How did they manage to make witnessing the nuclear apocalypse, the murder of my wife, and the kidnapping of my child so bland?
How did they manage to make witnessing the nuclear apocalypse, the murder of my wife...
How did they manage to make everything else so bland?
I always hate it when games take grim subjects that could make a good story of downfall and just throw it out the window without letting it go anywhere
tfw we got a story about vocal chord parasites instead of biggu bossu's downfall to villany
I hope you pirated this steaming pile of horse shit OP
They didn't.
By solely adressing a younger audience.
what is it with bethesda and lost family members
did todd lose his father when he was a child? is that how fallout 3 started? did todd's wife's son abandon him one day? is that how fallout 4 started?
Bethesda are masters at making bland games.
Todd just wants you to know that no matter where you or he goes, he will always be your Daddy.
Because they hold no emotional value whatsoever. In less than 10 minutes after you meet them they're all gone.
Fallout 4 is not an RPG.
If they let you roam around pre-apocalypse and do something there, anything. Like some quests, meet some people, friends, the neighbors. Maybe go to work? Spend time with your kid and spouse. Let you play the game for a few hours and then introduce the nukes and all that bullshit, it might have gone quite a bit better.
> still no proper nuka world torrent
I mean, it's not like I expect it to be good but I actually made a decent waifu and I wanna spend time with her
Yeah, they ended the pre-apocalypse bit far too quickly. Actually meeting your neighbors would have made looting their houses and reading their personal shit way more interesting. Interacting with your spouse and child would make you actually feel sad when they die and are kidnapped.
It became bland to me when I found out who was my son was and I was like all shocked n shit, then they just kinda don't go anywhere with it and you have to run menial tasks for him and missions... killed the emotional impact a bit
It wan't bad but it could have been better. I liked how the bomb went off just as you're being lowered into the vault.
meh bought it expecting a call of duty shootem up farcry VIII guy in metal suit piece of shit
actually put 157 hours in it with a few mods
Looking at like that it was alright
story wise it was nonexistent
and still is even after the 4 chances they had with the other halves of the game to unfuck it
but sold two meme machine makers
and some other garbage
>my child
It's been more than a decade since bethesda made a good game. Why are you all still surprised ?
Still waiting for high heel system and boobs physics
it all happened in 20 minutes
it's like in DA2 when they try to make you sad about your dead sibling that had a 10 minutes screentime
try 5 minutes.
I felt more engaged with the characters from the saints row 3 intro
>Bethesda tries to make a role-playing game
>first thing they do with the character is give it a backstory and a mission
>time sensitive story elements in a game that encourages you to faff about
why does bethesda always do this
It worked for F1, F2 because you got a reasonable timeframe to achiever your main goal.
In F4 it doesn't because "find lost child" is something you don't want to take more than 24 hours as every passing hour reduces your odds.
Imagine getting "find water chip" at 1 day left.
The game was designed by people with no imagination or life experience.
Todd was part of the chess club and got bullied for being a dork. Thats how exciting his life was.
You need experience to draw from, unless you are just exceedingly creative.
well yeah, that's why i didn't consider finding some prewar tech as time sensitive as 'find your missing family member'.
the original's also worked a hell of a lot better as a blank slate start.
because bethesda couldn't write a good video game story if they tried.
they didn't even bother writing a sandbox RPG story either, they just did generic hollywood script #545654, killing any kind of roleplaying possible.
Agree -
The story should have been structured that you presumed both your wife and child died and make it a revenge story.
"What a twist!" it with finding out your kid is alive, and an old man, and is who you've been blaming for your wife and kid's death.
Hell - go even further and Memento that shit so you aren't sure if your "kid" is telling the truth - have 2 major endings, where he is your kid and where he isn't and is reponsible for your families death.
Also the prologue should have been White orchard length - that would have been enough to build an attachment to your family.
Bethesda half-assed it.
Pretty good, i went with "let's rip off NEO Scavenger" plotline
>Wake up in the fridge as the only one left alive (but have some empty pods implying someone left before you)
>Find out who are you and why were you frozen.
You can find out, or decide it wasn't you. Kinda like in LR you can tell Ulysses that he's batshit insane and You did nothing wrong
the voice acting
There is nothing interesting to collect.
Bethesda finds a way.
Tehy should just transition to becoming publishers. They have NO IDEA how to make engines, write stories or make good games. Everything they do is mediocre. Every game they've ever made is mediocer. Yes, that means Oblivion and Morrowind too. They were just as unpisred clusterfucks then too.
They are a successful company though, they know how to make their games sell
As long as normies keep falling for Todd's buzzwords like "DYNAMIC AI", or "RADIANT QUESTS", their games will sell like pancakes
The only thing good about FO4 is that it made more people aware of the hacks they are
>The only thing good about FO4 is that it made more people aware of the hacks they are
>announce price hike for season pass because of 'awesome content coming up'
>it's on steam top sellers for a week
>they release a bunch of fucking workshop poop
>Fully dynamic game engine
as opposed to fucking what half static work engine from previous games?
Everything about Bethesda is a buzzword
I think they say "War, war never changes" a grand total of 7 times in FO4 and not once they get it right
They must be all retarded, it's a simple philosophical phrase "War doesn't change, so people have to" how fucking hard is that?