Favorite Video Game?

Favorite Video Game?

Job/Field of Study?

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paper mario 1 & 2

Software development


Prison guard

Dawn of War 1

NYPD Officer

Dorf Fortress


I should just atom smash myself already


Smite/ play.typeracer.com


Demon's Souls
Applied Experimental Psych M.A.

Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2
Web design/getting master's in computer science

Mega Man X

Closer at Burger King full-time
Please kill me.

is prison like the movies where people are animals and its a jungle and rape and cruel guards and yada yada yada?

i dont understand why people resort to rape/gay shit, wouldnt people just jack off instead

and if rape is going on, why wouldnt the guards just give them access to porn so they jack off instead of fucking dudes


Currently majoring in Chemical Engineering



I know, I know, it's a pleb choice, but I was 10 when it came out and it changed my perception of vidya. Plus I got really sick once and had my most comfy experience ever while playing it.

Civilization V
Land surveyor.

terraria, please no judge

Prison rape is more about dominance than sexual gratification.


Zelda:Link to the past

A/V assistant studying CS

Also posting best girl.

The World Ends With You

I'm an Ex-NEET at 23, feeling pretty old as a freshman, but fuck I'll keep it going. If I've got vidya I've got means of staying hip and cool I'm sure!

How much does Sup Forums feel like work for you?

All rape is more about dominance than sexual gratification

Liking Hitman very much right now

Police Officer

Depends on what you mean by work. I'm obviously not a clinical psychologist if that is what you're getting at.

Path of Exile
Working on a psychiatric ward while studying social work

Men of War

Technician in a test laboratory

The "ex" in Ex-NEET is the most important part. That chapter is behind you. Don't beat yourself up for what you were, that is an important part of who you are.

>Not studying Video Game Design

I thought you liked videogames.

rapists who are definitely guilty beyond all measure should be neutered

Dwarf Fortress
Server Admin

That's the tough part though. How do you define "definitely guilty beyond all measure?"

Thanks user. I really needed that. I hope all is going well on your end as well.

Breath of Fire 2

Currently studying CS in uni, I'm 25 yold.

I feel old sometimes, a lot of people I see in my classes are 18-20 yold.

I had to deal with a lot growing up, from malnutrition to depression and severe bullying.

Sometimes I think about ending it all man.

I'm turning 23 in a few days, and transferring to a four year in the spring, so it's going pretty well I'd say.

Kindergarten Teacher

Sounds about right. Life sucks, and then you die. One negative aspect of being unable to relate to most people you associate with on a regular basis is feeling like a bubble boy, as if an invisible barrier surrounds you at all times.

How do you reconcile being a pedophile with teaching kids all day?

I mean that this whole site must feel like a psychological experiment writ large.

The main entertainment I get from it is seeing how people interact with each other when social barriers get stripped away, but for you that's just another day at the office.

dorf fort

Compsci major with a job at pizza hut

End my life already

Holy shit same occupation here. My favorite game is SS13 though

The public has massive misconceptions about prison nowadays, PREA is a huge deal in most states. Also most prisoners have no problem getting women with the programs, meet inmate sites and stuff like Hybristophilia.

something like that...

sometimes I wish I could just reset this shitty char and start anew.

then I remember some people live even shittier lives, oh well, at least I'm not a woman.

Oh. Yeah I dunno. It frustrates me how the site is essentially nothing further than children arguing with children. Their inability to use higher-order cognitive functions such as logical and rational decision making skills, being unable to admit being wrong, possessing not one iota of self-awareness, displaying obscene black-and-white viewpoints, and overall, maintaining willful ignorance above all else is grating to see, day after day after day after day.

Cities skylines

Uber driver/carpenter

I really want to get into experimental concrete tech and alternative building materials.

What's your field, fellow psychfag?

F-Zero GX


Deus Ex

Barista / Planning


Remember you're here forever.

If you're referring to career goals and research interests, I would like to get a doctorate in behavioral neuroscience and research psychopathology.

I've been here for almost what, 4 year? I don't remember seeing much of what you described.

Nope, sorry

Viewtiful Joe

Video Editing

I admit there are a few blatant and abstract connections.

Don't I know it. Nine years and counting, stuck in a place where I exceed the average age. I often wonder where my peers went while lamenting that there is no other imageboard with the population and speed of old Sup Forums. Except 2ch maybe? But I can't speak moon.

Lying is unsightly, and you are not good at it. Also, lurk more.

I'm on to you.

No More Heroes

Hotel night receptionist


Work at a grocery store.

I have no idea what to do with my life and I'm absolutely terrified.



Art History

Half Life

Retail Associate

>mfw don't know what to study/do

Fuck you Jeremy, Sarah thinks you're a straight up creep.

>No More Heroes
>Hotel Night Receptionist

This theme fits your job so fucking well then.

Day shift or night shift

I've heard being a night shift janitor is a lot of fun.


Oh, and I had an interview for Comcast today and I have no idea how to feel about it.
Like, nothing seemed to go wrong. We were all talking and having a good time. I just can't help but think I fucked up. This is my ticket out of mediocrity, and I feel like it's drifting away. ;_;

Fallout New Vegas


red alert 2 yuri's revenge

software engineer

100% the same as me
We'll figure shit out someday.

Well to be specific I'm a sub janitor for a school district. But I'm almost always night shift, which is what I prefer. I don't know if I'd call it fun but it's definitely chill, probably the best job I've had so far.

But isn't that the beauty of it, user?

Once people are divorced from their identity, free from any of the social ramifications that would normally be brought about by acting like a petulant 12-year-old well into your twenties, they revert to an immature mental state.

They bicker about shit that doesn't matter, ignore or attempt to shout down anything which challenges their worldview, and incessantly masturbate.

I feel like it gives us all a unique perspective, knowing that most of the people we interact with in our day-to-day lives are really no better than a Sup Forums user when there's no risk to their reputation.

Depressing perspective, but unique and very informative nonetheless.


You sure your favorite game isn't MARIO ???

nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk

Best of luck dude.

Pursue something, man. Videogames age slower than we do; if you don't get that Comcast job try talking to a counselor to see what sort of jobs you could be interested in.

I took about 5 years off after high school only doing odd jobs and now I'm working towards being a Physician's Assistant and playing tons of Vidya. Feels good man.

Fast Food jobs are death.

I dunno dude. I'm only just turned 20 and I feel like I better come up with something quickly. It sucks not having passion for anything.

What's the pay?

Super Mario World.

Interaction Design.

Sorry bro, I haven't ever beat a Mario game outside of the Paper Mario games. Closest I came was 7-1 on SMB2. Was never too much into them.

League of legends/DOTA 2


All time favorite: Zero Escape Series
Current favotite: Overwatch

I'm studying Aviation Engineering right now, and I'm a Private Pilot training to go Air Transport.

Chrono Trigger

Air Force.
I'm a black weeb stationed in Okinawa (Japan), I literally lucked out so hard I'm afraid of fucking it up.

I'm 23 and the things I have a passion for require more money and better grades than I have/had.

I think most of it is due to literal underage. You see the newfags acting overly-hostile in an attempt to fit in. That's why every thread has idiotic arguments about every conceivable topic for the sheer sake of arguing. Also consider that most of the kids come from spoiled sheltered homes so they're used to having their way, never being told "no" or that they're "wrong", nor can even fathom such a concept.

The raw narcissism and self-obsession is disturbing.

Sorry for a not-very-insightful response. I'm in the beginning stages of what seems to be a COLD and I don't even know why I'm not tired considering I've had virtually no sleep in the last day.

Metal Gear Solid 2

Politics and International Relations

3rd year Kinesiology Major

They start you out $15/hr

>That major


Thanks, man.

I was never really sure what direction to go in as far as a degree or anything. I figured something to do with computers, but I never had the motivation. Now I kind of fucked up my life and I'm living on my own supporting a family basically, so a decent company job with potential for growth seemed like a good opportunity. Otherwise it's another few years of fast food for me, since I can't really say no to full-time.

Stay in school, kids. Take shit seriously.

so the prisoners can have girls in prison?
ive honestly got no clue what prisons are really like because every piece of media shows them as awful places with no redeeming qualities

i would've thought they'd be more like a really harsh school

Have any of you actually followed your dreams?

In recent years I've wanted to to writing but feel like if I actually tried taking courses on it I qould just waste my time and that since I haven't been doing it since I was kid I would be shit.

I want to do something that helps people, something that brings happiness to their lives. If I can't do something actually inspiring to people I think my life would be pointless to me.

I mean as long as you're not one of the guys who raped the locals or whatever they did you should be fine.

Are you that guy that used to smash video game stuff with a hammer on Youtube?

Receptionist dude here.
Yeah it does fit pretty well, next time I go to work I'll play this song while there's no customer around to bother me. Shit's gonna be comfy.

Killing Floor. Best days of my life playing that game.


>New Vegas
You sure you aren't a mailman ???
nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk

Im an xray tech who studies radiation and I'm probably going to go into nuclear medicine. STALKER is the best series ever.

Don't want to be a dick but it looks like you're already a little rusty in the writing department.

Spellcheck/Grammarly is your friend. Sure though, fucking write! People are so afraid of being in debt nowadays they settle for hell rather than pursuing their dreams.

Holy shit, I might have to ditch my shit retail job and start cleaning schools at night.


Are you sure you aren't dead? ???

nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk

Red Orchestra 2/Rising Storm

Sous Chef

>I want to do something that helps people, something that brings happiness to their lives. If I can't do something actually inspiring to people I think my life would be pointless to me.
Fuck. This.
I used to fuck around with Game Maker years ago. I really wanted to just create a game that I felt people would enjoy, just to know that I gave someone a pleasant experience they could remember for maybe years even.
Unfortunately, I'm a lazy, unmotivated piece of shit.

Capcom vs SNK 2
New technologies applied to art

What's your favourite job?

and static name