Where did the hype go?
Where did the hype go?
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is it fun?
>niche budget japanese game
Since when
You kill a bunch of bugs over and over. Its fun, but people get over it pretty fast.
Not made by a flannel shirt wearing indie or a big budget release. Nothing to shitpost about.
Hos is it humanly possible to be able to control a helicopter so well?
dead like all games that come to PC
>Old game for 46 €
Gee i wonder
What? The game's been out for months on PS4 and a while on PC. Hype is a pre-release phenomena.
Higher level variants of helicopters have better handling. The one in the webm is the highest-level one.
It is fun but i kinda burned myself out of it for now.
Played too much.
>low difficulties have no-fun-allowed weapon restrictions and shit drops
>high difficulties don't increase armor acquisition rate, meaning you'll be 1HKOed by regular ants
I still wonder what they were thinking. Max weapon level is very restrictive whereas max armor rate for the levels is in fucking thousands where in reality all of out party only has few hundred armor.
>The Mobile Fortress is first deployed.
Time to farm armor, son.
Who the hell names their vehicle grape?
The same person that makes sure the vehicle cannot do anything but drift whenever you try to drive it.
It takes practice regardless.
Sequel to Robot Alchemic Drive when?
When normies start buying mech games again.
Yeah I had a bunch of fun but eventually the crazyness hits a cap, the DLC only had reskinned shit which kinda killed my enthusiasm. I got a ton of playtime out of it so I don't regret my purchase but eventually you hit a wall where grinding for armour fucking blows but you don't want to cheat it in either.
Can I actually just do inferno right after beating hard as Ranger or am I gonna have to farm armor? I fucking hate farming.
I just got up to the Brute Force mission. Holy shit I don't think I've seen a battle this massive in a videogame. And here I am just a lowly ranger.
1,000 and more is good enough to start hardest. I'd consider 2,000 a bare minimum for inferno.
>tfw haven't even reached 1,000 yet
Fuck man, guess I'll just play hardest and hope I won't be too sick of the game to play Inferno
I wonder if D3 and Sandlot expected EDF to become such a cult classic in the west.
Gotta be more diligent with gathering red boxes. I wasn't even halfway through hard before I was at 900.
>See EDF 2017 when it first came out
>Me and buddy laugh at how bad it looks
>Play it
>It's amazing, we 100% it
>EDF 2025 comes out, we 100% it again
>Finally decide to play more Vita games
>See EDF2 and think oh shit finally I get to play one of the first 2 games not released in the states
>Play through and love it
>See 4.1 come out and get super excited thinking it's another Japanese only EDF game that's coming to the states finally
>Had no idea that 2017 was 3 and 2025 was 4 because I'm stupid
>Super let down that it's just 2025 again
It's still fun.
>That mission where you first encounter the queen.
Jesus Christ I was dead before I even knew what hit me.
I just bumrushed in with 2 Disruptor cannons and let go
Bitch didn't see it coming
That mission wouldn't be so bad if the queen didn't shit all over that one entrance to the room you have to take to get in there. Thanks to her diarrhea you can't even fucking move while it slowly(or instantly depending on the difficulty) depletes your entire health bar. The only way to win that mission in multiplayer is to get a Fencer with a Tower Shield to spam reflect or a Wing Diver to spend 30 minutes bouncing off lightning into the Queen from outside the entrance.
>100%ing EDF 2025
How long did that take?
I wish the DLCs were free, not many people play them.
There probably won't be anyone to play it once I'm finished with DXMD.
Trying to clear Star Eaters on Hardest/Inferno is hell
Haven't been talking about it on Sup Forums because I've been playing it.
It kinda feels like the weapons lack variety.
I also hate the part where the mission immediately ends after killing the last enemy. The previous game I played had an area that you needed to get to to finish the map. What the fuck happened to that feature?
4.1 is 2025 with added content and some improvements.
I seriously hope that there will be mods to improve the game, but none so far
>increase armor rate
>remove weapons limit
>reduce reload times
>It didn't do shit
I started playing it a little while ago, along with my brother. He plays fencer and ranger, while I play wing diver and air raider. We spent two days just on the first mission, testing drops after drops. By the time we started the second mission, already had Balam and the Titan tank.
its super fun, but collecting crate for armor is kinda stupid design.
It got boring. It was pretty fun for about 10 hours, but after that the repetition got to me. I played it with two friends, but we cant be arsed to even boot it anymore.
Use a trainer if you want that.
It's basically a TPS musou man. I mean, it's fun for a while but after the novelty wears off you're just mowing down the same enemies over and over, forever
While I agree with the sentiment, most of that stuff can be unlocked with a maxed out save.
Personally I'd like to see some class rebalances and some new weapons.
I should have pirated it before I spent money on it.
The game is pretty consistently adding new enemies, and the new weapon drops help keep the game from being stale.
Not when it comes to grinding for armor though, that's just tedious and it really is just the same shit over and over. Plus, a lot of weapons fall into two camps. "Direct upgrade to X" or "X but with a weird gimmick". There are some unique weapons sure but they're not very common.
If you're talking Insect Armageddon, it wasn't made by the same team. Hell, its widely considered as the worst in the entire series due to many of the features it added.
> my processor can't handle it
> a patch apparently fixes it but nobody wants to upload it
Buy the game
for RangerAcid Sprayer is pretty underrated, that AK with the drum mag that spews bouncing bullets and has a huge mag is also pretty useful early game
Wing Diver's gimmick weapons aren't all that good, it's basically some variant of Idunn + some variant of rapier or sniper weapon for them
haven't play the other two classes enough to know where their arsenal lies
Wait, are you actually saying people prefer having items just disappear on them because they didnt pick it up in the heat of the battle?
Well to be fair, you rarely should need to grind for armor to begin with. Thats generally only a big problem if you try to jump difficulties or hit a particularly rough stage.
As for weapons, thats a lil over simplified, but true. Lot of variations on how a particular weapon works, and sometimes with a gimmick, but each class has several different types of weapons, as well as several sub types in those.
That said, I kinda feel like the game could have benefited from even more.
> Start it up wondering what the deal is about
> New X-com style main menu that's grim and depressing
> Start the first mission after picking my first armor type unlock
> It's a fucking turret section
> Quit, uninstall, throw PC away, call a satellite raid
Not at all what was said, nor implied.
Yeah a bare minimum for the easiest dozen or few missions.
The harder missions which just throws waves of enemies at you, 2000 isn't going to be enough, especially when those waves contain red dragons or multiple queen insects alongside your usual trash mobs.
I'll probably pick it back up again soon to go through hard difficulty as fencer w/ my air raider buddy
Just afk farm it you bitch.
Or just fire up cheatengine.
the Phenom II problem got patched bro
The high price has basically killed any interest in the DLC for most of the player base. If the Devs wanted to sell DLC they should have priced the game normally at 30 bucks, no one is going to pay 12 dollars for multiple DLC mission packs that don't change up the game drastically. Time of the Mutants adds very little as far as game play variance goes and while mission pack 2 is better and adds a bit more to its mission, it's still 12 dollars on top of 50 dollar fucking game I can buy for my console for 20 dollars.
Also selling additional weapons is scummy as fuck and SANDLOT should burn in hell for some of the shit they try and sell as DLC in a fucking budget title.
Also, just leave one enemy alive while you pick up crap.
>Pull back!
While I agree, pretty much all of the DLC weapons are all shit and anyone who buys them is kinda dumb.
I'd rather they sell useless garbage DLCs rather than p2w DLC weapons that's better than everything else in the base game.
Man, the first time I called down a low level one of these was the first time I ever saw something like that.
It was a man OH SHIT moment and totally destroyed the thing I hit with it.
Good Times.
They're fucking traps and it's lame as shit to make content and then charge for it when it's shit and unusable. It's just not cool.
Could someone please tell me how the fuck you are supposed to kill all the flying drone cocksuckers in the second level you see them (Mission 11:Airforce I think)
How moddable is the game?
We NEED a muv-luv mod for this.
I'll pick it up if it goes on sale. Tad too pricey for my impovrished self.
Shoot them. Shotgun type weapons work wonders. As ranger you can easily snipe them with rockets.
Pcucks bought their 10k copies and fucked off back to dota a week later.
You spawn a Balam and punch them.
Nah for real, you either
1. Don't start on hard mode
2. Hide
Mission 11 is a timed mission.
>tfw Air Raider main
I'm not even all that impoverished and that shits too expensive. looks fun though.
I'm hype, I'm playing every day, and so do people on smartsteamemu, so I'm golden.
I still do golden darkness from time to time. That level really highlights how op the wing diver can be and just a amazing farm in splitscreen for off classes
Neraid for vehicle works wonders. Conversely, use any of the shield screen things to defend against incoming damage. Also viable are sentries and pretty much any high health vehicle.
The problem is not knowing which wave is the last wave
The grind is pretty boring, since you get a lot of doubles, and armor takes so long to increase.
But it's still fun as heck; especially since I started maining Air Raider.
What gind?
You don't need to grind to play the game. Its not that hard if you don't go overboard and into hardest from the start
Jerking the robot off to death
Join a 81 inferno server and get all the weapons you'll ever need after about 5 runs.
Please don't tell me you've played the game on normal the first time or something.
I probably did; I wasn't hosting.
We're playing on hard now. at least.
Fun fact. All the weapons you can ever get through the whole 98 levels of normal you can get in the first 20 levels of playing on hard.
You can easily solo farm mission 2 offline even on inferno to get up to level 50 weapons which will last you through pretty much all of Hard.
No what?
It doesn't show which difficulties drop which level ranges of weapons.
it doesn't help knowing which weapons exist if you don't know where to farm for them.
It does though.
Are wing diver snipers garbage or do they just feel like garbage
Use Idunn.