Is cavalry the greatest multiplayer game mechanic of the past century?

Is cavalry the greatest multiplayer game mechanic of the past century?

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No, it's as retarded as real life. The only way you're going to get any kills is if the person you're killing is equally retarded.

Not if you know the secret.

They started to use spears in melee against intantry for a reason.
Cavalry melee in real life was much more retarded Pic related managed to kill 11 germans in close combats no one of them was able to shoot with their rifles or keep with his sabre. Pistols are best cavalry allies.

The range of the swords is so fucking stupid

He managed to kill only 3 of germs with his sabre while the rest died to spear.

he's killing these guys from a mile away. what is even happening?

>Start beta
>Get into match
>Nobody has any weapons
>Everybody just running around like idiots with their dicks in their hands

is this a battlefield game?
if only warband looked like this

>ywn remove kebab in a glorious charge with your mates
Why live, bros?


how the fuck do you configure your keys on pc, when i try to it only comes up with pleb controllers

How accurately modeled are all the horsey parts?

this is literally what happens when your country is full of niggers

The problem is the horse is so unnecessarily tanky so DICE can actually have horses in this game, so its actually quite hard to kill a charging cavalry if he zig zags.

This game looks like garbage tbqh

I know what you mean

I hope

The balance is garbage. The horse is not even worth shooting at considering the guy on top can die in 1 to 2 good shots while the horse just acts like a tank.

Also tanks are OP as fuck from long range and you can shut down anything the enemy can use against you from long range very easily. I sat back a bit yesterday i n the light tank and was absolutely dominating. The heavy tank rekts people too even up close.

Happened to me, too, except about 1/10 people still had weapons. There were groups of gunless Joes following the guy with the rifle waiting for him to die so they could have a turn.

>There were groups of gunless Joes following the guy with the rifle waiting for him to die so they could have a turn
Ah, so just like in real life, then.


tanks are too fast as well, considering a lack of rocket launchers in the game

That part while somewhat true is still greatly exaggerated.

>Glorified armored cars need 5 anti vehicle grenades to get destroyed
Who greenlit that

>People complain game isn't realistic enough.
>People complain that Tanks are too technologically superior to anything available at the time period where they were designed to be unstoppable war machines.

You just can't win.

lol holy shit this looks so fucking horrible

so bad it's good territory

HOLY SHIT did they just reskin Battlefront with fucking horses ahAHAHAHAhaha

battlefield has officially become a joke

I hope this doesn't hurt the chances of a legitimately good WW1 games

maybe we should just start totally ignoring everything the big studios do

>when you're 26-0 as cavalry and the game is trying to find ways to stop you

>defending Light Tank gets on rock bridge
>no one can fucking kill it because you need to be up its ass to grenade it and other tanks can't hit it because of turret swivel limit
>it's immortal because of self repair


this is some goat simulator level of historical accuracy

Antitank rifle and/or AP sniper rounds both stop the repair.

Antitank rifle also does shitloads of damage and kills a light tank in like 4 shots. Shoot the track to immobilize it also.

the graphics are actually kind of incredible though, looks cool with the airplanes and shit

these games are legitimately soulless, braindead shit and terrible though gameplay wise

cavalry is ruined by every other faggot having an automatic rifle

I don't know why these vids all crack me up so much, the horse just looks hilarious for some reason. Battlefield is something that needs to be mocked at this point in my mind. the gameplay is terrible, it always just feels like a bunch of retards running around randomly, complete chaos with no organization or meaning for the most part. it can be fun though sometimes

I was actually pretty impressed with the graphics too, the textures and shadows on the rocks look great. But the last battlefield I played was 4, so I don't know if BF1 is the same shit that Battlefront and Hardline has had.

That said the gameplay feels like shit, it has the worst from the setting and the worst from the series it's in. It's not a good WW1 game and it's not a good Battlefield game, it's an abomination.

That's why you sneak around and come up behind people


Use them you dumb niggers

Tanks can be sniped from fucking miles away and you should be using a Gewehr 98 all the time.

>People complain that Tanks are too technologically superior [to what tanks of that period actually were]

Fixed that for you. Seriously all the complaint have been the tanks are too fast and efficient for what these early lumbering inefficient buckets really were.

FTs saw service even in WW2.

K rounds do like 8 damage, even at point blank.. You're full of shit.

And they were garbage in that war.
>crew of only 2
>Commander is also the gunner and loader
>crap operation range
>crap speed
>crap power/weight ratio
>eh armor
>serviceable gun at best vs infantry and other soft targets
>ancient optics

The only reason the FT managed to survive that long was because they had a bunch left over. The French army already had several upgraded versions that they designated as light tanks, and plenty of way better medium and heavy tanks (though French tanks would continue to have crew multitaksing problems).

Only one game has ever, ever gotten it right.

And it made a colossal success. And the cavalry combat is actually incredibly deep if you get into it and play Napoleonic Wars on the cavalry-groupfighting servers. You learn all the angles from which you are at the advantage/disadvantage, when to strike, when to disengage, etc. Combat OP's posted looks like shit.


2 light AV grenades to the tracks = immobile tonk

2 light AV grenades to the engine block = immobile tonk

6 (?) light av grenades = dead tonk


Oh, right- for the 45 whole days it took Germany to invade and conquer France.

the only fun part of bf1 desu senpai

Coupled with stupid Lag Compensation ,horrible servers, and unlocked regions making a cavalryman that's right on top of you look like he's 20 feet away.

Red dead redemption had pretty good horse riding too

The idea that fucking tanks now have regen hp is the most preposterous thing


but it stops them from regen, which is why team work

Wow that is actually retarded. He died like 10 feet behind you.

Damnit Roach

>You will never get to ride off into the sunset in Battlefield 1.

>A7Vs on the UK side.


>horses are riding into battle
>not running away at the first sign of gunfire


can confirm it's literally reskinned battlefront with horses

ty, now I am sure I ain't buying this piece of shit any time soon

say what you say bf1 was positive surprise for me. Instead of feeling like clunky and boring reskin it feels like fun and goofy reskin

>maybe we should just start totally ignoring everything the big studios do

Not doing this since 2011

well obviously war horses are accustomed to gunfire. Was that some kind of attempt at joke?

to be fair the horses do jump over shit which is kind of cool

If you had read the tiniest ammount about the game, you'd realize soon that it's not and wasn't developed to be "historically accurate"

I'm not gonna lie, I like this video and the webm name. This shit actually looks kind of badass. When he goes up and slices the guy it looks fucking awesome. All the animations are actually kind of great

i know, I was just ragging on it i hate battlefield gameplay to be honest. its so fucking dumbed down and nowhere near the potential it could be, which is really frustrating to me.

a movie is greatly exaggerated, what else is new?

>expecting people on Sup Forums to actually read about something and not just shitpost all the time

good joke

>my face unlocking bolt action for snipers
I wish everyone was forced to play Sniper withonly like 5 being able to play assault/medic/light machine gunner each.

I suck ass at this game. I think it is because of the slower/bigger maps. more used to going off on my own and killing people like in uncharted or cod multiplayer.




actually quite enjoying the beta

shame theres only one map

give me a fucking break. READING ABOUT A NEW BATTLEFIELD GAME?

Battlefront was pretty much confirmed to be a toy and a cash grab by everyone I talked to, I read up. The advertising for this game was vague and suggested that it was just another Battlefront style "mini release" in a line of pseudo releases that DICE has put out. like every other release these days, it seems as though everything is either unfinished, "miniature" and not full featured, early access, free to play, a mod, or a fucking pixel art indie game.

My predictions about what this game are were right, sure it doesn't have to be historically accurate. That said if they're just using "IT'S A WORLD WAR 1 GAME! IT'S NEW! IT'S LIKE NOTHING ELSE YOU'VE SEEN!" to sell the game, and it turns out to just be a little bit more than a horses added to a blatant reskin of Battlefront which was considered poor to begin with, I think I have a point here.

I did say that the horse actually looks kind of cool though

disgusting. is it the hitbox or the latency or what? The sword and the guy killed were in different zip codes

>tfw see another guy on horse
>tfw 1v1 charging at each other

pretty fun 2bh

every single battlefield since 2 has been getting simplified for some asinine reason even though 2 was perfect they had to dumb it down and keep dumbing it down, fucking corporate retards in suits

Looked like the horse rammed you after he died, not him hitting you to kill you.

Unless horses don't do contact damage.

Horses don't do contact damage if you're on a horse.

why are they shooting lasers?

Not everything should have to be "DUMB ARCADE" or "COMPLEX SIM"

Battlefield style doesn't have to be cheap ... that's what it has become. It's cheapened and there is no effort to give it any real sense of depth. It's a game with realistic, slow and unwieldy guns that then expects you to play as though it's Unreal 2016. It's not all bad, it's just really not what I want out of a game with vehicles and large maps. I want something where it feels like the position you're in really matters, and where it feels like your control over the map makes a difference.

All BF games just feel like no matter where you're positioned, you're always doing the same fucking thing. Running around and just trying to get a kill. It's almost never anything to do with the map design, because the maps are just mundane randomly organized rocks and buildings that all look exactly the same. Whether you're in a building or outside, or in a helicopter, it always just feels like searching for dots and then pressing a button, hardly ever anything much more than that. COD.

That's not what I want from a game about large scale fights, it doesn't have to be ARMA to be better than that. I guess that's the market and style of game they want to make, and unfortunately it's just not something I'm going to spend money on, I'm sure the majority will continue to do so. I just miss the days when games were made by gamers, for gamers and not just pushed out like Pez for people who spend money on every single fucking new release just because it's new and the graphics look good even when they know it's unoriginal and little more than a product - not intended to really give you a quality gaming experience - in fact nobody involved with the making of it gives a shit about that, and yet you still keep spending and spending and wondering why they don't feel any need to start caring again

Maybe it's an oversight where horses turn back into vehicles when they are empty, so you were still ran over by a riderless horse because the game stopped thinking of it as a horse.

Fuck off Ivan

What the fuck are you even trying to say? Nobody is talking about battlefront and it isn't relevant to battlefield at all

dude historical accuracy lmao

I hope they change it into some ww1 alternate universe fantasy so things make a modicum of sense.

>join game
>can't change weapons


Nice beta

Battlefield has been doing that for a long time, they make all their bullets looks like tracer rounds so the gameplay looks cooler.

mario kart tactics

CoD really did ruin first person shooters... destroyed the Halo franchise and now it is finally ready to finish of Battlefield. It's a parasitic influence that always destroys whatever it comes into contact with.

Stop pretending to be stupid.

Oh, I thought DICE made Battlefront, which is coincidentally almost identical to this "new" "full game" called Battlefield 1, which looks identical to Battlefront, animates exactly like Battlefront, the gunfire looks like the Star Wars lasers from Battlefront, and so on and so on. And you know that, and are a faggot and should kill yourself imo

Betas are for feedback, user

The way the gaming industry works now is initial sales hype, no follow through so no need to design deep mechanics or anything as long as people still keep buying, probably 70-80% of the revenue this game will make will be in the initial month it's released.

It's partially the industry's fault and also partially the retards who buy shit and can't even be assed to invest in the game or a community anymore. They just play it for a week or two and then drop it and move on the the next over hyped husk. It's truly cancer and a feedback loop that creates more of these cancerous shitters who buy into this shit.

I thought russians weren't in this game...

>Get in vehicle

Why does it suddenly go super bright? Flash bang?

Battlefront was made by a different team at DICE

Of course they look similar, they run on the same engine. Battlefronts animations were fucking amazing, of course some of them are gonna be copied.

And bullet travel speeds are almost as fast as real life while Battlefront blaster shots are slow as fuck. In fact, some bullets in BF1 are faster than their real life counterparts.

Must be from all the bling.