ITT: The "Metroid's" of their companies

I'll start with Sony's


Well, there are other Metroids from the same company, so it makes sense.

What do they even do with the Ape Escape IP?

I only played the first two but they were pretty fun.

Ape Escape only has 3 games in the mainline series, the rest is spin offs that don't even feel like that mainline part, this is why people hate how this seires is treated.

They also assume the monkeys are the only part that matters, even though this was the series that pushed the use of the Dualshock controller

Didn't even realize there was a 3rd. Is it worth playing?
Is Spike in it?

By the way, have you tried 3? it's also fun. Spike isn't playable but it's still good.

At least there's always a chance for a new good game in these franchises.

Not so much for pic related (R.I.P Psygnosis)

It's got the most charm out of the whole series, go for it.

WipEout was good too, didn't they closed the studio making it?

The third one is great. Slowdown is pretty bad sometimes though.


I heard someone saying it could be on the PS4 like 2

>The legend will never die

Damn it.

Yep, and right in the middle of when they were making one for PS4 too. Fucking Sony, man.

RIP Liverpool

Now that we're on a Konami series

After the direction the X series was going in I'm kinda glad they laid it to rest.

This one hurts though. You could also apply it to pretty much all Konami's other IPs too.

You could say that MM doesn't need more games because a lot of them play the same way.

They could keep pumping the classic MM's out like they did with 9 and 10, and people will still buy them so it's easy money for Capcom. Or would have been, anyway.

Is PES the only Konami IP that wasn't raped?

Capcom and Sega: The Thread.

Basically any FG in which their companies doesn´t have FG as their milestones.

There's also Konami, Nintendo and Sony here, what about western IP's like Crash and C&C?

There's like 100 MM games, the series isn't even comparable to most franchises people lament about.



I just remembered the SE owns Thief.

But it was still raped, even when it should have had a peacefull death

I just remembed this joke existed

And boy, did that new game suck

What ever happened to Brentalfloss anyway?

Bad last instalments?
If you mean shit I will fucking cut you

Pretty much both the first you said, and yeah, Paper Mario could be an exemple too

Does Duke Nukem count?