Why do we only have 6 pages?
I just woke up, what's going on?
Other urls found in this thread:
>mods pretend not to care to lure shitposters out and ban them for a lifetime
what? Dude seriously whats going on it's only 10am here.
>not reseting your modem
Something about gamergate raping the mods. I honestly lost interest before I could finish reading the pastebin info so I'm just going to wait a few days and everything will be back to normal as these things do
Tons of porn threads got spammed to hell and back and now they're gone.
Mods Correcting the Record by letting shitposters slide discussion of damning leaks that have nasty implciations for them off the board
Now they're just nuking them all on sight
>implying 99% of the bans from a mass idiot cull wouldn't be immediately negated by phone and router resets
it's better for me if they ban me, i can get the fuck out of here
SJW chat logs were leaked outing them as harassers.
They started raiding to get people to stop talking about it
Mods just now started doing their jobs
There's always rangeban
Who as harassers? The Sup Forums mods?
What chat logs?
>Thinking bans matter on Sup Forums
You reek of newfag.
Even that's not foolproof, Barneyfags been rangebanned at least 5 times and always comes back
ruggarell bought an entirely new phone on a different carrier just to evade his rangeban
Hardware based bans would be better, those on college campuses would be totally fucked since they don't have access to the hardware to go and spoof a new mac address or hardware id
SJWs are the harassers. They organize attacks so they can pretend to be victims
> those on college campuses would be totally fucked since they don't have access to the hardware to go and spoof a new mac address or hardware id
There's always Sup Forums pass, 外人
20$ to shitpost and then immediately have it revoked doesn't sound sustainable, especially for people like Barneyfag who creates tons of threads for himself to appear in, and Ruggarell who has multiple shitposts up across multiple boards
>niggerel is so intent on shitposting he wastes money on a new phone just to shitpost more
is this the only person to rival anthony burch in how pathetic he is?
It's kind of weird though since they're getting rid of a bunch of actual legitimate threads too. Carpet bombing indiscriminately.
We got memed on
gg is pathetic, but these guys are perhaps more so
Give it a few days, no one will care then
"SJWs" isn't an answer for a group, that's like saying
>Q: man what happened? Who is raiding
>A: it's the jews!
give names if you have a "chatlog"
>first youtube is exploding over SJW conspiracies
>now Sup Forums
The fuck is happening on today?
Nice try shitposter-kun, back to redblur or tumdit for you.
YT is exploding over new ToS
From the proxyfag posts it looks like it's just regular 3-day bans though.
Zoe Quinn and her goons, you stupid faggot
Anything related to this will just get pruned off Sup Forums anyways.
Remember when there was an actual board for directly Sup Forums related discussion?
Just go look at the old thread my man
Same with you, all your proof is in the op
what happened on Youtube?
It's a good thing I don't visit Youtube that often. Still, I just skimmed over the essentials, basically trying to "cyber bullying". God damn pathetic. It's a shame YouTube is probably too big to be replaced at this point.
I'm assuming he means the recent monetization change, which I assume is an unrelated shitstorm.
>Buying new phone to browse Sup Forums
>pastebin links were removed
Holy shit, thankfully the guy gave archive.is
What game is that?
Specifically CON (Crash Override Network)
The leaks are somewhat damning and their legitimacy very high
Doesn't help since Youtube is fighting over a policy change since a well connected Annaliese Nielson had a Lyft driver wrongfully fired since he had a culturally imperialistic dashboard hula doll on display
New ToS stating that users are not allowed to monetize videos with certain inappropriate content.
The only people that this effects are faggots who live off that kind of shit, like Leafy and Phillip D Franco
Depression and acne is also inappropriate content.
It's not just monetization though, it's grounds for people to report videos like that in general and have them removed.
>Abusive videos, comments, messages
>Revealing someone’s personal information
>Maliciously recording someone without their consent
>Deliberately posting content in order to humiliate someone
>Making hurtful and negative comments/videos about another person
>Unwanted sexualization, which encompasses sexual harassment or sexual bullying in any form
>Incitement to harass other users or creators
Half of these are fine, the other half seem like they could very easily be abused.
That most definitely Mankind Divided. And I havn't even played it yet. How could you not spot that?
>implying you need special hardware to spoof a MAC
You just need Linux
>implying browsers expose MAC addresses
You'd have to willingly use some ActiveX/Java shit, but if you do that you've got bigger problems.
>it's kind of weird that Sup Forums staff are cucks
inb4 janny makes me reset my router for this post
It also says that annoying comments aren't necessarily cyber bullying and should be ignored
>Making hurtful and negative comments/videos about another person
>Make a video about how [political candidate] is bad for whatever reason
>opposition can have it removed
[24/12/2014, 6:03:44 AM] Quinnae: Le sigh.
Does this mean I can report all of Faggot Frank's unfunny dumbass """""prank""""" videos?
Remember when the thing with two Gs blew up in 2014 and it was quickly swept under the rug by mods here?
People were just going "it's not vidya!!" when old mods were coming out and telling that the new moderation team was full of... politically correct people and they were wiping Sup Forums because it made their SJ side look bad
A few days ago, the chat logs for a group led by the purple haired beast of five guys herself leaked, revealing a bunch of connections, including some between her group and Sup Forums mods
Now mods are on full damage control. We all knew they were linked back in the day, but now people are finally waking up to it
Have a problematic kunoichi on me
Mods being the fag pieces of shit they've been for the last 7 years, no surprises there.
Who cares? This board is beyond saving even reddit is more anti normie than this shithole now.
>when old mods were coming out
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
If you wanted to, technically yes. The last bullet point under the 'Tips and Tricks'.
>Report harassing users and content via YouTube’s reporting tool.
Ah yeah, you're right.
What confused me was that i thought the person was the PC and it was third person, instead of it being an NPC
Damn...ethics...are dead... ;_;
Save me Vivian... D:
Yeah, from the point of view, it's understandable
this, honestly
I have seen some pretty normie posts here in the past few years that should have been fucking crucified
because we didn't do that, they're spreading like a cancerous growth
Check archives on Sup Forums starting on August 2014. I'm on mobile right now
The saddest part is that moot wanted to make this place "clean" so he could sell it, which didn't work at all for him. Trying to impress the daughter of a Gawker affiliate he wanted to bang was another reason, but the dude is so beta he ended up as her "best friend"
Do you seriously believe that?
Is this fucking /x/?
To be fair GG became somewhat annoying, it would've been the best to create either a general or containment board.
Mods being fags is nothing new.
>being this much of a sheeple newfag
moot has been making this place "clean" since the deletion of /l/.
moot has been getting rid of annoying mods since snacks.
mods have been massive faggots since the dawn of time, heaven fucking forbid what sort of conspiracy theories you dipshits would come up with if another fursecution happened.
The clean thing sounds pretty plausible.
The only reason that gook bought this shithole is to datamine the shit out of us
that explains the cuck rule
>Complaining about Sup Forums (its policies, moderation, etc) on the imageboards may result in post deletion and a ban.
Can you blame them? Looking at the retarded shit you faggots spout I'd ban the shit out of every single one of you until my fingers bleed.
I miss snacks reign of terror.
Global 8 has always been a catch-all that mods abuse to shut up people who call them out on their shit, that's nothing new
you are more likely to be banned for asking where the fuck the mods are than the shitposter is for posting Sup Forumsshit
I can't count how many times I've even withnessed mods babysitting shitpost threads and clearing the report queue
>That eyes
Let me guess, Orutoro draws it?
>missing snacks
>bans left and right
>mysteriously away when CP got posted
Why don't you have a seat over here, user?
Barneyfag did the same at least once, possibly twice
All mods should get raped by fat manbeasts and die.
See you later space cowboys.
If I could go back I would.
Doesn't work like that el-retardo.
I don't get it.
im intrested, post the link
You are free to not believe me, it's ok. Doesn't make me any less right
I know. But only since 2013~2014 people started being banned on Sup Forums for simply saying "nigger". You probably just didn't realize how bad it's getting
It's pretty much what mentioned, talk too much or make a thread about undesirable subjects and you are off for a three day vacation
Seems like Orushibu and Orutoro are actually one and the same.
Main chat Part 1
Pastebin: pastebin.com
Archive: archive.is
Main chat Part 2
Pastebin: pastebin.com
Archive: archive.is
Main chat Part 3
Pastebin: pastebin.com
Archive: archive.is
Main chat Part 4
Pastebin: pastebin.com
Archive: archive.is
Main chat Part 5
Pastebin: pastebin.com
Archive: archive.is
Main chat Part 6
Pastebin: pastebin.com
Archive: archive.is
Main chat Part 7
Pastebin: pastebin.com
Archive: archive.is
Main chat Part 8
Pastebin: pastebin.com
Archive: archive.is
Main chat Part 9
Pastebin: pastebin.com
Archive: archive.is
Main chat Part 10
Pastebin: pastebin.com
Archive: archive.is
Serious chat (short)
Pastebin: pastebin.com
Archive: archive.is
Serious chat (long)
Pastebin: pastebin.com
Archive: archive.is
Pastebin: pastebin.com
Archive: archive.is
though I may be banned for this, I have no fear, for lord kek is with me
can someone give me a tl;dr? im not reading all that shit
Ppl baned for the word nigger on /pol.
You fucking drunk,retardet or both?
I am not reading all that shit, someone give me the gist
What exactly is wrong with Barneyfag?
I see his posts, and people talking about him all the time when browsing deleted Sup Forums threads and posts and I don't see any reason to hate him other than he really has a grudge against barney and MLPfags
He's implying the Brony mindset is that of Barney watching children and he would be correct.
Why is he so despised then, by mods and anons alike
Somthing somthing opresion somthing somthing attention whore somthing somthing they are jelly somthing somthing beta orbiters somthing comie shit somthing somthing laughingstock of the internet.
Then lots of pedofile stuff and chucking bulshit.
As SWJ are degenerate the chat reads as such.
He makes his own threads with pony related material, and then spams them with "LE DIE LE DEGENERATE!!"
He does this literally all the time. He claims it's because his RSS feed allows him to see the pictures on the front page, so he knows to immediately react to them. This MIGHT be plausible if some of the images he posted were so barely MLP related the even MLP fans didn't recognize it, Google search couldn't find the image, and yet somehow he knows what is right off the top of his head.
He's even more degenerate than the people he claims to dislike. If there were a way to permanently remove him this board would be all the better.
organization created to reduce harassment and doxing online coordinates to harass and dox people with different political views
Fair enough, I didn't know these things.
This. Nobody likes barneyfag dude
Weren't there a bunch of semi-suttle pedi threads here or was that Sup Forums
Reditards spaming cp to get the threads closed and slander this great haven of freedom and conversation.
Is that in the church?
Its crazy, back in 2014 and before you never fucking saw that shit on Sup Forums and that was back when Sup Forums was less moderated and ruled with an iron fist.