>there is still no call of duty with anime girls
Other urls found in this thread:
EA had one fucking job!
Ironic weebs die!
Is cawadooty a typical game for weebs?
Closest we got was S4 League
>MFW cute lolis goring and slaughtering other lolis for their onii-chan
CoD is already shit. Why you want to make it worse?
>advanced imouto
>rated I for Incest
Wats onichan?
kill yourselves
They already did, its called Bullet Girls on the Vita. It even got a sequel.
>not 'imouto warfare'
Non-anime posters ruined this board.
this is what grown ass manchildren want in games nowadays. go back to tumblr you hippies.
If only you could replace the player models with anime girls and use custom voice packs, I wouldn't need any other shooter.
>fucking newfags just don't understand our board culture and the fact that this board has ALWAYS loved anime, trust me I've been posting here since 2011
Sup Forums was made for anime. You're on the wrong site.
Instant GOTY.
Imoutofags are the biggest cancer to happen to anime
And this is a sub-section for video games.
Back to your containment board or better yet because what's the difference.
>race choices include imouto, ara ara, trap and ironically manly man.
Autist detected
Post-2007 Sup Forums everyone
The internet was made for the military and academic communication. You're using the wrong protocols.
Elite truthbomb: weebs are the worst posters on Sup Forums.
Real truthbomb: weebs are the best posters on Sup Forums and the only people who truly belong here. The rest are leddit refugees.
It really need to happens
Weebs who use anime girl reaction images need to kill themselves
>b-but Sup Forums is an anime website!
Doesn't change that you fucks are pure cancer
Sup Forums is the biggest contaiment board of them all, nigger.
It had to be split into 4 seperate boards and it's still garbage.
of course it wasn't made for JUST anime, and non-anime boards were certainly never intended exclusively for some weeb faggot audience.
before fan translations and digital distribution became a mainstream thing a few years ago, the repulsive otaku kusoge that are so popular with you autistic fucks were never even discussed here. Even 2hushit threads were rare. the most weeb this board got back in the day was discussing the more obscure, but still high quality handheld japanese titles like phoenix wright, twewy, eba, etc.
this embarassing trend of playing awful games because the shittily drawn sprites are "cute" 11 year olds only started when 1st gen redditors got bored of their homeland and started migrating here about 5 years ago.
Anyone who thinks Sup Forums was always an anime hugbox is fresh as fuck. The term weeaboo LITERALLY started here because of a word filter mods put in to try to stop anti-anime posters derailing threads.
Non-anime posters ruined Sup Forums.
Mad samefaggot being on the wrong website, kek.
>wanting to shoot anime girls
you're sick op
Thanks for the Sup Forums fanfiction.
>>MFW cute lolis goring and slaughtering other lolis for their onii-chan
And this is why Gunslinger Girl would be perfect as a FPS
inb4 someone calls you a hypocrite for posting Ranma.
Miyazaki and most stuff from the 90s is best, but people who post that modern moetrash are cancer.
I'm inclined to actually believe this, considering what I've seen on this deeply stupid site.
Spot the redditfugees
What's with all the retards today
Or FPS in general ffs.
This market is fucking untapped, whatever you do you won't be in the red. What the fuck are devs doing?
>your healer will never be this cute
dumb phoneposter
Angry samefag using 9gag-tier reaction images.
disgusting. begone to Sup Forums
How does she heal me?
COD and Battlefield actually sell well in nipland too
I don't think you understand what Sup Forums is for, friend.
Sup Forums's more of a containment board than any of its personal containment boards.
That are pretty shit baits
How can you not grow out of the anime phase at the age of 16 and realise that western comics are superior?
moefags are the worst.
Ranma was the same shit as "moetrash", you just didn't have an autistic hateboner for it.
With her equipment of course
How can you not grow out of the comic phase and realise literature is better?
the biggest moe audience is people over 18 though
Because western comics and manga are both dreck for manchildren. I just like anime posters because they have the best reaction images and are usually, ironically, the least autistic people on the site.
>tfw no more S4
Why did you have to remind me?
wtf is that pic? looks 500% autistic with a lois griffin nose
It's not anime but the Mother Base girls are cute too
>not understanding what Sup Forums is for
>thinking Sup Forums is just a dumping ground for anything that was drawn in the anime style
There's a reason anime posting isn't banned on every board. You seem like you don't understand this site very well, friend.
>are usually, ironically, the least autistic people on the site.
It needs the MLP rules. It's becoming aids
Reminder that Lois is canonically one of the hottest women on the show.
Let's think of new Game modes I'll start
Capture the Onii-chan (CTF)
Why are you trying so hard user?
>seriously responding to a mad newfag dumb phoneposter
user pls. He'll leave once he understand he's not welcome here.
Welcome, newfriend.
wtf she'll catch cold
>since 2011
It's true though, I've been here since 2005
I thought she 'was' one of the hottest, as in past tense. Even though she looked the fucking same in the time traveling shit they did, so I get what you're going for.
>this is actually a game
How much does a Vita run these days??
anime/manga reaction pics are pretty much a part of Sup Forumss culture though.
>been here since 2005
I'm so sorry.
First day on Sup Forums?
>>there is still no call of duty with anime girls
You can get one free, just beat up a local Vita fag. They're betas who can't defend themselves or their shit console anyways.
This actually got an official COD collab
>[Sup Forums or any other not explicitly anime-centric board] used to love weeaboo shitposting fucks before you stupid redditors ruined it!!!
it's ironic that most weebs are also Sup Forumscuck trump shitposters given their inclination towards Stalinist historical revisionism
Thanks, I appreciate it. i'm now 29 years old and I still haven't outgrown videogames and memes. I just want this ride to end.
>Sup Forums out nowhere
kill yourself
This site is evolving into another tumblr
>get out
Talk to me when animeposting is against the rules :^)
3dsfag detected
>le Sup Forums boogeyman
>le Trump boogeyman
I'm sorry for your purchase.