We have a confirmartion. DICE does not know how to make good games anymore. They keep the same recipe since BF3...

We have a confirmartion. DICE does not know how to make good games anymore. They keep the same recipe since BF3, no innovation.
Add to this the disgusting side SJW and fake History (no French, No Russians in BF1, black German etc...)
Into the trash like CoD.

I hope that a "new" rich studio will see the light and create a good FPS for 2016. Maybe Ubisoft, they have the financial means.

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>DICE does not know how to make good games anymore

Welcome to post BF2 Battlefield, slowpoking a bit hard there.

>Maybe Ubisoft

How did they fuck up so badly after BF2, all they had to do was reskin that game and keep moving it to newer engines with a few new features and they could keep selling it for eternity.



Ubishit is ded too, along with any Tom Clancy game still using his name on games that make him roll in his grave. We need a new studio pronto

The fact that no one can explain to me why BF 1 is bad without uttering muh SJWs or muh historical revisionism tells me how full of shit Sup Forums really is

trash servers
bugged loadouts
battlefront reskin, the beta map even has the same textures as tatooine, samey gun feeling, movements etc.
shitty UI
inexistent destruction
class balance is bad

>People don't know that BF2 wasn't actually made by dice but by the mod team who made desert conflict for 1942, and were basically all fired when they finished the game

> BF2
> Great

Am I being trolled? No balance and trying to fix said balance by outsourcing the patches (that couldn't be installed on half of people's computers) to their Canadian divisions made the game awful. Only reason people played was because there was little if anything like it.

>trash servers
>bugged loadouts
>battlefront reskin, the beta map even has the same textures as tatooine, samey gun feeling, movements etc.
don't care star wars is for manbabies
>shitty UI
no it's not stop being autistic
>inexistent destruction
not true
>class balance is bad
ok maybe this one

great criticisms you have there buddy

>Good and original AAA game

Its not going to happen

>battlefront reskin, the beta map even has the same textures as tatooine, samey gun feeling, movements etc.
This is the dumbest fucking argument, even worse than the muh niggers one
Battlefront was essentially a third person shooter, with no accuracy penalty on jumping or jetpacking, no ammo but an overheating mechanic, no advantages to scoping in, and so on
The games are nothing alike except that they're both pewpew games and have similar graphics

top kek, Trauma Studios was used as an experimental studio to try concepts, a lot of them not ending up in the game (sutch as repelling from choppers). And it's not like they went on and made great game after DICE kicked them for doing fuck all.

i will never buy a dice game until they start adding what we as gamers want more trans characters.

>inexistent destruction
BF1 has the best destruction of any BF game yet by a large margin
Are you dense

>Defending dice

fuck off.

>tell me why my game is bad
>this is why your game is bad
>>this is why my game is bad
>my game isnt bad

Why do people fucking do this?

> This was 7 years ago

They wouldn't need defending if you weren't full of shit fuccboi

DICE didnu nuffin.

Sure thing.

Nah m8, it was Trauma that did do nothing. That's why they got kicked.

>7 years ago


DICE only made 2 good games BF 1942 and Vietnam.

gee all those your own opinnions, gues we all think the same

Mirror's Edge

Obviously that was an accident though

Do you remember of Haze


>caring about Battlefields that aren't followed by Vietnam, Bad Company or 2142
>even giving half a shit about what DICE does in their spare time

They reached their peak like 5 years ago, let them Call of Dutyize their franchise as much as they want

That game was such ASS

wait DICE made Mirro's Edge?

Wouldn't even mind a cawwadoody bf2143 though, might be okish.

>A developer that hires Anita Sarkeesian to host lectures on equality in video games can't make good games
Who the fuck could have guessed?

During EA's absolute mad man phase where they somehow tricked Crytek, DICE and Visceral into actually making good games

Seeing the premium pass costs I'll probably pass on Battlefield 1.

who the fuck is Mirro

good question

You would have known considering that season pass thing has been in Battlefield since 3.

I really liked Battlefield 3. Battlefield 4 felt like most of the content in it was cut from 3 because it wasn't good enough. Scince Balltlefiled 3, it's like every game DICE makes is worse than their last.

>muh battlefront reskin

Because they run on the same engine, which happens to be the latest frostbite engine?

That's like saying DS3 is a Bloodborne reskin since they both run on the same engine.

>good game

Pick one


Requesting the box art with the burning watermelon in it


Trashed immediately.

>Burnout 3
>NFSU, U2, and Most Wanted
>Dead Space
>Mirror's Edge
>Def Jam Fight for NY

jesus, how did EA do this in mid 2000s?

>third person shooter, with no accuracy penalty
>no advantages to scoping in

user you know it's a lie (reddit lie to be specific), if you would play game for more than 20min you would notice that

>there wasnt be a good singleplayer fps since forever
What happend to games like riddick and fear?


>baww black ppl in muh redpill bidao gayems

pretty sure its selling like hot cakes

Sup Forumsfags are the dumbest segment on 4chins

go play that redpilled video game vox day made if you dont like bf lmao

All of Sup Forums is racist, it's been that way for a while. It has nothing to do with Sup Forums. If you don't like it then leave and go back to funnyjunk, faggusto.

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