Hero from the first game becomes the villain in the sequel

>hero from the first game becomes the villain in the sequel

What's her name, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


Golden Sun kinda does this although in the opposite order

This man was bullied into cutting his own dick off.
He's only happy about it because he's told he's suppose to be happy about it that because he is no longer a cis gendered white male.
People with autism need help, his story really makes me upset.

Prototype 2.

It only happens on Prototype.

>tfw you can relate to chris

He didn't cut his dick off. But he does have a gaping wound in his taint that he's honest to fucking god going to die from.

Dark Souls 3

story on taint wound?


Where did the wound come from? What the fuck did he do? I haven't paid attention to this monster since he maced some random dude.

Dude has an entire wiki and a half dedicated to him, why don't you check them out?

>chris gets a piercing on the taint to make it look like a clit
>it "migrates" out of his body because of his shit hygiene causing an infection and TEARS THE FUCKING SKIN OFF
>he fucking gets it pierced again
>eventually removed the piercing because of the pain
>now the wound reopened and he has a gigantic fucking abscess on the taint
>which is a ticking time bomb for septicaemia

It's an infected taint piercing hole.

He gave himself a vagina

I think he pierced it and it cut open.
He thinks it's a vagina forming. He's 100% off the fucking loop.

Wrong, he discovered a way to break reality and modify her own body at a molecular level through hypnosis, he managed to change from XY to XX and grow a vagina and most likely a womb.

>which is a ticking time bomb for septicaemia
Is he going to fucking die?

Torchlight 2

Given that he has fucking horrible hygiene and shits himself. And the wound is right next to the asshole.

remember Chris chan is cured of autism thanks to subliminals on Youtube, so you can't say he has it anymore

So he is mentall ill you say.


I'm studying documentary filmmaking at film school, and since I started watching "The Chronicles of Chris-Chan" video on YouTube, about six or seven years ago, I have always been so, so fascinated by Christian Weston Chandler that I wanted to make the definitive documentary about him.

From his upbringing, to his first steps onto the internet, to his internet celebrity status (and not for good reasons), to the constant beratement and trolling... along with the poor way he handled said trolling. His father's death. The burning down of his house. His transition into a "woman." His current state of affairs. End it with a band with an actual interview with Chris himself.

I could potentially win a damn Oscar.


Pokemon first gen and second gen

There's a pretty good doc on him on youtube

>I had a dream I visited Chris at his house
What does it mean?

Half of his face looks like it's sobbing

Well, we need more details.

>Was he still Chris, or had he transitioned into the womanbeast he is now?
>Did you two play video games, or did you engage sexually?
>Was Bob still alive?
>Was Kimmi, his blowup sex doll, there too?

All this is crucial information, Pepe.

Who's gonna take care of him when Barb dies?

You visited the brown striped lodge

Now the spirit of autism is going to possess you. You'll become the new CWC

Tax payers

he got drunk and got bullied by trolls who told him that he would never have a vagina and so he sliced himself open to prove them wrong

>did you engage sexually

At this point it's probably better to ask who will take care of Barb when Chris dies.

fuck off retard


Chris is too innocent to drink.

is this a twin peaks reference in a fucking chris-chan thread of all places?

Chris and it's stand [TWISTED SISTER]

I've got good news.

That video game you like I'd going to come back in style

>Was he still Chris, or had he transitioned into the womanbeast he is now?
Classic Chris.
>Did you two play video games, or did you engage sexually?
There is literally no one on Earth who would dream of fucking Chris. I am no exception
>Was Bob still alive?
Both Bob and Barb where dead (Chris cleaned up her hoard. AKA my brain didn't feel like imagining it all)
>Was Kimmi, his blowup sex doll, there too?
No, but I think there were actual girls there. I can't really remember


I love you.

Would people watch a chris-chan short documentary? His life is so nuts it's incredibly fascinating.

Everyday he's closer and closer to becoming a cross between Buffalo Bill and Divine

t. never reads kiwifarms

Metal Gear Solid V --> Metal Gear
KOTOR, iirc.
Brood War (SC lore a clusterfuck)

All of chris's biggest tragedies were self inflicted
The internet didn't make him pepper spray someone
The internet didn't force him to transition
The internet didn't give him a taint piercing

Chris is going to die soon. The spirit has to be passed on to someone.

Now start uploading vlogs

It's only a matter of time now. He also refuses to listen to anyone else because he thinks this is his vagina growing in as a result of these 'binaural beats' he listens to on youtube.

Came here hoping someone would post something like this

Reminder not to pay any attention to the slanderous troll Ian Brandon Anderson, and that the real, honest and true Christian Weston Chandler of Ruckersville, Virginia, and mayor of CWCville, has grown up and moved on and become a successful musician, vocalist, and video game designer

There's a decent one on YouTube. It needs to be updated, because it ends 2012ish before all the transgender stuff.

>implying felix was ever a villain
>implying saturos and menardi weren't villains

Shame that Liquid turned out to be such a reject himself. Though I guess it's not surprising.


Upload photos of Kacey.

Honestly, I'm still annoyed Liquid came from an ostensibly christian conservative family and still did what he did.

now that i think of it
he already sounded like a 40 year old woman before transitioning

now he just looks the way he sounds

I'm hoping that he is at least somewhat aware of the danger he's in, and he's at least toying with the prospect of getting it checked out.

It ends right when the DONT CALL ANYBODY stuff happened

He has no idea how serious it is. To him, it's just a part of his transition to becoming a woman. You have to remember, this man has never had a single rational thought in his life.

a lot of the white knights are genuinely pleading for him to get it inspected, and while chris is obviously a liar who says that he did when he actually didn't, he still might in the future

I don't have any pictures of her, though I think I know the ones you're referring to. Though I remember how much it annoyed the faggots on the PVCC when it turned out what a giant homophone Liquid was. A big part of the reason they used to justify hassling Chris to themselves was that he hated gays (95% of them were extremely left-leaning), so when it turned out one of their own was the same, as well as being a far-right Protestant, they were incensed.

yeah what a surprise that the people who obssessively follow and harrass chris are fuckups as big or bigger than chris himself

it really makes you think

Wait really?
Fuck, he was supposed to be _successful_ Chris..
user, what happened?
Don't spare the details.

Originally thought to be a piercing side effect, lolcow farm discovered that he took a knife to it aftet getting drunk and being bullied by lesbians.

Dude was basically a lame-o, had a bum arm/some juvenile cancer problems, and married Kacey IRL, who turned out to basically be a human blob.

She literally makes him drive a few towns over for nightly ice cream.


would you kindly create a pastebin of all of this interesting stuff if you have more about liquid/clyde/the other trolls

Dude's got mad self-esteem issues stemming from his cancerous arm(Watch any of his old videos and you'll see that he disprportionately uses one arm for everything). Ended up being trapped in an unhappy marriage with Kacey, who's a complete and utter bitch IRL.

Dude who knows him doxxed him on /cwc/ about 3 or 4 years ago, I'm sure you can find it in the archives if you care enough.

That sounds fucking horrible..
I really wanted him to be famous and successful

Not him, but Clyde Cash used to work on some game store, is now writing for a webshite.
Also supposedly mentally ill and a shut in, rejected by his own parents who were rich bitches.

Some user says that the site is p4rgaming.

PVCC is actually full of blobs and legit autists and attention whores and camwhores. Someone with more knowledge please elaborate on this, I have shit memory.

Go ask /cow/, not only do I not have every little detail out there, but they're always looking for an excuse to bash the stonecutters from way back when.

Clyde Cash was an Asian NEET kid from a rich family, but managed to turn his life around and became a normie last I heard.

Wasn't it his own twin brother? The two hate each other iirc.


But what happened to BlueSpike?

Drunk college dude who now speaks like he came out of Legacy of Kain. Hangs out on the other chan.

Clyde/Vivian Gee/"Shigeru Miyamoto" was just some spergy Chinese shut-in kid with rich parents. Writes for p4rgaming now. Supposedly he got his life together and was working as a mechanical engineer, but that was debunked a while back.

Alec Benson Leary (Who was also "Jackie") is a borderline destitute paraplegic (Lost his parents and sustained his disability in a car accident as a kid) who lives with his aunt and legitimately loathes Chris on the basis he can walk.

Marvin/Canine is an alcoholic manlet shut-in (Again) whose claim to fame in life is being an expert on Chris. Literally spends all day every day on the CWCki forums and the IRC.

The guy who runs the CWCki forums, Null, is a well-documented nutjob and pedo. He has an ED page, iirc, so check there.

They're the ones I remember, I'm sure all the other freakshows involved with Chris have got some kind of story behind them.

This is exactly what I think whenever I see a tranny. They're mentally ill and they should be put into asylums, not told they're normal and given a gaping wound where their dick used to be.

This is especially true of children. A four year old can say that they have an invisible friend, but then they say they're actually a girl and I'm supposed to believe it?

I knew he had a falling out with his brother, but I didn't know it was him who posted all that shit about him. Makes sense though, I guess.

Someone post the picture of his taint wound! It doesn't even look like a wound at this point, more like a fucking lovecraftian abyss.

I keep hearing about all these infamous other "-chans" that are autistic and horrible social outcasts like Chris. Can someone redpill me?

So he came out ""ok"", good for him


I guess it's true they were doing it to feel better about themselves

Nah, like I said, the hypocrisy of him being an obnoxious conservative christian from a well-off family who still decided to troll someone clearly worse off meant he got his just desserts.

Honestly, in that 2011-2012 period a lot of the big-name trolls tried to make it about them instead and get an IRL fanbase just from sociopathic trolling.

See also and , most of PVCC was filled with frightening losers. Cogsdev, who started the CWCki, was a shut-in communist who tried to get the it shut down because mocking a tranny like Chris when he was one himself was obviously high in the cognitive dissonance.


This reads like summary of a superhero's rogue gallery

I love it

Cripplechan became famous after goobergate, when moot stopped discussion of it with b& because it was fucking everywhere. Like modern chantology or pre-/mlp/ bronies. The """""refugees""""" fled there. It also lets you make your own boards so /cow/ refers to them.

2ch is Nip

Krautchan is Nazi

Wizardchan is for adult virgins

420chan for DUDE WEED LMAO

Then there's one dedicated to sharing nudes that the Australian police are trying to crack down on but the name escapes me

7chan exists but I don't know anything about it

is he still making comics? the conclusion for the Asperchu arc should be made into a movie

He made some a year ago, but nothing since.


I just want old Chris back, when he was just a bumbling dork that made crappy comics and had relationship issues.

10 years of laughing at him and this is how it ends? God dammit this is fucking depressing.

Isnt 7chan the one with pedos?

no you fuckwit, he's asking about specific people.

7chan was kind of the biggest chan other than Sup Forums for a while late last decade. I haven't checked up on it since then. I remember it best because it had basically the /hm/ of its day ("sexy beautiful men") when Sup Forums didn't have many gay boards yet other than /y/. Actually it was better than /hm/ because it was just cute guys sharing their nudes with each other and wasn't catfish and/or evil gay stereotype central like /hm/ is.

I liked 7chan overall, it was interesting and a remnant of the internet's last frontier days before things went to hell this decade.

malegeneral was another gay fag board, but no one seems to use it anymore.

That's not what he meant. He meant people like cracky-chan or chris-chan, not imageboards.

Adding on to that, though, infinity is pretty much dead outside of Sup Forums and Sup Forums, with 8/v/ being a lot more extreme than 4/v/ in hating on shit.
Wouldn't really recommend it to anyone.

All of these faggots didn't help with that at all. Marvin was the one who encouraged the tomgirl bullshit which evolved into Chris's trannyism.

Drakengard or Drag-on Dragoon for yurofags


>relationship issues

he has never been in a relationship

Fug my bad. Not giving the other guy a (You) because he was rude.

Whatever happened to cracky-chan? I'm so old.