What's the verdict? Better than Zestiria?
What's the verdict? Better than Zestiria?
The girl is better and it's the only thing that matters.
Definately, the rheaboard alone makes this game immensly better.
The onsen scene is disappointing though.
Does anyone know a good place to farm ねこスピ?
That is not hard to achieve, but yes it is one of the better Tales of games.
the characters are worse than Zestiria but everything else is better
You can't fool me, Baba.
Velvet, Magilou, Phi
Only Eleanor is a bit bland, but she's supposed to be that way.
Eizen and Rokurou are the absolute best.
>Better story
>Better characters
>Better skits
>Better combat system
>Better and more content
The only downside is X1 engine and Sakuraba being lazy. But even though it wasn't dificult to make a better game than Zestiria, yes it is.
And overall one of the, if not the best post Vesperia Tales.
every time a tales game tries comedy, it's always cringeworthy. this started with abyss and it just kept getting cuter and more annoying
I especially hate all the katz and turtle bullshit. I'm happy hearts r had none of that.
>Velvet is edge done well
>Rokurou is a great bro
>Laphicet is the ultimate shota
>Magilou is Pascal done right
>Eizen is both edgy and nerdy, balances out well
>Eleanor is kinda bland, but still has nice interactions with the rest
Berseria even improved Zaveid, even though it was a prequel.
Eizen After Story DLC when?
>Velvet instantly reverts to qt3.14 big sister mode and cooks quiche and pudding for the whole party when she got tricked into thinking Laphi and her hometown were still alive.
This was heartbreaking as fuck. F uck Artorius and fuck Laphi especially, for destroying her smile. He doesn't deserve such a great sis and he doesn't deserve to dream of a happy life with her.
does it have romance? or is it another tales of cuck?
This Tales is about families. No romance.
Fuck that point in the game was so heartbreaking. Manly tears were shed.
The happy images in the credits are what Velvet and Laphi dream about while being sealed away for eternity, right?
>Berseria even improved Zaveid
Can't wait for him to show up in the Zestiria anime and touch upon more of that.
I haven't played through all of it, but it seems slightly better than Zestiria. Battle system is almost as bad as Zestiria though, which was pretty disappointing. I really hope they go back to the Abyss/Vesperia style or do something completely new. Preferably they split the development teams again and give them time to develop quality games instead of shitting out a new rehashed game with the exactly same reused assets every year like they have been doing recently.
Velvet is cute!
Break Souls are extremely fun. Rokurou's counter and Velvet's feeding is nice.
A couple of things are weird though, like waiting 20 seconds for that one skill of Velvet.
The soul system is trash, I give you that.
>yfw Velvet approaches Laphicet, gently grabs his hand and says it's warm
I believe they are. I just replayed Vesperia and the credits are (shitty) illustrations of what the party is doing after the end.
If the Berseria credits were just those images, I would say Bamco was just trying to make us suffer, but since in between all of them are Velvet and Laphicet, and that Velvet said to Laphicet that they were going to sleep, I think that is the implication.
Even the nips think the game is way better than Zestiria. The battle system is probably what Zestiria should have been in the first place, but yeah they probably only had the time to complete it instead of making a new one. I still like it though and I hated the one in Zestiria.
Sorey freeing Velvet and them teaming up for a third game where they finally fix the world y/n?
Best Tales of since Vesperia.
Better than Zesty in every way possible.
Seeing a Shepard and a Lord of Calamity working together would be nice, as well and the interactions between them. Also, no Rose, and a party with Zaveid, Edna, Mikleo, Lailah and Maotelus would be cool, and it would allow the use of both Break Souls and Armatization.
But the nips that this weird thing in direct RPG sequels were they introduce a new protagonist instead of using an old one, so they would probably fuck it up somehow.
And if it was the same writer, in the end Velvet and Sorey or Lapchicet and Maotelus would end up sealed yet again to stop the malevolence. You know this is true.
>Battle system is almost as bad as Zestiria though
Yeah no, it's far better.
I havent played, just the demo and it makes me sad that they have always been so close to making a combat fun like vesperia or xillia 2 but they always fuck it up one way or another
Why didn't Eleanor fix her coat?
Eleanor has some of the best development in the entire franchise, she is anything but bland
So, why do you think birds soar through the skies?
What you should really be asking:
>Better than Vesperia PS3?
I find it hilarious that Berseria had to be the game to fixed up Zestiria fuck up and also convince people that Zestiria is somehow a good game and restore the Tales rep. People are literally buying and playing Zestiria because of it being Berseria assumed sequel. The game Bandai Namco doubted would sell well ended up being the game that is saving them.
I like it better than Vesperia but to be fair I'm not particularly fond of Vesperia
>Velvet's final answer was practically just FREEDOM MOTHERFUCKER.
Someone give this girl a blue, red and white coat.
The side cast of Berseria is pretty cool too
if it was Zestiria the cast would want them all dead
When is English release?
>Sakuraba being lazy
So, same thing as always? He's a hack in my opinion.
Moana is such a cute
Moana's voice was incredibly loud and annoying though.
Yeah, when she cried it was horrible.
But still not as bad as bienfu, couldn't stand him.
Gameplay still kinda shit, but better than Zestiria.
Character is a lot better than Zestiria cast.
A lot more interesting DLC costume.
Next year.
>A lot more interesting DLC costume.
Won't buy either way. There's some good ingame costumes but only a few.
Really sucks that it's all DLC now
>Gameplay still kinda shit, but better than Zestiria.
No, the gameplay is really good, best evolution of Grace's system and it manages to make all the characters fun to play
The real question is, where is all the porn? I've found a single pic and it's Velvet and Milla. No Magilou art anywhere! I thought Japan'd be all over these designs.
When's the next Comiket?
Is it the best cast in a Tales game?
I think it is
It's Tales. 99% of the porn will be men making out and butt fucking each other.
I love the game outright saying that the first Shepherd was an asshole and that most shepherds are fucking assholes
Symphonia was better.
I don't really agree, between Collete who was bland as hell, Presea who was cute but got almost no screentime and Regal who got like one cool scene in the entire game, the cast is pretty unbalanced.
Certainly the best one for a long time.
Its the first one in a while where I really like all of the cast members. Usually there is at least one that I wish would fuck off.
And Velvet, Magilou and Elenor are the most attractive 3 lead females ever in a Tales of game.
>Usually there is at least one that I wish would fuck off
Not main cast.
Good point