Really makes you think, huh?
Really makes you think, huh?
Dat nigga aint CHINESE
Humanity was doing this before pokemon go
Friendly reminder that you don't actually enjoy the things you like doing, your brain just tricks you into thinking you enjoy them by making you feel like you're enjoying them. Everything you do makes you a sheep.
>your brain just tricks you into thinking you enjoy them by making you feel like you're enjoying them
But we are our brain.
i wish to know the joy of killing you
>People using their phone facing down instead of facing forwards
Fuck off Nu-Fun shill
dont fucking say that shit it freaks me out
>he did it, the le makes you think maymay xD
Actually, faggot OP, it DOES make me think. How's that seat in your ivory tower of elitism and ennui? Sure is comfy, I bet.
You must be a riot at parties.
god how fucking amazing would that throat feel if I stick my dick into it
>wanting the blood to drain out of your hands and have them get all prickly
Guy has a long neck.
Whoa, what did he mean by this?
wtf i hate pokemon now
>artist spends time cooped up inside drawing this, shitting on people who are outside having fun
How weak is your heart?
alright seriously what did he mean by this
I genuinely don't know how you guys didn't realize I was pointing out that the OP image was stupid. Like this isn't even a case of "just pretending to be retarded", it was a pretty fucking obvious facetious post.
Anyone who uses a smartphone is a fucking retard
Muh false equivalence, kill yourself tech-addicted millenial drone
Would you be able to blow yourself with a neck that long?
u relly mek m tink
What's the deal with newspaper cartoons and pokemon go?
This one is pretty damn obvious. People are second-hand experiencing the world through facebook, seeing what other people are doing/have done instead of going out and doing things.
It's popular enough for it to get noticed by the normiest.
Now that is a text worth pondering
My question is why do they all look like they were drawn by the same guy?
Old people react to new trends with fear, resentment, and confusion
>Not enjoying the tingliness
paresthesia feels great you pleb
Blah blah just like Sup Forums blah blah.
Just getting it out of the way inb4.
>a tool that let's me get information, contact anyone, store my data and is basically a handheld portable computer
This is b8 but how the fuck do people actually think like this?
Sup Forums must be full of dinosaurs then.
I was 15 once, too.
They think that smartphones are government tracking devices. As if the government fucking cares which McDonalds you go to every night
Like clockwork.
>My question is why do they all look like they were drawn by the same guy?
Because Ben Garrison is literally the only political cartoonist
Man, the day the last boomer dies off is the day the world is finally at peace.
Well you're still an idiot so at least you have that going for you.
Use the computer in your fucking house, you retarded faggot. You don't need to have it in your face 24/7.
>handheld GPS
Go install Windows 10, retard.
I actually think they are but there are tons of ways to get around that, plus regular cellphones are enough to be tracking devices so it's a fucking stupid argument anyway.
Alolan trainer
These don't even make fucking sense.
This is worse than demonization of pokemon in 90's.
>POKéMON GO scribbled in huge letters at the bottom right panel
Golly, I wouldn't have known that's what they were talking about if they hadn't added that. Thanks, political cartoon, now I get the joke.
Not everyone can stay in their basement 24/7, friend
Are you a criminal or something? I'm not planning on trespassing on private property any time soon, and if I was, I just simply wouldn't bring my phone.
Why don't you just use your computer then and stop texting people while you drive, you little faggot?
>69% of the US is "a retard" for owning an inexpensive pocket computer
This one isn't so bad.
I already have Windows 10. I haven't noticed any problems with it.
So are you homeless or something? Why don't you own a computer?
>hurr durr if you aren't a criminal you have no reason to disagree with being tracked every waking moment through your portable computer
Celebrity tweets, FB reposts, foodstagramming
>Contact anyone
Deluge of brainless internet arguments
>Store my data
Duckfaces, dickpics
Smartphones are incredible technology but I feel that most of these cartoons are attacking the majority of people who engage in this technology brainlessly.
>Inb4 you're posting on a Serbian frogbreeding board
I kinda like this one. It's incomplete about the FB experience, but I like it.
Yeah because browsing facebook and looking at memes is the same as reading a newspaper.
That makes absolutely no sense.
They missed the panel where the peaceful black mob caved his face in with a brick.
>Use the computer in your fucking house
Yeah I'll just bring that with me to work, school, and stuff.
My mommy doesn't go out and do all my work for me, I'm so jealous of you
Where's the joke??
>69% of Americans are retarded
Sounds about right actually.
Woah... Really makes you think,huh...
>use smartphone
>look up several news sources at once in a more environmentally friendly manner and can look up any subject of interest raised immediately
>somehow inferior to a newspaper
What did he mean by this
Did you know that smartphones have access to the entire internet?
If you're not a criminal, why would it bother you that you're being tracked? Why would it even cross your mind as a concern? I have a pretty boring life. Unless I get into the human trafficking industry, the Illuminati isn't going to be checking my wherabouts.
did americans actually say millenial outside of the internet?
Yeah it's not like you can use your smartphone to call a cab in under a second without having to call, or use it to find your way somewhere, or use it to listen to music, or track what shifts you have at work, or you know, 90% of the reason a smartphone is actually useful beyond "lol facebook"
Yeah sure, it's all chemicals, everything around us is just a construct, nihilism for life (read: until I grow the fuck out if it in a year or two). Go nuts.
Nice try. We all know you're unemployable, user.
Well the term was coined in like 2004 or some shit
Something something young people doing something they don't understand so they hate it
I had a conversation with my mom where she was talking about it and it was clear that she didn't even know what it was, but she hated it and was actively looking for reasons to hate it
>but you have to drive a lot to do it right, so it wastes fuel?
>but you have to look at your phone the whole time
It's just a fucking Pokemon themed fitness app, there's no reason to hate it
whoa... i never thought about it like that... what's wrong with this society...
I use a smartphone and don't have a facebook page.
>Trusting a newspaper
I trust the homeless more than I trust the mainstream media.
>nothing to fear nothing to hide
>you will never be this upset over people going outside for a change
feels good man
That's what he gets for hacking Mudkip into the game.
Look at the OP. Then look at that post again. Then take a long hard look at your life when you realize you took obvious sarcasm seriously.
ugh, fixed...
>pokemon go locations
Oh look, someone who doesn't know what they're talking about
You just KNOW that this person is totally out of touch.
Social media is in an uproar every time there's news of cops killing black people.
This is you. The rest is just a casing of flesh and bone that keeps the real you alive.