Civilization thread?
What are the best civs?
How is your current game going?
Civilization thread?
Standard size highlander map as Germany.
Nothings happening, I'm too far away from other civs for good trade routes, and unit maintenance costs from recruiting barbs is weighing me down. Not too keen on finishing it really.
Civ had a great difficulty setting in prince imo, when i start up a game i really dont know whether ill win or lose. Especially if i get cucked to the library
Just fired up Civ III. Going for cultural victory as Celts with a full roster of other Civs on biggest map. King difficulty.
Played my first ever civ game and Ghandi wanted my gun powder.
I gave it to him. Did I do good?
Thoughts on Beyond Earth?
You should've given him uranium.
wasted potential
Petrovich will be ours.
i always get bored after like 200 rounds because i'm skipping most rounds and there is not much to do. feels like watching paint dry
>Tall empires have easy happiness management, good cities, valuable wonders, social policy acquisition, shittons of science, they're easy to defend and since you won't be settling a lot the AI doesn't get angry
>Apart from religion Wide empires have almost worse everything and are harder to manage, the useful wide wonders get also stolen by tall players, plus the AI gets angry for settling
>Early game warmongers have the worst infrastructure and get assfucked in late game due to tourism penalties and since every single civ in the game declares war on you, even those small ones who know that they have no way of winning declare war on your instead of actual scoreboard leaders or their weaker neighbors
Thinking of reinstalling Alpha Centauri. Only game in the series I still want to play.
This is why Venice is fun, you can go full autist with your one town
>all those cities you give away since you took them from other civs being assholes trying to start wars and you don't want to deal with the happiness penalties.
I usually give them to genghis khan since hes ironically unlikely to back stab you.
Get CBP, it makes going wide actually good again.
yeah, shame about that unit limit though
I feel more powerful in Civ5 playing Venice than other warmongering Civs due to how much you can control other Civs using gold alone.
Turtling one tall as fuck city and buying wars and alliances makes a good show.
The original needed more content which was fixed in the dlc, but the dlc made player to npc interactions horrible almost to the point of ruining the rest of the game.
That said I loved the unit variety and the uniqueness of some of the units
CBP is best anyways because every civ is poland level
Lost a game against the AI to Persia, time victory. That cunt had about 30k in the bank and was earning nearly 1000 per turn somehow, which fucked me out of winning.
I was about 5 turns from winning a space race victory as well.
Fuck you Persia you fucking cheating jew
I always hated time victory. I always turn it off since it doesn't feel like a win at all.
>time victory
People really leave this enabled ? Takes away the fun
Had potential to be good, all it really had to be was a Civ5 sci-fi reskin yet they managed to fuck that up
>Civilization thread?
>What are the best civs?
Korea and Babylon
>How is your current game going?
I'm waiting for Civ VI
fuck, that hit too close to home
>What are the best civs?
Venice is my favourite civ for chilling out and I pretty much exclusively play it when I do multiplayer with friends. It's so fun bribing everyone with stacks of jew gold and getting them to fight eachother while I profit off both sides.
>Not playing Civ with glorious NQ mod.
The fuck is wrong with you?
>Any year
>Playing Civ with No Fun Allowed mods
What the fuck is wrong with you?
That's hilarious.
>What are the best civs?
Basically any civ that can get something for free is going to run away with the game. (Korea's science, Mayan's GP, Babylon's s scientists, English spy)
>tfw too ahead of everyone in science to steal tech
Just put them in your own cities and watch them rack up kills like no tomorrow.
I always have one in the capital. It's pretty rare they steal from my other cities.
>What are the best civs?
America with FDR as leader
Russia with Stalin as leader
>How is your current game going?
just ended up as a cultural victory after I nuked the only other empire that posed a threat to me
>capture city
>it's all hills and mountains
>can't raze it because it was founded by Indonesia
>puppet it
>AI puts it on gold focus even though I have fuck tons of money
>it's stagnating growth
>take it over fully and turn it into a great city in just a few turns
Why is the AI so retarded?
Because you play on settler
This was prince.
Playing on anything below Emperor is unacceptable.
>AI puts it on gold focus even though I have fuck tons of money
I think the puppet AI always puts cities on gold focus.
>never played Civ before, started playing Civ 5 yesterday
>started the tutorial, after 4 hours of playing I find out you couldn't save
>started a normal game
>"just one more turn"
>played the same match continuously for 10 hours
>won by building a spaceship 400 turns later
>watching Civ 6 gameplay today on youtube
why is this fucking game so addicting, before i knew it daytime became nighttime outside and i feel like there's so much stuff i have yet to learn
try Civ 4 with Beyond the Sword expansion
if you're not a shitter you'll learn to love it
Hours played?
Is that considered the 'best' entry in the series or do they all offer something unique and are good in their own ways?
I pirated Civ 4 but one the expansions doesn't work. Judging by the Steam reviews I've seen it seems like this is a Windows 7 problem. Anyone else have this?
This will always be my favorite civ meme
But what's the template even called?
I'm using 7 right now with Beyond the Sword and it works absolutely fine
I don't know about Warlords since I don't have it installed because Beyond the Sword has all previous content
All Civs (besides I) are kind of unique in their own way and with each installment your tactics must change
but yes Civ 4 (with BtS expansion) is considered the best
I'm not at my home computer now so I can't recall which expansion was giving me trouble.
>Beyond the Sword has all previous content
Shit maybe it was all working fine and I only thought I was missing something.
i loved going wide with tons of production. while you will typically slightly lag behind others in terms of culture, science and stuff, you can just produce billions of combat units with your excess production and make surgical strikes on the civs that are winning. a city by the sea? move in 10 boats in 1 turn and just bomb that shit from the sea and capture the city.
obviously since they made defense so easy in civ 5, this doesn't work in certain situations
>>>AI puts it on gold focus even though I have fuck tons of money
it does this so that it doesn't grow and generate unhappiness for you
puppeting is a temporary thing you do when annexing would put you below 0 happiness
>spy on enemy city
>see they're building a wonder
>they've been building it for a while and still need another 8 turns to finish it
>my capital isn't building anything
>see that I can make that same wonder in 7 turns
I don't have a face smug enough for this.
I play EU4 because Civ 5 turned out to be shit.
>Beyond the Sword has all previous content
Why does this happen? I heard for Civ 5, the Brave New World DLC is all you need because it includes content from the previous Gods & Kings expansion for the same price. Is that true too?
yeah, but BNW fundamentaly changes the gameplay so technicaly you could play G&K and BNW for different experiences of the same game
Yeah and EU4 needs like 10 DLC "expansions" to make it decent
Civ 4 was better at everything, even in vanilla. With mods like Rise of Mankind there is no contest.
Try this.
You can get that for 10€ if you wait Christmas
By Vanilla I meant with Warlords+BTS but no mods.
In terms of grand strategy it is shit but in terms of Civ it is what I always dreamed Civ 5 would be when I played Civ 2 as a teen.
>They chop down a forest and gain 2 turns
Just got a domination victory as Shaka a few days ago
>tfw I had 2 mods I used to play
>One was C2C
>The other one was a rise of mankind sort of mod that had Hitler as a leader and added alot of cool techs and new leaders
I will never find that second one again
Then it seems you had the wrong idea of what kind of game Civ is
EU 4 is playing with already existing territories and peoples
Civ is about building your own facsimile civilization and leading it to victory through its strengths
>Hitler as leader
>tfw I used to be BFF with Peacemongers like Elizabeth/Asoka/Lincoln and pass dank resolutions in the UN for a better world
Good times
Has anyone ever played through an entire civ game to victory on marathon speed?
It honestly seems like the most boring shit, the only difference being you spend more of you time clicking "Next turn"
She was your first waifu, admit it.
Only AI to ever declare at friendly
how do you buddy up with AIs?
I never managed to because they keep bullying me to give them shit because I have no military but then when they declare on me I focus all my production to military and knock their teeth in they get all butthurt
I first played Civ 2 in 1999. and since have played every game in the genre. My usual score at the end of a Civ 2 game is around d 300% without savescuming. I have played Civ 4 and Civ 2 a lot and I have played a lot of Civ 5.
EU4 is what I dreamed Civ 5 would be.
The direction that Civ is going is total shit.
>Hitler as the leader
Why not, also it added cool features, like snow retracting and expanding and new animal resources, so you could ubild like a comfy city in the Taiga, with racoons and deers and shit around, next to a river and stock up on food for the times when the snow hit hard
but then again I might be remembering wrong
so who among you has beaten diety?
i have once with germany with diplomacy
its not that hard right?
Where would you rather have it go?
I assume because you talk about EU4 you want more politics and diplomatic manipulation usefulness in Civ
The answer is really simple and disappointing : I never ever played past difficulty 3. (Equal terms with the AI).
I used to techwhore and trade a lot, gaining an edge, avoid being aggressive and staying neutral on most conflicts. If people wanted a tech, I would give them. In return I would ask for gold everytime my treasure was empty. (At Pleased or Friendly you can basically ask for tribute with no drawbacks whatsoever).
Played Charlemagne so the Defensive trait helped me win defensive wars and the Imperialistic one was good for rapid/peaceful expansion. After that it's just a matter of luck, AIs like Elizabeth are very prone to trade while Shaka or the rest simply can't be reasoned with.
Sharing favourite policies is also a good way to buddy up, with Freedom of Religion for added neutrality.
Morgan Industries
No one ever ported the AC leaders mod to RT.
Is this fucking legit? Does he really turn into an evil dude if he is winning? Or is it a mod. It always made me laugh at how weird it was.
Pretty hyped for 6, it looks pretty interesting and there'll be more variety in how the games pan out due to tech boosts.
Love/hate the new art style, depending on the day.
>be building wonder for 20+ turns
>2 turns away from completing it
>spy tells me another civ has begun working on it
>look at their city screen and they have a great engineer
Let us sacrifice 50 warriors to the glory of this thread
Fucking Ghandi and his nukes.
>building wonders on any on any difficulty above king
>Declare war early in game, no intention of going for conquest victory
>Every single civilization hates you forever and will only give you unbalanced deals
I really don't enjoy this game's AI, having grudges that last thousands of years is retarded and even when they reduced early warmongering penalties taking more than one city dooms you to an entire game of denouncing and wars.
Before in Civ 4, you used to have a permanent -3 modifier to every country you declared war on.
My last playthrough still had the bug where even with the electronic fences, creatures could still enter my borders. My algae plant would then get fucked up by a huge water rock every single turn.
>Love/hate the new art style, depending on the day.
I think it looks hideous desu. But I enjoy Civ too much to not buy the latest installment, no matter how cartoonish it looks
>not building Great Library to springboard to National College
Good luck building the great library on a non-babby difficulty level
>great library
shitter detected
Going to start my first Deity game, which Civ should I go with?
Babylon, Mongolia or Russia?
it's ai.
they're all shit.
Babylon > Russia > Mongolia in difficulty
Probably Babylon, they aren't called Babbylon for nothing
Are you talking about Realism Invictus? I know it had Hitler as leader but it also had 3+ leaders for almost every civ so it's not that bad, he's just an optional extra. I suspect he's just there to make it easier to run WW2 scenarios, pretty much all the other major WW2 leaders are also in it.
I did as Korea. Against Venice. Without city-states. Domination only victory on a continents map.
Did it only for the achievement.
Oh, and no barbarians and Venice settled in landlocked position.