Who the fuck would raid Sup Forums?
Who the fuck would raid Sup Forums?
Tumblr and 9gag have tried. Ask them why they thought it was a good idea.
We're getting raided? I'm used to porn threads every night.
Sup Forums raids itself
>pissing in an ocean of piss
It was /mpl/. There was a discussion about a raid on here
Us... we have won. Well, almost. All that's left is to ruin Sup Forums. But we have taken back what we once had.
Make the boards liberal again!
When were they ever liberal in any sense?
>tumblr image
>make boards liberal again
Fuck off.
Sup Forums itself. But what board? That's what I'm trying to piece together.
Dear redditors it's safe to come out now, mods are here.
OP here. Delete this thread because board settings don't allow me to myself.
I am just shitposting because some Sup Forums fag came onto our board to whine about shitposting.
2008 Sup Forums was diehard Obama supporters. It was shot lived but it happened.
>acts like a fascist to censor dissenting opinions
good job being coherent with your ideology
shh, don't tell anyone
This raid is politically motivated
It is to prevent discussion of this :^)
We permit people with different ideas, genders, and sexualities. For some reason, lately this place has become infested with white male trump supporters who don't like that. It's time to go back and "make this board great again."
Same goes to you, friends.
It's own posters
that never happened though
Just like we have some shillary threads you can find old yes we can shill obama threads
I don't even like Trump nor am I white. I'm just saying that you are a faggot acting exactly like the people you claim to hate
Sup Forums