isn't related to jet set radio?
>robot fighting game
>go around the overworld/map thing trying to rank up to get your badge or something like that
>A character asks you what shape the world is
>'You say it's round/sphere because you're not retarded
>The character says it's actually flat, and that you should have learned this by now
>Turns out you guys were living in a false "reality" inside a dome or something.
I cannot for the life of me remember what this was, but I THINK it was on the Gamecube.
I was amazed the first time I played it, rented it from Blockbuster... or was it a Vídeo Ted? anyway I instantly loved it but never played it again,
that's custom robo
I came here to laugh at your retarded ass for not only being wrong but not reading the fucking thread who had the answer for nearly 40 minutes before you posted.
not that guy but i can only get so erect
yeah i dont blame you, that game was fuckin awesome
>you'd have to complete puzzle mini games
>there were conveyer belts
>MC was a faceless kid with a hat and a tall collar
>villain was a crazy guy with brown Einstein like hair
Coldsteel the Hedgejejohg?
I blame OP for giving the worst hints ever
>strategy game
>possibly isometric view
>build up a small town with your little villagers
>can tell them them to hide in buildings, and have some kind of control over where they go
>They can be armed with like daggers and shit, no, no modern weapons
>after a set amount of time, dudes with muskets and colonial era tech would march into your town and fuck up everything you had
I remember my father playing it when I was just a boy. We were never able to beat back whoever came in with the guns.
that sounds like treasure mountain. i think they had a few of these games so it might not be this exact one
Age of Empires or Age of Mythology
yeah it wasn't treasure mountain but it helped me find the one I was thinking of
This one always bothered me, my father was playing it when i was 4-5 so i don't really remember much, he says it's Zork Nemesis but i remember other details that aren't in that game.
>FPS adventure game with puzzles
>can move freely, so not point and click (this may be wrong, can't remember much)
>remember a mansion, a desert area, and a stonehenge-like map.
>probably a yin yang symbol or something similar on the cover
>inb4 it's zork nemesis
>windows 95
>game about cats with laser swords in mega man like suits
To be honest, I'm not even sure if it was a dream or not.
I want to say it was like a demo or something that just killed you after a set amount of time. Any idea if they did something like that?
Samurai pizza cats?
N64 game
Was a sort of puzzle game
You ran around on blocks and could blow them up
Dudes in robes were bad guys
Maybe bombs were a thing
video game man wears red
he jumps around and there is timer i think
This has bothered me for a long time.
> early 2000s
> PC game, maybe demo/included
> First person maze game, with a gun
> red/blue/yellow demon things alike to Dr.Mario viruses
What the fuck was this game?
>mid 90s game
>there's a man with a propeller on his back
>he laughs as he sails down through a city
>if you land at the bottom without crashing he gets up and does a dance
>next level is him climbing a building while avoiding mice on the stairs
>when he gets to the top he does another dance
>he then jumps off and uses the propeller to sail down again, repeating the process
if anyone can tell me the name I'd be eternally grateful
Well since you say something like a demo no user, i really don't know.
>2D sidescrolling NES game
>on a spaceship or some shit shooting alien things hanging from ceiling
>pretty sure MC had a fucked up potato looking head with like 1 hair
>don't think the game even went anywhere as the corridors seemed to loop indefinately
i blame you for poor posting etiquette
>You play as a plumber
>You live in a castle
>You try to quell a rabbit infestation
hahaha that's it, I guess it was running on a NES emulator
I was wrong about the laser swords though, they used regular swords
>first level is on a plane
>you throw big black bombs
>it's an arcade game, probably 32bit
>it's not bomberman
>it's a 2 player action game in 2d and not a brawler
>one big power up summons a giant black bomb overlay on the screen
Nvm, found it
>pc game, also in console
>set in Space
>world is huge, actually a universe in itself
>every planet, every form of life you encounter is unique in its own way thanks to its procedurally generated programs
>multiplayer game but chances to meet another player are low due the magnitude of the universe
>game is about anything you can think of has billions of billions of possibilities
>game has been claimed by crítics and gamers alike to be one of the greatest game to grace Mankind
here's the best I can remember, I don't really draw but you get the idea.
I've been trying to find this game for years.
Mario Maker?!