What was the exact moment you knew gaming was unsalvageable?

What was the exact moment you knew gaming was unsalvageable?

These are the people who share our hobby, we cant fix microtransactions and lying devs because there's nothing wrong according to their fans. As this guy said, things change, maybe I'm out of touch, maybe the children are wrong.

Either way, I see no other choice but get off Mr Randy's wild ride.

the first few months/half a year of gamergate (can I even say that word here?)
the mainstream media's and game developers reaction to it, the politicalization of (western) gaming, the twisting of truths, the lies, the manipulation, the "us against them" mentality and the kiss-ass culture that followed

>Trusting Gearbox

Deal with those who sell you memes. Get memed. You only have yourself to blame annon.

Why does this surprise you? Gearbox has been shit for years.
Do I need to remind you of Colonial Marines? And this is the same company that employed Anthony Burch as a writer.

if an unemployed furry musician can make a popular game with no microtransactions or lies while living in his friends basement and knowing jack shit about coding, you can too

>"gearbox is like hitler, but that's fine"
I wonder if that was intentional.

It's not that Gearbox is shit, it's the sheer stupidness of people defending them.

A shit company will change its ways (or just die) if no one supports them. But look at the OP screenshot. It's literally admitting Gearbox betrayed thier fans trust and broke promise of no microtransactions, but comes to the conclusion that it's a net-positive for the game.

People defending Steam raping customer rights.

It showed everyone that marketing and PR is more important than making a good game because idiots will eat and defend anything.

Well these are people actively playing Battleborn, do you expect them to be intelligent?

I don't have any auldwolf pasta saved so just pretend this post is it.

all saying western means is every country that didnt get nuked

I only come to Sup Forums for the tiddy threads. Every other aspect of the industry is dead to me.

chances are you're just as autistic in other aspects of gaming

stop being a pussy


>yfw Gearbox is Hitler

I'm only here for news, porn and shitposting when autists get mad when their toys don't do what they want them to do

Pretty much anyone who took a stand or another in the GamerGate bullshit is a faggot, 2bh

There's only 1 real country that produces "eastern" games, aka Japan

Western games doesn't mean african games. It means games coming from NATO countries. Not former Soviet countries.

The rise and popularity of casual gaming around 2007, to be honest.

The whole "gamer" culture that piggybacked of absolute garbage like CoD that saw huge mainstream appeal, I felt myself becoming more and more distanced from the hobby I once loved. Every year I get about 2 games which I find enjoyable. Let down after let down. Lie after lie. Even big companies like Blizzard who used to make great games have becomes slaves to pandering to the lowest common denominator; Overwatch being the most recent example. It's absolute fucking trash which panders to retards. "Here. Have a button to get free kills so you don't feel bad, potato."

Blizzards dead. Bungee is dead. Bioware is dead. Bullfrog is dead. Troika is dead. Relic is dead.

The last hope I have is some pack of ragheads in Turkey, but fuck knows when or if Butterlord will ever be released.

Fuck casuals and fuck millennials.

when Souls games started being known as the example of a hard game

Mass Effect 3

Not the game itself really. The game was trash and so was the story. That sucked but whatever, move on. No, it was the media/fan reaction that absolutely decimated any understanding of the industry I had. When people were being called entitled for saying ME3 had a bad ending, being actively shat on by multiple sources of video game news by being called a child if you disliked it, and the entire defense force that went into damage control for it I was so fucking confused. You could see how clearly designed it was with multiple website creating articles and videos to tell everyone that ME3 was amazing and fans are stupid with the exact same wording and fallacies for all of them. You could genuinely feel that money went in to making sure the defense force was going strong. And then the extra "endings" came out and goddamn that was a mess. Not only were they just slides vaguely defining already terrible plot points, but Bioware doubled down on the incredibly stupid plot they had thrown in at the end. And god forbid you disagree with the star child, bam, bad ending, everyone dies, fuck you player. That's what you get for not agreeing with our ending.

Add to it tons of smaller shit. Chobot being an actual character in the game with her own room and romance subplot, while Tali's big face reveal for not only her but her entire race is a photoshopped google images model. The Citadel DLC where many characters turn into fan-fiction tier versions of themselves to the point Tali, one of my favorite characters and romance in the series, was ruined with the cringe-worthy singing scene. The constant 10/10s from nearly every review site, most of which didn't even slightly mention the story's conclusion. Day one DLC for a FUCKING PROTHEAN PARTY MEMBER that could be added with a single change in a file. And don't forget the final words of the game being downloadable content.

Gaming isn't necessarily dead or anything, but ME3 certainly makes a good case.