The last video game character you played as wants to have unprotected sex with you! They also appear to be rule 63'd

The last video game character you played as wants to have unprotected sex with you! They also appear to be rule 63'd
How fucked are you?

>Alex Mercer
That's a bit worrying.

>My male awoken warlock

Aww yiss

I'd rather it were Paizuri.



>Iori Yagami

pls sauce

>Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition
Oh fu-
>rule 63'd
...I am actually very okay with this.

>Icarus Hip Thrust in bed.

What would be left?

>female Strelok

I hope I don't get radiation poisoning from her being in the zone for so long.

>EDF Fencer
Does she still have the power armour? J-just curious haha

>Butch from Monster Girl Gamu
I am fine with thi-
I am satisfied


>Geralt of Rivia

Im ok with this

So Shovel Knight? Right, let's do this. Please, please be a pretty face under the mask.

>my GW2 main
Oh baby

It's a helmet you dipshit

>Yuri from Shadow Hearts wants to ride my dick while I'm unconscious
>fusion sex
>daddy issues

A winner is me.

>Rule 63 of my M&B character


jc denton

>Frank West

I'd let her cover my war

>my runescape character switches gender
>my female model has triple D tits, babymaking hips, battlescars, and blonde messy hair

sign me the fuck up

how does this works?

>the main character from TimeShift

There could probably be some pretty kinky stuff with the suit powers.

>the kid from Bastion
Call the cops see if I give a fuck.

ah shit


ye ye (ye)

>female Rance
Literally everyone is fucked.


This is not okay.

>played as

Man that's almost always boring. Next time you should do last enemy you killed/were killed by.

Massive legs, Brazilian samurai girl.

you just described laura from sfv.
I'm lucky i guess

>Adam Jensen
Well, hopefully the warmth of our love for each other will spare me from the cold of her augments. Does Adam even have genitals? That shower scene in MD made it look like he had a robo-butt.

That's cool, I guess.

Not sure if they'd have any genitals, though.

>Do you even have a single fact to back that ass up?

Fem leon


Postal dude. I'm fucked.

So I guess I'm dead


As happy as I am I can't help but feel that I'm a pleb. Gender swap doesn't matter.

OH SHIT Potemkin's rule 63'd so I get to have sex with a tall muscular brown waifu.
I am pleased.

>Male Titan from Destiny

Alright but I'm gonna need a new bed.

>girl mccree

Does that mean I get to plow weeb Ciri?

>r63 Medic

I'm ready.

>Isaac Clarke from Dead Space 1
A female engineer from the future would be pretty hot, but Isaac's mental state throughout the game is probably pretty questionable
The real question is whether or not I get a sick suit for myself afterwards

>Female version of Johnny Gat.

No thanks, I'd take the male version. Murderous personalities aren't attractive on women

>either Link or Ganondorf
Pretty good either way, but rule 63 Ganondorf would probably be sexier.

>Female version of strong reptilian alien commander


If you want a specific one then r63'd Bachelor from Pathologic.

Also cool.

>Rule 63

I can dig that, so long as we cuddle after

So...would it just be May? Gonna need a professional opinion on this one.

Oh boy

>crash time 3

I'm going to be fucked by the car or the two detectives?


>Eve Jensen
is she gonna crush my dick with her bionic pussy

>My bandit from Stalker: Call of Chernobyl
Oh christ

Medic from TF2 or Ciel from SkyGunner.

i was playing smash 4 til about 3 in the morning last night, think i played my last game as link, maybe little mac

either of these scenarios is acceptable to me

>Alex in SFV
>Buff wrasslin jazzy nyc waifu

I'd let her power bomb me.

The driver in GRID 2, so I guess female dagumi?

>Fem Serious Sam

I'm down with that


who's the prota of FF: Brave Exvius? Rain? Fina? Lasswell?
outside mobile stuff:
>KoF '97

O bby

Citation fucking needed

>Male Mei
Slightly drooling

Master Chief
Holy fuck,a super strong amazonian waifu. My dream come true.

It's gonna be very average