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The one that works

I came on your sister's chest and in your mother's dungeon.

only a fucking casual would try to solve this shit instead of replaying all the 4 dungeons to open all the chests by farming all the keys you dumb ass

Not this fucking thread again

Let me post the answer from the beginning so people can calm down

This riddle has no answer. It is badly written on purpose. Don't even waste your time solving it. It is a modified version of an actual riddle.

Both players knew which dungeon it was in because that's where the quest tracker pointed

And a demonstration for those who do not believe me

Player one knows the dungeon, player two knows the chest

Player one knows as a certainty that two can't tell which dungeon it is, this means that the dungeon contains all chests that appear more than once on other dungeons, so it must be the second dungeon

Player two realizes that and thus knows which chest it is since they knew from the beginning

And that's it. That's as far as you can get. It is in the second dungeon. Anything past this is speculation and faulty logic. The riddle is rigged.

Player One knows which dungeon the key belongs to.

Player Two knows what chest type its for.

Player One mentions that Player Two can't know what dungeon the key belongs to just from knowing the chest type. This implies that the correct Dungeon is one in which the chests are all repeats of chests found in other dungeons.

This immediately rules out dungeons 1 and 3, and 4, because they contain chests that are unique to those dungeons and not found elsewhere.

So we know that the correct dungeon is number 2.

As to how you can decern which chest is correct from that information, I don't know.

Anyone else figure it out?

>Take Player Two And Grind Through Each Dungeon One By One
>Get A Fuck Ton Of Keys
>Replay Them Again And Get Lodes Of Emonay and Loot
>Only Took About An Hour
>Problem. Fucking. Solved.

Ah, damn. Well I got that far and couldn't get further. Thanks for stopping me from wasting any more of my time.

Make tgink

>Two player


Badly written as said, but I was not sure between 1 and 2, was more leaning on 2 though

It's the Diamond chest, but I am not sure why



Does this mean they relog until 2 people don't get "lord"?

>OP made bad riddle on purpose

I just had my own idea. So we can rule out all of the dungeons which have unique chests in them because otherwise player 2 would know the dungeon. So after that only dungeon 2 and dungeon 4 remain left over. Then Player 1 basically says that to player 2 (though in code), player 2 now knows that it must be Dungeon 2 because he know the chest is Gold. So Dungeon 2 - Gold chest as I see it. Doesn't make much sense otherwise, don't know how you would jump directly to Dungeon 2 just because it has 'more' repeats than 4. They're both equally valid still

Player One implies that Player Two wouldn't be able to pinpoint which dungeon it is based on what type of chest the key is for.

Therefore, it's impossible for the first and third dungeons because they contain leather and copper chests not found in any other dungeons.

Hearing this, Player Two claimed that he now knows which dungeon it is, followed by Player One claiming that he found out which type of chest it is.

From Player Two's statement, it is implied he singled out a unique chest out of the two remaining dungeons. Therefore, the key is for the second dungeon's gold chest

This riddle forgets to put that players must have perfect logic, players all think at roughly same pace and all players leave the minute they know.

It is a multi step logic puzzle, the leaving player leaves on the non lord portal.

Players A, B, C all enter game.

Step 1:
There can be two lords total max. If any player sees two lords, they can leave immediately through the non lord portal. As no one does this, we can now say that there is not two lords in this game.

Step 2:
So players now look again, and the possibilities are: 1 Lord, two peasants, or no lords. ALL players know this right now. So now players will wait and watch. If they can see one lord, they can now safely leave through the non lord portal. Again, no one leaves. That means, no one sees a single lord. Which means everyone is a non lord, and player A leaves through the non lord portal.

If we suppose no one is moving...

Player 1 sees : Normal, Normal
Player 2 and 3 see : Normal, Lord/Normal(player 1)

Player 2 and Player 3 can think they are a lord, but that would imply player 3 and player 1 has to move because they would see 2 lords

There are no lords, player 1 left on the non-lord porta---

Shit user, you went too fast.

Heh, I guessed Leather since it was the only unique chest

So is Copper lad

Stopped at two people playing.

Shits already casual.


Seriously this test sounds like a school work. Fuck that. Play vidya

This is the only true RPG answer

>they find a list of all chests
And that's where you realise that both players are casual. Just backtrack

This user is correct.

There actually is a solution and it is gold chest at dungeon 2

First of all.
Your assumptions are incorrect, you can't tell it is dungeon 2 from the start because dungeon 4 has a bunch of multi-dungeon chests too. Player one would say the exact same thing if he thought it was dungeon 2, so you are split between those two.

Player two realizes that and is now aware that it must be either dungeon 2 or dungeon 4 too. And that is enough for player two to know which chest it is. This is only possible if there is one chest that appears only once between those two dungeons, which is the golden chest.

>Player one knows as a certainty that two can't tell which dungeon it is, this means that the dungeon contains all chests that appear more than once on other dungeons, so it must be the second dungeon
That doesn't make sense. All of the chests have doubles but iron and copper.

All that Faggot two could know for sure from that is that is that it's not dungeon one or three.

Dumb fucking asshole.

It's obviously . I was about to write it but he beat me to it.

>This implies that the correct Dungeon is one in which the chests are all repeats of chests found in other dungeons.
Please explain the logic that pulled you two failed abortions to this conclusion.

t. JRPG babbies

Player 1 knows the dungeon but not the chest type. He knows that player two cant possibly already know the answer, so it must be a dungeon with no exclusive chests (so no 1 and 3 because leather and copper are exclusive to those dungeons). Now player two know that its either 2 or 4. He says that he knows the answer, so the answer must be the only unique chest in the poll, the gold chest.
Easy peasy you guys are retarded

It has to be the second dungeon because all the chests have to be duplicates of other dungeons.

It has to be the iron chest, because the other three chests are worth more than their contents so nobody would give a fuck if they had the key or not.

Who would make a chest out fo leather anyway? I bet a minecraft fag did this.


I am both and That's right.

Are you feeling dizzy?

You just got out logic'd


Is this the new Portal thread? The one where a blue portal slams down on a cube?

You sound pretty confused yourself, did you have an epiphany mid-shitposting?


>casuelz maymay

Third Dungeon, Copper key for Copper chest.

How is it possible to be so wrong?

you magnificent creature

>experienced players
>using in-game chat

>many girlfriends
I thought Arabs didn't play vidya.

I'm not reading all of that man

Just figured it out and came here to post this.

It can be any dungeon with a non-unique chest.

I expected dungeon 2 because it has most chests, am i a casual?

>What is Fifa

>casual test
>uses the most casual genre of all

I'd start with the secound dungeon, since it has 4 chests and check them all if need be.
Lets get to more important stuff.

Why the fuck were they using the in game chat? If they were all friends they'd be using skype or some shit.

If P1 knows that P2 can't derive the dungeon from chest alone, that means the floor does not contain a unique chest. Can't be 1st or 3rd.

P2 knows which chest but not the floor. Since P1 revealed it can't be the 1st or the 3rd and P2 now Knows which floor it is is, it must be Gold or otherwise P2 would not be able to tell. P1 then realizes this and knows as well.

tl;dr Gold 2nd
>The Players Will DIE
Fucking Brutal.

Yeah and Myst is a kids game right?

Dungeon 2 Gold Chest you mong

Just because you're too stupid to figure it out that doesn't mean there's no answer

His friends look at him in-game then gesture towards the right portal, either by looking or attacking or whatever. Suck my dick.

Read Checkmate you two pseudo intellectuals

The fuck game makes classes a different visual look, but then makes it impossible for you to see your own sprite/model?


If you see two lords:
Go straight to the non-lord portal. Obvious.

If you see one lord:
Wait a moment. If the non-lord goes straight to the non-lord portal, that means you are a lord too, so go to the lord portal.

If you see no lords:
Watch the other player's reaction. If one of them quickly rush to the non-lord portal, that means they saw one lord, see reasoning above, so go to the lord portal since you are the only lord. If after some time no one went through any portal, go through the non-lord portal.

Was this supposed to be difficult

Yeah well I'm actually so there

Here's a better one: You want to marry a princess, the king takes you to a room with two other guys that want to marry her and says that he will do an intelligence test to see who is worthy marrying the queen. He shows you three white hats and two black hats, then blindfolds you three. He puts one hat on everyone's head then removes the blindfolds.

The terms are: The prince that manages to guess their hat first wins. Wrong guesses will be punished with death though, so you must be 100% sure.

As you open your eyes you notice your opponents are wearing white hats. After a long time of waiting, none of the two managed to guess their hats yet, and then you realize which hat you are wearing. What color is it?

A 12 yo even without ausitsm can play and figure out that shit.

This smells like that video of bioshock player's mind.

It's cute that you want to be me but not happening, I'm not a fag.

Wait did I accidentally cuck the king halfway through the riddle

Nice shoop

Betcha can't prove the other one


Literally not one part of this makes sense.
How did you come to conclusion that they were talking about 2 and 4. There is literally nothing hinting at this. They could be talking about any chest from any dungeon.

2nd dungeon, gold.

SeeGasp at your own stupidity

Hahaha I am proud of my post


The logic in both of those is wrong. The correct logic is thus:
-There are only 2 chests which type is unique. If P2 knows it's one of those types, he also knows the dungeon. Thus, it's neither of these chests.
-P1 knows that P2 doesn't know the dungeon, so it cannot be the dungeons where the copper or leather chests are. Otherwise, as per the previous point, P1 couldn't tell that P2 couldn't know.
NOTE: it DOES NOT ELIMINATE ANYTHING ELSE. Even if the type was diamond, P2 could not tell which dungeon the key is from. The nonsense about the dungeon needing all the types that appear at least twice is just nonsense.
-P2 claims to now know which dungeon the key is from. Thus, the type must be unique among the dungeon candidates. Diamond, iron, and silver appear in both dungeon candidates, but gold is unique to the second dungon. QED.


Taking your sweet time. Is photoshop that hard to figure out? Or did you just figure it's not worth the effort trying to convince anyone you were only pretending to be retarded and then told yourself you were wrong when you got the answer?

>not just skipping to the next dungeon which will have vastly superior loot.

That's literally what I said except for I said it in an understandable way

Amusing that you are tryharding this much to steal my identity in an anonymous board, I wonder how your mind works (or how it doesn't even heh)

It's a very simple logic problem. The answer is the gold chest in dungeon 2.
If it was a copper or leather chest, then player 2 would know instantly which chest and dungeon go to (as they are unique). The fact that player 1 KNOWS that player 2 couldn't possibly know the answer means it isn't Dungeon 1 or 3.
This information allows player 2 to figure out the answer. This must be because player 1 just eliminated one of the two possible answers.
If the chest was iron, silver or diamond, then player 2 would still not know the answer because these chests are present in both dungeons. Thus, the chest must be gold.

I think you mean my post

btw I am also

It's weird that you're tryharding so hard to save face on an anonymous board.

Seek medical assistance.

first and leather?

What a coincidence goyim!

Why the fuck are they so worried about a chest?

no u

Look, man, it's alright if you didn't know the answer. It's a little bit weird to be so embarrassed about it on an anonymous board. But if you were that desperate to claim someone else's solution as your own to "prove" that you figured it out after all, you really should've picked any fucking post except the one that specifically referred back to your own wrong post saying "your assumptions are incorrect".

If we're going to go full armchair psychologist I'd say you have some form of narcissism that prevents you from admitting you're wrong. You enter the thread as a namefag, declare the riddle unsolveable when you can't find the answer, then switch to anonymous when an anonymous user tells you you're wrong in a desperate attempt to claim to anyone else who tells you you were wrong that you are really both people and they are fools (fools!) to think you don't know the answer. On an anonymous board.


What he means by this.

It's especially telling that you picked one of the first people to post the correct answer, too (I'm assuming the first one escaped your notice because he didn't reply to you), because you needed people to believe you figured it out on your own and you didn't just read it in the thread.

Otherwise you could've just made another post saying "wait, on second thought..." but it was too late by then.

If you were wearing a black hat, then one of your opponents should have figured out almost immediately that they were wearing a white hat. The fact that they are just sitting there means you must be wearing a white hat also.

If I wanted to pick the first person that solved it then I'd pick the first person you genius. Honestly, seek medical help


You're very defensive for an anonymous person on the internet. You have no reputation to uphold here, you know.

>says the guy writing walls of texts full of faulty logic

Well what? They're both filthy casuals for looking up a list of chests.

It doesn't surprise me that you still can't recognise proper logic. Another hole in your story.

who do you think you are replying to

The former namefag trying to save face.

How does that make any sense? If one of the opponents saw you wearing a black hat and the other guy a white hat, he could still be wearing a black hat. Am I retarded?

learn how to use this website then, you don't seem to know how to keep up with the posters

>player one claims to know which dungeon the key belongs to.

They're both retards for believing each other in the first place.

if you see anyone with a black hat and the other person you see that doesn't have a black hat doesn't immediately say they have a white hat it means you have a white hat

If any two people have a black hat on then the 3rd will immediately call out they have white if that makes more sense

silver chest second dungeon

-if player two doesn't know what dungeon the chest is in, but knows the chest type, then naturally it must not be in 1 or 3, because if he knew the chest type and it was leather, he would know it was in the first dungeon since that is only in the first dungeon, and if he knew it was copper he would know it was in the third dungeon because that is the only dungeon copper is in.

naturally then, since player two knew which dungeon the chest is in after that, it was because it was the one chest which was unique between the two remaining dungeons, the silver chest in the second dungeon