Anyone ever play this game? I give it a 9/10. Breath Of Fire 3 on PSX was one of the greatest games of all time

Anyone ever play this game? I give it a 9/10. Breath Of Fire 3 on PSX was one of the greatest games of all time.

Other urls found in this thread:

Its the only JRPG I've actually finished.
Its great.

>Not going full-out muscle party with Rei, Garr and Ryu

did you let teepo master magus? By having ryu and rei unconscious during the opening part

good game

it's decent but loses heat in the last third of the adventure

Holy shit those graphics look comfy especially UI. I can't put my finger on it but UI defenitely makes me wanna play it.

The two horse brothers who chase after you for so long was some of the scariest and tense shit for me

BoF3 has my favorite JRPG soundtrack

Man this game was great.
The Skill and Master system was pretty cool.
The story was pretty cool, even if Garr went from UNKILLABLE MONSTER to Most Useless party member instantly.
This whole section
Dragon Transformations were cool.

I remember seeing a review in a magazine later and they gave it a 6/10 and called it generic.

One of the best things about it was that you could play the fights with one hand, Arrows and L buttons. This was great for grinding, I'd play one handed and Read a Book

all of the spritework in BoF3 is off the charts

Certainly worse than bof4, but still a great game, though filler-ridden into oblivion and with barely any challenging moments.

I hear 4 is better.

I didn't like 4 as much.
It was easier and they butchered stuff in the localization.
Also, >I'll trade my X for your Y
>Treasure hunter Master later on in the game wants to see X
>Can't get X again

the only time I get rekt is when I extend a fight just to learn a new skill
like resist from those two horses

my problem is i played 2 before it so i could only be disappointed

It has a better battle system and a darker story, but it's really not a huge difference in terms of quality
I like the map and fishing in III more

>Anyone ever play this game?
From time to time we have a big BoF thread here. Though it's usually full of Katt.

If you liked 3, play also 1, 2 and 4, they're all great.

>darker story
Just don't post that picture.

The difference in terms of quality of the story alone blows BoF3 the fuck out.
Pacing as well.
And that's on top of massively improved combat system which i consider to be one of the best in genre as far as turn- and party-based jrpg go.

2 plays like pure trash.

what picture?

It's not too late to stop.

Fine, now post the one where the cat guy nails that dude to a wall

you asked for this

How can a guy so big be so weak?

>Sonyggers so butt blasted about Xbox they call the PSOne a PSX

Not with the Retranslation patch.

you talk like a fag and you're shit's all retarded

if you have played the original 2, you can only get more exited from here by playing the retranslation

if anybody here is going to play this series, when you reach 2, you should go this way:
care should be taken: first to apply retranslation patch to original rom or download this:
second to run newly patched or downloaded rom, wait for crc check to complete and quit the emulator
third, now there should be a save file (in snes9x - [rom name].srm), backup it, as you will need it everytime you play the game from scratch
forth to patch already patched rom with xp/zenny patch. monsters will give more money and exp
fifth to copy backup'd save file and run rom on it (in snes9x make sure the rom is [rom name].smc, the save is [rom name].srm and they both are in the emulator folder)
play the game. had not you done like that, you would not be able to run xp/zenny-patched retranslation rom on no save file, as crc check would have failed

you'll thank me later for recommending retranslation over the original

retranslation won't fix a horrible combat system and worst dragon system in series

fixed links:

>dem tits
>dem hips
>dat ratio
I want to fuck the goddess

Just arived at my job, open v and see a thread about my fav game of all time, nostalgia is hittin hard and i love you guys

Momo hits way harder than Garr, also best girl.

Size doesnt really translate into strenght also Magic

Her sister is even better

Don't listen to Breath of Fire IV memers. IV sucks. III is the best. II is great.

i had fun

You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

Post pics of her sis.

I really can't understand people who prefer BoF4 on BoF3. The feeling of adventure is really superior in BoF3 and also that gene system. Ok the story is akward but that is the only problem.

IMO 4 > 2 > 3 > 1

BOF3 is a good game but I can't help but feel like it's the FFVII of the series. While the general gameplay is better than 2, it's harder to keep me playing because the world, plot progression and characters aren't that great. I guess it depends on whether you want better gameplay but considering that it's an RPG I want more than just that to keep me playing.

BoF4 basically has the best parts of 2 and 3. Only real downside is the translation.


>The feeling of adventure
The feeling of adventure is absolutely fucking destroyed in BoF3 because 70% of the game is one giant filler where you're constantly stopped from actually adventuring by yet another boring shit like fixing Rhappala's lighthouse.
4 is the one with an actual adventure across the entire world.
>gene system
Gene system is the only thing that 3 does the best. But it does it at expense of other characters. While in BoF4 we had a godly combo and party system which more than made up for it.

Dropped 4 the moment I got to the fishing.

Was she supposed to be playable or something? I don't remember some of those animations.

That fishing minigame is GOAT. That fairy shit is stressful. The sentient onion and Momo is my team.

They say OPs are always a faggot but you have top taste. You're just half a faggot in my book.

>The feeling of adventure is absolutely fucking destroyed in BoF3 because 70% of the game is one giant filler where you're constantly stopped from actually adventuring by yet another boring shit like fixing Rhappala's lighthouse.
This. At least 2's filler was very character-focused. The majority of 3 had nothing of interest ever happening, or ran around in circles such as how you spent most of the early game running from horsecock.

You learn Resist from mooks in the starter forest. What the shit were you doing learning skills from those two child abusers?


IV > III >>>> II and I haven't played I

IV and III were good but god was II a tedious grindfest
half the game were just seemingly unrelated fetchquests which were completed through dungeon crawling
doesn't help that the battle system was completely generic, the encounter rate so high it would make an NES JRPG blush

What the fuck are you guys talking about? Filler? For what? The plot is part of the game in BoFs.

They just use filler for anything they don't like

Fan translation for BoF4 when?

Encounter rate can be fixed. A boring story can't.

when it comes to bof 3, wast majority of a game is a tedious filler that has no relation to the actual story which only starts in the second half, after the time skip
it constantly throws boring roadblocks at you that have virtually no meaning for story nor they are interesting in any shape or form

Filler basically means 'plot points' that are totally unrelated to the overarching plot. That is, something that if skipped would have no baring on or contribute anything to any aspect of the plot.

I want to kill her.

>the actual story which only starts in the second half

And this is how everyone knows that your post is worthless.

>that entire story for the first 2/3 of the game? FILLER! The only story that counts is the very end!!!11

So does this mean every sidequest not related to main quest is filler for you guys? Is the fishing, village and master system also filler?

I'm so confused. You guys say you want adventure but hate being derailed? Isn't that like the spirit of adventure in the first place.

There's a difference between side content that you can get sidetracked on and the main path through the game. When going through most of the required content in a game feels like side content, there's a problem.

>entire story for the first 2/3 of the game
What story? First half doesn't have a story. It's not even a mystery chase. Story only starts when Garr reveals his true identity and even then game roadblock you to do an irrelevant shit like factory dungeon, anything prior to that with the exception of prologue is an utter boring shit.

in what way user?

Yea but you need to realise that those block points are used later on to advance and give some sense to the plot like helping the guy at the port city and he recognize and help you on the second part.

I see. I might need to replay 3 to get what you mean. It's been so long that all I remember from it are the parts I truly enjoyed like that comfy camping mechanic. It's so simple yet it fits the game so well.

>comfy camping mechanic.
this was the best thing ever and more RPGs should have it

Have you guys tried anything really autistic with masters on BoF 3?

I almost always keep Teepo and Ryu lv 1 untill i kill the Nue and unlock Mygas so i can get the skills early on, once i went as far as defeating the whole McNail keeping Ryu lv 1 so i could get Bunyan skills and make a full atk Ryu.

>What story?
There are basically three phases of the story in BoFIII.

1. Ryu's early life. This is ends with Ryu and his friends pissing off the mob.
2. Ryu trying to escape the mob and find his friends. This goes until the timeskip when Ryu finds Rei. This plot is basically the overarching plot of the story, but during this part the plot of Myria is introduced.
3. The story of Ryu finding Myria and Teepo.

Everything in the story either relates to Ryu's friends Teepo and Rei or the downfall of the dragons. Essentially the story in BoFIII is about the main character Ryu trying to find his family while ending up discovering what happened to his people because the two things become intertwined.

You have to be a potato to not get this and to think that 2/3 of the story is filler. Fuck yourself, retard.

2 was much better. I wanted to fall asleep with all of the slow random encounters in 3.


Dragon Age Origins does it if I remember correctly.

>This plot is basically the overarching plot of the story, but during this part the plot of Myria is introduced.
Nothing concerning Myria is introduced in that part with the exception of a very end. We spend wast majority of it fixing lighthouses and escaping from bandits that has nothing to do with dragons or gods. It can be completely cut out of the gamesave for interactions with Garr and nothing will change.

You further incriminate yourself, potato.
Confirmed for assburgers. No wonder you can't grasp a narrative to save your life.

And you still have no counter arguments you fucking inbred fanboy.
If you want an example of a good pacing you should just look at the next game in series instead of trying to defend shit like filler Rhappala roadblock.