Hey Sup Forums, play any video games today?

Hey Sup Forums, play any video games today?

Nah, just watching all the shit threads popping up because mods are asleep. Good fun

Metal Slug 3, trying to beat it without dying.
i'm struggling with mission 3

I played psychonauts for the first time. Haven't had this much fun playing a game for a while. Played 6 hours straight.

Nope, just talked with people in discord and watched all the shitposts.

got Titan Quest today and played a couple hours
it was fun

yeah, i played Overwatch and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Played alpha sapphire after not playing it for a year. I remember why I stopped now.

Playing a lot of Bloodborne today

>bought Crash Time 3 in sale
>bought the last Need for Speed in sale

Crash Time 3 handles better than Need for Speed

I'm not even surprised at this point..

I haven't played any games in a while, I was going to check out the Ni-Oh demo tomorrow because it's free.

They need to do something about this garbage. People are posting porn and non-vidya related shit all over. And to think I was banned, just last week, for posting a stale meme. Mods need to get their shit together.

I played a little Project Diva X, not sure I'm into the story thing they are trying to do. I also tried out Paragon. I never payed any attention to coverage of Paragon so I didn't realize that it was a MOBA ass MOBA but I like it.

Played some Nioh beta and Super Mystery Dungeon. Would have been playing God Eater but my local Best Buy was out of stock so I had to order online.

Today I bought a psx with Crash Bandicoot and played it with my big brother, oh boy, so many memories, feelings and fun

Tried to play some drunken far cry primal with my navy friend. He's on vacation for a bit, so I'm glad he's back in town. He picked me up from work, I'm a waitress at a restaurant and we played it at my place. Brugal is always good.

>Stu's voice actor is dead

everybody dies user.
just enjoy life.

>playing vidya minding my own business
>A huge fucking wasp lands on my keyboard

>Stu's VA
>Gene Wilder
>MGS and SH are pretty much dead and Konami is fucking the corpse
Why did all this have to happen?

Been leveling some alt classes on FFXIV doing the yokai watch event on FFXIV, just unlocked Monk.

Also been working my way through FE8. Abusing the absolute fuck out of save states and the arena.

Rate my Ross.

holy shit is Sup Forums shtposty tonight

Are you new? Stu threads have been posted every night at 4am for months.

Battlefield 1. There was a fun glitch after the servers came back up where 9/10 players would spawn with no weapons so we just kinda ran around as cavalry cut us down.

I was talking about the fifty other shit post threads mouth breather

Started playing Shinovi Versus and already considering dropping it after 3 hours.
Way too easy and repetitive button masher.

I played the fuck out of Oracle of Seasons.

its so hard to browse them all before they get deleted
its going into maximum shitpost browsing

>During this shitstorm of mods trying to hide the leaked chats. 4am threads are not moved into the /trash/ first thing.
What a great time to be alive Sup Forums.

Mods aren't asleep, they're doing it to distract you from what's actually going on.