what game are you working on?
What game are you working on?
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I'm working on getting platinum for sly 1, then gonna do sly 2
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition
God of War 2 up next
i collect achievements instead of trophies although i have been having a fun time doing all the ff7 and uncharted ones to add extra gametime
Xenoverse and Life is Strange
Adventures of Mana. Just about done. Gotta grind to 99. 71 right now. It's easy and I've loved the game. This part is gonna be a bore though.
yeah I like that they actually give me a reason to do all the extra things
a save file can get corrupted but cheevos and Trophies at least stick around as long as you have an account
Fucking call of juarez.whose idea was to put a game on plus and shutting down servers right after
Mad Max and Digimon Cyber Sleuth. Im thinking if the DMC reboot should be next, im feeling like playing it
Star Ocean 5
Halfway through my second playthrough, then off to a third, then grinding to 255 and grinding 1mil hits
All said and done 80 hours in I still have another 80 minimum to go. I am taking my time though so if you're only going for the bare minimum, you can probably get it done in 150 or less.
.hack//Quarantine, doing that end-game virus core hunting.
>post yfw multiplayer trophies
Fuck you rockstar, I just want my Red Dead platinum.
don't people still play rdr on ps3?
They do, but I just don't want to sit a reach max level in multiplayer game.
it's too time consuming.
Plated Dark Souls and Bloodborne
dark souls 3
just need to grind out and find all Pyromancies, Miracles, Spells and the fucking rings but I feel burned out trying to even start finding them
Also doing Demons Souls and Dark Souls 2 for the same thing
>tfw just got the online trophies for little big planet karting 3 hours ago as the servers shut down 2 hours ago
I have zero friends on psn and I don't care for trophies anyways (or so I tell me) yet it bugs me to no end that I'm missing the 20k monster slain trophy from dungeon travelers 2.should I get that one, I also get the Plat, so I guess I am working on that. On and off.. Grinding a few mobs each day
>Adventures of Mana.
Isn't this the remake of Final Fantasy adventures? AKA, the 'first' mana game
Mad max, but I looked ahead and am having second thoughts. I thought Just Cause 2 was bad for collectathon trophies, but this takes the cake. After that probably start mankind divided.
Dark 2's probably the easiest apart from the bell free covenant. Demons' upgrade rocks make me weep.
That's pretty damn impressive, have a (You)!
You think that's bad take a look at Max Payne 3.
The bell covenant is what's pissing me off the most. I suck at PvP so I have to rely on that random spawning red phantom.
Sometimes I think it doesn't even want to come out
I need to go through Dark Souls 3 to finish off the Souls trophies
And then MGSV to finish off all the Metal Gear trophies. If I can get the MGS4 platinum and the MGS2 trophy, I can fucking do this
Nothing at the moment, but yesterday I got platinum on Ico HD, last trophy was beating the under 2 hours. All other trophies were easy
Yeah. It exactly the same too except for its updated graphics and the ring system like other Mana games in place for ease of access. Its been a blast. Stupid easy but I like the game a lot.
I played the shit out of the multiplayer in MP3.
Gang Wars, the maps, the gameplay were fantastic.
Got to max level for the trophy easily in the first 3 weeks.
Wish I could replay the SP for those trophies but playing the game on PC spoiled me.
Going through the Yakuza games. Just platinumed 3 and 4, will probably start 5 tonight.
>last trophy was beating the under 2 hours
This is my last trophy to do but I'm to scared to attempt.
How hard is it?
Can't for the life of me get the timing for this, one slip and you're done. Have you tried SotC yet? There's one particular time attack that's almost impossible.
kingdom hearts 2 final mix but i fucking hate the gummi ship missions
V's a grind, but I found it more doable than 3 (damn frogs) and 4 (damn frogs). Even though 2's really hard, I probably enjoyed it the most.
I'm filling out the Book of 1000 on .hack//GU right now, I'm about to finish the second one but it takes fucking forever to open chests
I found 3 the easiest. I kept in mind that each frog was in each level sector and got the plat in one play through.
I can't for the deat life of me complete each mission in V. I'm finding them way too difficult and really grindy
Eventually I found that each level has a pattern you need to follow exactly to get an S rank, you just need to find it. Hitting the frogs during the bike sections was by far the worst out of any MGS trophies for me. Including Peace walker.
You can actually do it with two people, makes it much easier if you're half way coordinated.
This saddens me, I only had 1 multiplayer trophy left and others story related.
Shadow of the Colossus.
Still need to get max stamina, get to the top of the shrine, eat all fruit and then it's onto hard mode and hard time attack. Normal time attack wasn't that bad but maybe hard is truly a whole different beast.
Boy, you have no idea what you're in for.
I remember beating this game about 5 1/3 times to get the platinum. It almost felt like hell by the end. It was satisfying afterwards for like a day.
achievements are pointless, anyway, just have fun with the game
Yeah, number 3 was already the most difficult one in normal time attack. I hope he'll be gentle to my asshole in hard time attack.
Of course, they're pointless but I like going for them. I'm still proud of getting all the trophies for Metal Gear Rising especially since I usually suck at games like that.
I hated the vr missions in 2
It wouldn't be so bad if they weren't all so similar, because there's literally dozens of just "Practice with this gun under this time limit only with a different character skin"
THe later ones got cool, but you had to slog through so much trash to get to them you need some serious willpower to finish all 512 fucking missions
Attack on Titan Wings of Freedom at the moment:
>Those grinding related trophies
I have 8 trophies left, but this ruined my mojo.
Or GTA 4.
That' s what made me ignore online or co-op achievements/throphies completly.
Yeah, I'm glad I could glitch to get the harder multiplayer trophies in GTA V. GTA IV and it's even worse than V exp amounts piss me off.
Birth by Sleep. Need ice cream trophy and Terra's journal completed. Then it's waiting until 2.8 release in December. Not looking forward to grinding Dream Eaters if that's one of the trophies.
>Auf Wiedersehen Petrovic
The lighting trophy for ffx is literally impossible, i give up.
There's a crater in the second part of the Thunder Plains where when you walk up to it a lightning strike will happen consistently. All you have to do is memorize the time of the flash as you walk up to it and you're golden.
SotC. Can't say I'm looking forward to the hard time trials
Im with Mad Max too. Fuckin challenges right?
I got a question. For the shoe gum challenge I need to destroy 1 of the legion vehicles driving around gastown.
Problem is I cant find any of those. I know exactly how are they, Ive seen them before, but now I just completet the main mission Big Chief and they are not spawning anymore. What can I do? Should I end the mainstory for they to spawn again?
Christ I had to reload so many times just because you fail to pull the girl down a ledge or something similar. I was really fearful of that finicky fucking water wheel, but I nailed it on the first try fortunately. Got the water melon end on the same go.
>tfw I literally bought a ps3 for trophies but I don't even hunt for them
I just really like them as something to show for all the time I wasted.
sunlight medals though
They still spawn after the main story, but you can find them in death races too.
I'm currently working on Project Colonizer but my team has been slacking in terms of progress and I'm even thinking about firing our UI designer.
Seriously? The spray colored cars right? Can you tell me wich race?
My last Platinum was Uncharted 3.
The closest one since then was Xenoverse since I was unable to do the reviving 5 team mates playing online.
Comes easily if you wait outside covetous demon or skeleton lords' fog and don't level up after the boss fight.
Not playing any game at the moment. Just playing the nioh demo and that's pretty much it. Once nioh comes out, I plan to platinum it.
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition.
I got most of the trophies done when it was released last year, I took a break from playing it and somehow ended up completely forgetting about it.
All I need for the plat is completing the Bloody Palace with Trish and Vergil. Vergil won't be a problem, but I tried it with Trish a few nights ago and died on the infamous 85th floor. It makes me sad to see just how underpowered she is.
They spawn in the gas town death race. You can still find them randomly in the post game too. Most of the collection stuff is easier done after you beat Scrotus and upgrades are unlocked.
I got so fucking lucky with Trish. Right when I blasted one Blitz with the Pandora the other Blitz teleported right into the beam so they both lost their armor.
Dante is the only character where DP took more than one try for me.
They are USELESS and an attention whore fashion product.
Metal Gear Rising Revengeance. I have no time to do it right now since classes started, but all I have left to do is get an S-rank in Revengeance difficulty and get 1st place in all VR missions. Once you beat VR18, which I did, you're pretty much guaranteed to be able to get the platinum.
>Finish 5 challenges for Vanquish
>6th hidden one is unlocked
It's so hard, I can't beat two boogies with ads attacking me at the same time, most of my smokes are gone on the first one. And it's the last one I need.
I just copied all tricks/skips form this video and got time 1:49:30
Also save at some of the savepoints so you can reload if you fail something badly
In SotC I have left max stamina, max health, lizards, fruits and climing to top of the shrine, so I need to play the game twice more and collect stuff.
3rd colussus hard time attack was hell, I sweared 3 hours straight before rage quitting, beat it next day after trying 30 minutes
Challenge 6 has been in my backlog for like 5 years. I keep hoping I'll find a chance to squeeze it in somewhere.
Earth Defense Force 4.1
>inb4 madman
that's okay, I'm not a platinum hunter anyway
Do you have any tips for how to get a chance to stab when colossi never fucking stand still? 3rd's stomach weak point is sometimes fucking impossible to attack.
How could anyone know how to do the sword flick jump to get to his head quickly without using stamina? Realistically he should have another 2 minutes to make it fair.
3rd one is hell, rest are quite easy
If 3 starts shaking his belly, hop off and swing at his back, he changes stance long enough to climb back on and stab. Others like 15 seem to be pure luck on whether they shake or move.
Dreamals, Teslagrad and some other flash sale stuff
Gas town death race is a main mission. I cant do it again and when I did it didnt have the necessary archangel
Personally, I've only completed the normal time attacks right now but to me it seems like the constant shaking may be random. I've had problems with both 6 and 15 and them constantly shaking without pause. Restarting seemed to help because on some runs they never went into a shaking frenzy.
I'll remember that.
Just a normal swing? No climbing or stabbing required?
Charge stabs only about halfway. When you stab colossus, it should stop shaking for couple seconds and you can charge new stab meanwhile. If you wait too long, colossus stars shaking again violently.
Somebody recomended this strategy on some forum.
And of course sometimes this trick doesn't work, so it might take 3-5 tries.
Playing Gat out of Hell last night and only needed to grind for buy all guns and co-op for 3 hours. I just joined some randoms co-op game and started stealing his cash from hitting spires and doing stuff he hadn't yet. I don't know if he got any money for it but I felt bad regardless. He tried to add me as a friend but I just ignored him.
This took me ages but once you do it you'll feel great.
Time limit is stupidly thight
I think luck sums up floor 85 with Trish perfectly. I managed to take down one Blitz without too much trouble, but the second Blitz refused to stay still, so I couldn't do the Pandora cancel to get some Devil Trigger runes, and the Blitz eventually DT'd and destroyed me. Oh well!
Funnily enough, I've always had trouble with the Credo fight as Dante in the BP on all versions of the game I've played. I've always messed up on my first try, but then had no trouble on my second attempt.
I've only fought Credo as Dante once and I almost died.
That battle trophy for 1000000 cumulative hits takes an abnormally long time, check out the farming hits overnight video. Most of the other battle trophies, etc came naturally.
Games are supposed to be fun asshole
Dmc4 Special Edition
Dungeon Travelers 2, still need the stupid 20k kills trophy, and I'm already at floor 25 out of 30 in bogomil.
>working isn't fun
Just notched off Uncharted 1, playing it on Crushing was actually really fun, some of the fights were absolute horseshit but it was great figuring out the optimal way to eliminate the threats in order.
I should download the last Just Cause 3 DLC so I can be done with that game forever.
>mfw I suffered to do all the wingsuit missions 5* and then the first DLC gave shitters a jetpack to do them easily with
Not working on any specifically but there's some I'm interested in getting.
I'd love to get the BlazBlue Chrono Phantasma Extend one but I'm fucking awful at combo trials.
>He thought he was getting an easy ride from an Omega Force game
AoT is probably the most reasonable plat I've seen from them, their Musou plats are beyond fucking belief.
>Samurai Warriors 4
>Play every story mission
>With every character available
>Some missions have like 8 available officers, most have at least 3-4
>Do all the missions in every stage, half of which are character specific, which prevents you autopilot playing, have to pay attention and do exactly as you're told or you'll fuck up the requirements
>Was grinding desert payday for a week
>Still not even halfway to buying all the shit I need
Please judge. I don't know what to platinum next.
Oh boy, prepare for a miserable time doing Mysterious Stranger with Terra.
Fucking Welcome Park. Still have to do the stupid tile puzzles.
Got the plat for Furi the other day. That was a real fun one to go for.
If you ever plan on playing the DLC, it's worth noting they give you a ton of in game cash.
Either way good luck.
Try to take this picture in the 15 tiles puzzle. Helped immensely.
Street Fighter 5. I only need to get one more trophy (obtain 1,000,000 fight money) but it's absolute hell. I'm pretty close though, think I need 100k more to go. Guess I'll have to wait for more DLC characters to be released.
I was thinking about doing something similar. Thanks.
tfw cant get MAG platinum
>servers forever shut down