It's a Duck Hunt 3D Platformer. Heavy involvement from Ryan Harris and Tim Little...

It's a Duck Hunt 3D Platformer. Heavy involvement from Ryan Harris and Tim Little, who may be leaving the company after current negotiations with Nintendo have shown that faith in the company has been shaken following Tropical Freeze's less than stellar reviews and failure to hit the 2 million threshold. TF's inclusion in the budget range was negotiated by Little, pushed pretty hard.

Duck Hunt's been finished since May 2016. Shifted development from WiiU to NX in May 2015 after Yooka-Laylee was announced. It would have released in Pokken Tournaments launch Window earlier this year if YL didn't throw a spanner in the works. Nintendo are "cautious" about YL stealing thunder from the game, YL may not appear on NX despite it being implied to appear due to the development of Duck Hunt. Miyamoto visited for an update in crunch time (April 2016) and reportedly asked the team to implement amiibo support, dumbfounding the team. Miyamoto was not favourable in his "review" of the game and called it "Derivative of what Nintendo did in the early 90s".

They've been working on a new IP since March 2016, supervision from Tanabe and Sakurai. First person shooter with a focus on online play. Retro are not happy about the situation, Little and Harris in particular, feeling that "Uncle NCL are looking over our work, won't sign off on any design changes unless they're discussed rigorously in email/CC chains with Tanabe and Sakurai".

Expect a number of key staff leaving by the end of the year.

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>Duck Hunt 3D platformer

That's a pretty damn big stretch.

>Nintendo of Japan eating their western studios
This isn't a new thing.

I am glad someone finally posted this.

The duck's name is hunt, the dog's name is duck, and they have to fight against his former master's new dog, D.Coy.

How long was it, 2 years go when someone came up with the whole plot?

>Nintendo caring that any indie game or studio steals their thunder

An indie game/studio releasing a game in a revived genre and on every platform under the sun

Yeah, I'd be annoyed too

>Duck Hunt's been finished since May 2016. Shifted development from WiiU to NX in May 2015 after Yooka-Laylee was announced.
Oh fuck off. That's ridiculous. As if Nintendo would give two shits about a fucking kickstarter.

>They didn't see the vast media coverage, hype, and the fact that former Rare devs are working on it
What was the idea here

>Expect a number of key staff leaving by the end of the year.

But key staff left years ago.

The Retro that made Prime 1 aren't the same Retro that made Prime 2. People have jumped ship and been replaced after every game.

>"Derivative of what Nintendo did in the early 90s".
And ALBW wasn't just AlttP with the wall crawling mechanic?

I'm not buying this, especially after the fact that in 2012 Retro studios moved into a bigger office, which implied that they were expanding their dev team's growth.


With how Nintendo evaluates what sorts fof games people want, I completely fucking believe they'd greenlight a Duck Hunt platformer.

>It's another platform game on a Nintendo console
Kill me

>former Rare devs make a 3d platformer as a love letter to the 3d N64 platformers they were known for
>Nintendo reacts badly
Holy shit I could see this actually being true.

If this is true, Nintendo have well and truly lost it. Why are they wasting such a talented studio on dogshit like this? Miyamoto doesn't know what he's doing anymore either. Amiibos are a fucking joke.

>Implying Nintendo even remembers Banjo Kablooie

Though sometimes I wished they did

>The only 3D Platformer Rare made that's allowed to be on Nintendo platforms is the worst one
I can see why they'd be pissed.

If Banjo/Conker was on the VC, I wouldn't be able to understand their frustration, but the devs that made their most famous games on your platform are making a new game and it's not exclusive to your shit, yeah I can see them being annoyed and not wanting to directly compete. It stands as a reminder that Rare in their heyday were a great studio, hopefully proven by Yooka Laylee, but none of their original IPs are allowed on Nintendo platforms anymore. And that's a shame.

>Miyamoto visited for an update in crunch time (April 2016) and reportedly asked the team to implement amiibo support, dumbfounding the team.

I'm on a public pc but imagine I posted a reaction image of a touhou laughing

>Miyamoto was not favourable in his "review" of the game and called it "Derivative of what Nintendo did in the early 90s"
>implying that's not what nintoddlers want

Why do these old retards want to shoehorn gimmicks so hard? Do they not realise the Wii was a flash in the pan and the outside world sometimes fucking changes?

Miyamoto has well and truly lost it. He's fucking Paper Mario. He's fucked Starfox. And I can't prove it, but I know DAMN well he had something to do with Federation Force.

It would absolutely not surprise me in any way whatsoever to find that he visited Nintendo's only standing Western studio and told them they were doing Western game design wrong and to make it more Japanesey

>supervision from Tanabe and Sakurai.

Did no one catch this part? Shit's fake.

>Miyamoto left the Splatoon team largely to themselves
>They pulled off a 4 million selling game in a year with wild amounts of support, cross promotion and a great community
I'll bet Miyamoto is pissed.

>Tanabe and Sakurai not having anything to do with a FPS game centered around online play
I dunno man sounds like exactly what those two would be good at, having had big parts of Metroid Prime and Kid Icarus

I'm getting so sick of Nintendo, and that's keeping in mind I've enjoyed their games still

But like what the everloving fuck is going through the minds of their designers.

Take Mario Kart 8 for an example, they just completely fucked up the Battle Mode by not including arenas for it. Look at Animal Crossing amiibo festival, Mario Party 10, two abysmal party games compared to even previous Mario Party titles. When they try to innovate it's in the wrong way, like Starfox Zero or Paper Mario, the latter of which has become a chore to play (even back in Super, the writing carried the abysmal gameplay). Or look at the various failures they've popped out on 3DS like Yoshi's New Island, NSMB 2, Tri-Force Heroes, Happy Home Designer.

They're not completely terrible, but there's so many bizarre and shit decisions coming out of their design teams recently.

Why do people always reply seriously to this fanfiction shit? This board is full of retards

That's retarded japanese business bullshit though.

If the devs are making a spiritual successor to one of the most popular games from one of your older systems, you don't act like a fucking moping toddler, you go and conduct business. You go and try to secure a release on your shit and something exclusive.



OP's scenario has to be fake, but at th same time I can seriously imagine Nintendo doing this.

Maybe they're just too naive to realise the world isn't sunshine and rainbows.

>They're not completely terrible, but there's so many bizarre and shit decisions coming out of their design teams recently.
I honestly believe that they just don't take anything in that's going on around them.

Like, when Nintendo okay-d Splatoon, I imagine they never once looked at another TPS to see how things are done. They built it from the ground up, and decided to see what worked and came to conclusion based on internal research, rather than copying the competition. When they started working on Zelda BotW, they didn't look to see how other games handle checkmarking and open world design, they consulted Monolith Soft maybe, then just built their game.

Hell, when they built the WiiU online framework, they did it from scratch, and when it came time to test it, any suggestions from outside sources asking them to make it more like PSN didn't get through to them because they never once looked at how the competition do things.

I honestly believe that when Nintendo make something internally, they believe they are the first people to come to that conclusion themselves.

>That's retarded japanese business bullshit though.
Nigga thats how Japan works

It's stupid in the first place because they sold rare. OP is fake and gay, obv, Nintendo has no right to be salty about YL.

Also daily reminder

Ironically the NX and PC are the lead platforms, Xbone and PS4 are ports. But as the Goldeneye situation that came to light recently proved, Nintendo would rather burn everything down if they can't get an exclusive.

>lead platform

Lmao you mean Wii U.

has a Sup Forums "leak" ever been true

stop trying to be neogaf you unbelievable autists

>It's stupid in the first place because they sold rare
Rare asked for 40 million.

WiiU is being developed by PT, PC being developed by some of PT, and the PSBone version being sent off for porting

Which is why Japan is going nowhere

Wouldn't it make alot more fucking sense if the duck was named duck because it's a fucking duck and if the doggo was named hunt because it hunts ducks?

Wait you must be shitting me

There's no way the leading development is on Wii U.

not quirky enough

I shit you not my dude

DSi, Bloodborne, Smash 3DS

Though to be fair, the last two were be neogaf crossposters

suck my dick

Christ, I hope they get it out before NX launches then if they're putting that much attention onto it, it'd be a lovely send-off for the console.

no, you suck my dick

Why do people lie on the internet

>Uncle NCL are looking over our work, won't sign off on any design changes unless they're discussed rigorously in email/CC chains with Tanabe and Sakura
Because that is how Retro made their ONLY good game out of 5 games they did since 2001

Miyamoto was handholding them entire way through Metroid Prime 1

Prime 3 and DKCR are GOATS my nigga

>He's fucking Paper Mario.
Did he make the atrocious sticker system that was the game's biggest issue?
That was Platinum, they even directed it.
> but I know DAMN well he had something to do with Federation Force
Well that's just your bias.

It's fake because Sakurai has his own third party company and doesn't work for Nintendo unless said studio is hired.

>their ONLY good game out of 5 games they did since 2001
this is the wrongest opinion of all time.

Prime 2 is better than 1 in every single way unless you really fucking love Ridley.

There I said it.

>taking a vidya Sup Forums made up when duck hunt was announced for sm4sh


>Tropical Freeze's less than stellar reviews
Disregarding the rest of OP's retarded fanfic, this was fucking disappointing. Shit was the best 2D platformer in YEARS and it got slammed for being too difficult when it wasn't even hard.

Platinum hardly did anything for SF0 though

>their ONLY good game
Retro hasn't made a bad game nignog. The closest was DKCR and even that was solid.

Miyamoto was the one with the Gamepad idea for StarFox wasn't he?

Release window is March next year. So it might just be the console's swansong.

Team 17 are usually pretty good for ports though so it should be fine, although I'll be getting the Wii U version

what do you mean? and anyways they should have gotten 40 measly million if they asked for it, they were quite literally the only worthwhile third party studio on a nintendo console at the end. they lost sunsoft, capcom, konami, and everyone else nes-snes and they should have tried to keep them and shouldnt be pissy because not-rare wants to sell their own shit

>more like Duh Cunt, m i rite?

That wasn't even the game's issue. It's length.

how long was it?

It's not terribly long but for a game so consistently good I didn't mind. Especially considering there's secret levels and shit too.


Because you port shit to Wii U, so they have to work every everything from the ground up.

You also failed to list that Playtonic is handing the PC version as well, because it is easier for Team17 to port.

If Yooka-Laylee ends up being shit then whatever but fuck you, it looks great so far.

Lolol you need to get your timeline straight you fuckin retard.

>Crunch time on a game that won't be released for 12 months, and they know it won't be released for 12 months
>Thinking the N64 was released in the early 90s
>Thinking Retro would be dumbfounded by a request for amiibo support when it's now the standard for major first party titles. Also thinking Nintendo wouldn't request this on the original product plans.
>The line, "Uncle NCL are looking over our work, won't sign off on any design changes unless they're discussed rigorously in email/CC chains with Tanabe and Sakurai," reads like it was written by some faggot on Sup Forums

A Duck Hunt platformer is a good idea, but this effort at a leak is hilariously bad.

I don't know senpai why you askin