Help me Sup Forums, I recently beat Persona 4 and I can't stop thinking about Chie...

Help me Sup Forums, I recently beat Persona 4 and I can't stop thinking about Chie. She's literal perfection in every sense of the word and I'm devastated that I will never truly be with her.

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Get a real waifu kiddo

you need help all right, chie is a fucking shit.


She doesn't exist user. Get a life. What the fuck is wrong with weebs?


No thanks.

just ask one of the fifty erp fags to rp her for you, and you'll get all the creatine farts you could ever want

it's literally beyond me how could one choose anything but Naoto
I COULD understand Rise, everyone would like to be the crush of a literal bitch, but Naoto is the most perfect fictional individual ever created by mankind, there's no way the other girls can beat her

she has shitty taste in dashiell hammett protagonists, sam spade is mega pleb tier

>it's literally beyond me how could one choose anything but Naoto

why would anyone want to canonically get cucked by a homosexual wielding a chair as his weapon of choice

Don't worry. Give it a month or two and you're fawning over some other fictional character.

>"which girl? oh right, fun bags"

>permanently in the party
>you can choose her stat/magic growth
>best demon killing/recruiting buddy
>stops you fucking dying so much with Dia skills
>able to use Megido skills
>biggest bro
why is Nemissa so based

>but Naoto is the most perfect fictional individual ever created by mankind
Maybe for you user. The reason others don't feel the same way is because their heart is telling them something else and thats perfectly understandable!

Naoto is just kind of annoying. She's a detective that does nothing but tell you what you already know.

soul hackers is a shit game and you know it

it aint shit at all
I argue it even has the best demon-recruiting system in the series.

At least until Persona 5 comes around.

Not him, but it was pretty shit. I did like the demon-recruiting system though.

explain how it's shit, and try to be unbiased as possible.
I fully enjoyed my time with the game, so I want to hear other opinions,


Get a Daki, OP.

Really my only main problem with it was it felt like they tried to make the game feel dated on purpose and it came it out feeling forced.
I have played all SMT games and there spins offs loved this game, but I really wish they wouldn't have done that and just did there own thing like they did demon-recruiting system and make a better menu.

Chie is a lovely, cute, beautiful girl. Stop spouting mean stuff about her.

I, on the other hand, loved the fact that they tried to make it look old. Every facet of the game felt really "retro" even if it was forced, because let's face it, it's a fairly old game with fairly old ideas.
Really good ideas, but old nonetheless.
Keeping that "old" feel to it while still trying to make it feel new as well is something to be admired.

>Chie is a lovely, cute, beautiful girl
but she does love a good meat bowl

if you know what I mean


I want to be Chie and tease horny anons with my sweaty butt.

>Nanako not being at the top of waifu lists
Shit taste everywhere.

Not even close senpai.

Why are the MCs so high in the ranking? They hardly have any personality

he's just there to be shamed by worst personas, is he?

Japan is over run by Fujoshi's and since they don't have a personality they are very easy to ship with others and this causes them to get a lot of votes.
It is the same reason Yosuke is up so high becuase of how gay he is.

Surprisingly Japan remembers Persona 1 and 2 happened.

Because they're fucking badass. Have you ever seen Persona 4 The Animation? Yu is amazing.

>Yukari beat by a dog and characters that most people don't even know who they are
Why does this make me laugh?

Who the fuck likes P4 Jiraiya?
i'd fuck MC anyday

Pretty narcistic, don't you think?

Hitomi is better.

And here I thought that was silly enough in the game.

I like this one even more

Learned something big? A pair of somethings, I'd reckon.

I hate when in fanfictions they give Naoto small boobs. The big melons are canon.

>big melons or not?
I love this guy

We're in a hospital keep it down.

Aren't you a least bit curious?

no you didnt. no shes not.

Come to bed, user

Does the P3 anime have this kind of funny moments?

I'm sure more people ITT than will ever admit felt like this at the end about whoever their favorite girl was, but OP, you're just gonna get mocked here.

P3 is not for fun

Is Aigis for sexual?

Such great service at her inn.



That's a yes?

She is not becuase look at this.


Oral and handjobs

Yukiko confirmed for loving to get facefucked.

Also anal.

>we're in a hospital, keep it down

Removeable and replaceable parts.


Legit question, how did the whole thing at the end of her social link work?

Reminder that Naoto wanted to kill Namatame

Yukiko is the best girl and if you disagree you're a goddamned fool.

Aigis isn't even the cutest robot girl

This is true.

mitsuru is best


I've been playing that recently, got up to the 4th floor of the 4th area. Fuck, but those floors get annoying. I detest the torch puzzles. Story's fun, though.

Basically you finger her robot pussy that happens to be on her neck.

I've seen porn of her taking five different dicks.

Good taste there user.


instant boner

I want to make love to her accent

girls like Chie don't exist irl

I disagree, but she is cute.

>why would anyone want to canonically get cucked by a homosexual wielding a chair as his weapon of choice
If anything you cuck the homo rather than the homo cucks you hell.
You can cuck anyone, because the mc is blessed

Why is Douman so best?

>that chick is pretty amazing
>Which chick? Oh yeah funbags.
My sides why is he so great.

What's the sauce for this? I haven't been able to find it.

Sorry, user, Shinji is best girl.

artist is Douman Seyman
good luck finding it

>sex with Aigis

f mc is such a cutie

Kill Living Beings

how did a boy with no bones not become an international medical incident?

In the game, they say that all the x-rays came out too fuzzy to see anything.
The dub's pretty dumb, as you can see.

I think the early and mid games are pretty good. After you beat the mirror match fight it is a down hill slope though

two scenes come to mind
One is when those street thugs are giving the group a hard time, MC doesn't back down, and when the guy starts fronting MC goes
>Wow, you chained your nose to your face so you wouldn't lose it. That's pretty clever.

the other is when MC, Yukari and Junpei are walking down the hall after exams talking about how Mitsuru excels at seemingly anything.
>J:Geez, doesn't she have any weaknesses?
>MC: Fire, probably

also while more unintentionally hilarious, in the last move when MC and Ryouji return from his room after refusing to murder him, Aigis immediately freaks out and tries to gun Ryouji down on the spot

but by and large, no, the P3 anime just isn't worth watching

the core of her consciousness is her 'heart of papillion' which is an advanced computer chip hooked up to a feather of nyx.

you rub your finger over it which permanently dirties her computer chip with your skin oil.

That sure took a twist quick.

Huh. What is it about doing so that makes it so important to her, though?

like I said, it's permanent. You are literally leaving your mark on her soul for the rest of her immortal robot life.

>you rub your finger over it which permanently dirties her computer chip with your skin oil.
Fucking slut.


Skin oils aren't that hard to remove from electronics, though. So why would that permanently change anything?