
If you've already read the CON logs then it's time to drift.

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Didn't know how fun it would be with other players.


>Hazards get nerfed
>Bullys/Busters past lap 6 and Racers past lap 10 are unkillable gods
>Busters might as well have the cannon removed because its useless for doing anything other than killing lap1 competitors
>Half the racers are now useless
cool game
Love it when people get salty as fuck because they cant play so they bitch at the dev till he fucks up balance.

>t. Hazard mad he has to actually play to get his sweet grief kills

Ambulamps. The fuck are they for? Do they get points for healing?


t. Hazard who parked on the finish line.

shit controls
your typical .io game

>playing anything other than flash

>shit controls

You just move where your mouse is pointing, all you have to do is account for momentum.

Hazard has always had to work for their kills unless they were picking off lap 1 scrubs or people at 10% hp, ie. playing Hazard wrong. To secure kills on any targets that were actually worthwhile you had to actively crash into opponents so that you not only neutralized their momentum, but also locked yourselves in a duel where you can land at LEAST two other full speed collision on them, a number which has now at least doubled in all encounters. The only issue with Hazard before was that they could drive in the opposite directions at full boost and get lucky one shots with head on collisions, and that has been rightfully fixed. Not to mention Hazards were always easily dodged, so if you were ever actually salty at them you're just a terrible racer.

Congrats, you don't know what you're talking about. Parking at the finish line is and always was a terrible idea for Hazards unless you're playing for indiscriminate kills like a retard, since one way full speed collisions won't kill anyone AND they will only have to drive 5 ft to be full healed for completing a lap.

Flash /is/ the only car I play since Racer has always been ridiculously boring easy mode (this patch now more than ever), but I'm not about to start racing from the get go when the leader board is "10 - 5 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1"

Hazard is the gayest shit in the game, you'll enver win just stop picking this shitty fucking class. You only exist to be LE EBIN TRALL ALLLALALA probably to take out your anger on the inner drift clique of flashes and piercers. You'll never be as cool or as good as us and youre probably a virg with no friends. geta fucking life instead of spending 24/7 waiting for someone to die by sniffing your asshole at the starting line. you only ever get lucky kills because you and youre shitty circlejerk of equally pathetic spergvirgs line up so its literally impossible for someone to realistically pass it even with full boost and health packs. Literally why do you play this? just play mario kart if youre just interested in making others days worse


I get you're shit posting, but without Hazards or Busters actively targeting the front racers, the game devolves into "whoever joins the game first wins" because the actual racing part of the game is so ridiculously simplistic and bare bones theres no room for late comers to even stand a chance. And to reiterate once more, if you're actively dieing to Hazards, especially nu-hazards, past lap 1, you're total garbage.

>Busters might as well have the cannon removed because its useless for doing anything other than killing lap1 competitors

>he doesn't drive backwards and use the cannon for speed boosts while occasionally getting a free point to spend as well

Amazing, it's almost like each class has a niche in the race that you play to, and if you do that well, you can compete just fine.

t. angry hazard cuck
stay bad

except that you need to max out turning for that strategy to even work as fast as just a regular racer

>ridiculously simplistic
>remove hazards, busters and bullies
>game becomes an actual race
>If you want to stop someone, you actually have to get good and crash at him head on, or get speed levels too and ram him

>the offensive class that works well if you know how to aim and follow lanes isn't as effective at straight racing as a racer is

Just got 11.02 on my first try with the new Piercer. Pretty neat.

Oh Im retarded they got rid of the slow turning

I was referring to the fact that before today the slow turning nullified the speed boosts from cannons. but now they turn like any other class

It actually highlights my issue that doing just that is the most effective thing a Buster can do because the cannon does so little damage. I can't help but laugh every time I see a Buster shot from a lap 15 Buster come down and do like 40% of someones HP.

Why would I be angry? I still lock down races for over 30 minutes because I actually know how to play Hazard and because most people racing are terrible. I simply recognize a gap in the balance that people ignore because they're upset they cant drift around a Hazard going .5 mph.

So what you're left with is a "hold boost to win" simulator where nothing except Flash or Piercer are relevant and whoever joins first wins, cool.
>you actually have to get good and crash at him head on
Ignoring the fact that what you're suggesting is literally what people complained most about with Hazards, doing just that is complete random chance as your fov isn't nearly enough to accurately head someone off once they're in your field of vision.
>get speed levels too and ram him
Not a solution. If he's at all ahead of you in laps you will lose 100% of the time as the offensive part of this game is literally just a stats game and he will defacto be strong than you thanks to more upgrade points. Stop being salty you ran into a Hazard like an idiot and actually think about what you say before you suggest something.

Anyone in the posted lobby that still complains about hazards not being viable should look at Guest 1, who's doing pretty well for himself.

Anyone else getting a shitload of microstutters?

My god buster is fucking useless now, level 8 damage, getting shots all over the map and noone is even dying

t. guest 1

ITT: Busters complaining they can't just one shot legit classes by blind-firing into a corner anymore.

Its not that the buster is weak, its just that its more fun to drive backwards and actually try to win while getting accidental kills for extra levels.

It'd be retarded if the buster could just one shot people. Honestly, the cannon upgrade should be shot frequency, not damage. It'd be a lot more useful if you could fire more often

>so what youre left with is a "hold boost to win
Wow, so what you're saying is, that it would be a racing game, where the fastest racer wins?
>b-but what about people who join midgame
Most score based games give you a disadvantage for joining midgame, just wait for next one

You mean the faggot driving backwards and/or camping the finishing line? ????

>very hard
holy fucking shit literally all you have to do is press space bar before clearing a corner

>morshu = bitch

the salt is real, stay mad fagolas.

Except it's not about "fastest racer" because this games skill cap is so hilariously limited due to its nature of being a browser game. Like you can bitch and cry all you want, but the dev clearly wants killing to be part of the game since you get both scored on it AND rewarded points for doing it.

This. I think it might be the easiest class to win with, since the boost enables you to dodge people trying to kill you at start, the thing that kills most flashes
Oh well, atleast they're not adding any aggro classes, I just feel like there's no reason to pick flash now, maybe if piercer had no hp upgrades and/or its skill cools down so you can use it every other corner

>Morshu = Bitch wrecked morshu = bitch

They also have a medic in the game, dev logic is not very good.
Atleast they keep listening to people and making aggro classes harder/worse and added a new racer class that's main thing is to dodge campers

Piercer is cool but the balanced is fucked. It was only shitters whining before, Entyshak and Toad proved there wasn't a problem, expect maybe for ambulamp but fuck them lol.

Piercer was in at the beginning. The dev literally has no idea how he's going to make the game. He's just playing around with stuff to see if it fits. We're just guinea pigs in his sandbox. Well, you are, I stopped playing.

maybe you were being a bitch?

Don't you just love it when you hit a Hazard and can't escape because you're stuck?

That fucking cunt Hazard near the end of the lap.

Guest 14 says his regards boys ;)

Do we have private lobbies yet?

hachi roku?!?!
hay-ay ne!!! kuso!!!

I am just a poor ambulance, why go for me speed raper QQ

>switch to bully
>everyone bullies me

Who singlehandedly keeps the game from ending?


>heal somebody up to full out of the kindness of my libido.
>They immediately turn around and start trying to phase boost me to death from full.
Oh. Sorry.

Guest12 is more skilled mate.


>last 2 laps as bully
>everyone switches to hazard to stop me
>still win

you guys suck.

Sorry I keep hitting you Save Me, not fast enough to turn back.

god damn, playing flash and leaving behind piercers who think they're hot shit is truly the best

Wew lads.

i will find you, perfect hero

not your fault senpai
faggots hazards, you can't get one guy in the lead?
We have the worst hazards.

>79 kills

lol no one even came close to the speediest raper

>Just trying to be the resident healslut
>Hazards kill everyone else off, leaving me in the lead.
>realize this as I go around the final corner.
I just want to healslut.

This hazard is the worst. He will suicide if you actually win against him. What a faggot.

This is the Sup Forums room, right?
I thought it was brazilian monkeys and ruskies playing grief classes, but apparently you guys do it too...

>he doesn't know that playing video games with Sup Forums is the worst decision he could possibly make

>There's no difference between Sup Forums and reddit players/youtube kids anymore
It's over. FAST is no more

Maybe nowadays, but it used to be awesome a few years ago
>Ace of Spades
I miss when things were not shit...

Why is everyone here an asshole? Hazard just makes the game unfun to play.

>Sean Murray killed by Todd Howard

I'm not, I just want to be your LessThan3.

Did someone give the link to reddit, or something?

Maybe learn to drive, retard.
>Sit at the last corner literally sitting still
>Flashes, Racers, and Piercers constantly run straight into me

I just wanted to do some cool drifts, but then everyone decided to go hazard and forced the game to go into an eternal stalemate.

are you a paid shill?

I just want to be a healslut so somebody would mention me here to give me that burst of arousal I need.

Well, I was hopping for a not retarded community once we had a Sup Forums room.
I guess I was delusional
See you, guys
All the people who actually want to race should leave the room, and see how much fun hazards can have with no one to grief

we got it you attention starved bitch

Look at all these plebs who hate hazards

They make it so much more exciting rather than 'Turn Left'

guest21 best guest

I'm going to bump into LessThan3 until she can't take it anymore and leaves the room

I miss the actual initial d / eurobeat threads. Now the context is just meme fuel for what I assume is a short-lived browser game.

You're doing a good job.

But the hazards at the finish line make it into an obstacle course. Drifting around them is great.

>I-its the Hazards fault we keep crashing, not ours!
>they said while they sit at the bottom of the leaderboard and Guest 23 consistently swerves around Hazard clusters to lap 20
Literally the only fun to person to try and kill, the rest of you suck shit at driving for all the complaining you do about not being able to do it.

Why is a browser game lagging this much? Jesus Christ.

Don't worry user. I'm sure you too will eventually be able to go fast, and you won't have to ruin the game for those who can actually play it

Foiah you dumb cunt stop crashing into the backs of people. Learn to drive.

>it's a "speedraper comes blasting full speed in the wrong direction and kills me" lap



No it doesn't you faggot, it ruins the game for one reason. They can suicide whenever they want and the other person gets nothing.
To fix hazards, a random person, that isn't in 1st, should get a point. Or maybe the last person to do them damage.

And as such, she will enjoy it

You healers need to learn to drive. I'm drifting too fast for you faggots to heal me.



Foiah you fuck. Learn to drive you faggot.

>It's a "you drift perfectly around every corner at top speed, but at the finish line a hazard decides to go backwards, and one-hits you" lap

Fuck you, I've won two of the last two games. Eat a dick.

Nice one faggot hazards. You cant' even kill the guy in the lead.

fuck off lessthan. no one likes you

>drive past a piercer
>he gets mad at you for making him realize he's not the fastest
>boosts into you
>misses and slams himself against the wall

Flash is the embodiment of fast. Flash is love. Flash is life.

I didn't even post that.
and I know that.