>tfw alting is dead
>tfw so much to do
>tfw class order halls are actually fun (the quests at least) unlike the garrison
So why are Sup Forums trying to pretend this is a bad expansion?
>tfw alting is dead
>tfw so much to do
>tfw class order halls are actually fun (the quests at least) unlike the garrison
So why are Sup Forums trying to pretend this is a bad expansion?
Other urls found in this thread:
>doing Destro lock artefact quest
>final stage in Tol-Barad, need to kill some big dog and get it's eye
>Kill it, eye doesn't drop from the dog, the corpse disappears after a minute, nothing happens, I quit the game thinking it's a bug
>redo entire scenario (which takes uncomfortably long for a dps-less demo like me)
>kill the dog again, it doesn't drop anything again
>figure out that maybe I need that elf fuccboi to be there too
>he pathed into a pack of mobs and spent last 5 minutes trying to kill one of them
>I kill the mobs, he runs into the dog room
>the Dog's corpse is gone, elf just stands in the middle of the room looking like a retard
Third attempt here I go!
Yeah you're definitely doing it wrong
>solo quests
I've only put a few hours into the vrykul zone where sylvanas is, but I'm loving it so far
the zones have far more atmosphere than Warlords ever did
Because it's WotLK copypaste zone.
Yep, I needed to escort the fucking elf to get it right.
Looks pretty different Tbh Senpai
Nope, it's literally Howling Fjords and Grizzly Hills copy.
Looks pretty different Tbh Senpai
I resubbed a month ago and had been leveling a warlock up u til release. Two days ago I boosted a fury warrior to 100 and I am absolutely loving it.
Haven't played since vanilla, but this is the best time I've had in an mmo since my asherons call days. I don't know if it's blind hatred on this board, but I think blizz has done a great job with this expansion.
Ingame as calamizz on illidan (alliance)
Catababy, please.
Seriously, I don't see the Howling Fjord comparison at all beyond the vrykul shit. Grizzly Hills has a similar ice and flora look, but the atmosphere is very, very different.
>So why are Sup Forums trying to pretend this is a bad expansion?
Because it doesn't remove cataclysm and WoD
How hard is it to RP a Draenei DK? I like DK's, I like Draenei, I figured I might as well do both. I was thinking of making a more realistic DK that isn't crazy or emo. Think of someone like JC Denton. Someone who doesn't any emotion on his face, but expresses himself via the his words and his actions.
Holy fuck Suramar is so good
Release cata wasn't horrible to be fair. The dungeons were some of the best we've had to date and Hyjal and Vash'jir were fucking great. Deepholm was okay and Uldum and TH were boring, but every expansion has had its trash zones. It was only with Firelands missing half its content and Dragon fucking Soul that the "cata is shit" meme started.
>Cleansing undead scum in plague lands.
>Get over in and become undead scum.
>Abandoned by light. Didn't ask for this .png.
Pretty easy senpai.
Why does Vereesa hate Blood Elves?
Why isn't Vereesa a Blood Elf?
Where is she getting her magic crack from?
So basically play him as Adam Jensen? Easily done. I just need to have some kinda plot to go with him. I've played around with the idea of him going around Azeroth looking for his sister or something. Any advice?
Why do you need a plot when the game provides them for you?
>Why does Vereesa hate Blood Elves?
>Why isn't Vereesa a Blood Elf?
>Where is she getting her magic crack from?
I should've said character motivation. Not plot. Sorry.
Cata is shit, you'll never visit the areas you visited as kid because of it, fuck that shit, I liked when at level 10 you were literal nobody dealing with petty thieves stealing shit in fucking nowhere called Westfall, not when there are fucking elemental twisters and you hunt for muslims of twilight hammer and all that 'oh so important apocalypse' shit.
>go to Highmountain
>everyone sucks my tauren dick because I have the Survival Hunter artifact
>go to stormheim
>everyone sucks my dick because of my fury artifact
I've so far had two NPC's be cautious/warn me as an Outlaw Rogue.
>outside the vault in Stormheim
>watcher tells me to go to the plateau and complete the challenges
>"it looks like my map is telling me to go into the vault, but he did say to go to the plateau so I should probably find a way up, but maybe I have to go through the vault to get there?"
>as this was taking me much longer than it should have to figure out, another guy runs by me on his mount
>starts getting lazored by the vault guards and dies almost instantly
>notice about 25 other skeletons just inside the doorway
>watch three more people run in and die in the next two minutes
>LFD/R xrealm bullshit not gone
Into the trash it goes
this one sure is a cutie patootie
you gotta take the good with the bad my man
>great athmospheric zone
>recycled grizzly hills jingles in background
ffs why
Vereesa is a High Elf.
She never drank the fel magic kool-aide just like all the High Elves that were left in Outland when the Dark Portal collapsed after the Second War.
She's not too thrilled with the Horde because they kinda reduced her husband to arcane dust when they nuked Theramore.
Help me Sup Forums they pulling me back !!
>wod digital deluxe
>active gametime
you're already lost.
Do it man. It's way better than WoD.
I also just ran in and got lazored and only noticed the skellingtons afterwards.
The real question is why did Alleria transform into a night elf
"Come in there's candy in here!"
just saw that myself
so I just dinged 100. do i finish the zone I haven't done yet, Druidland 3, go to Suramar, start spamming dungeons?
Stopped hardcore raiding after they announced Wod my rouge is still 90 how long would it take me to catch up?
Some guy literally told a group of players that hey there's a great artifact power upgrade inside. I would have gone in but someone was faster and I saw him get zapped.
>mfw going into ICC to get my Kael blade
>Bolvar is just straight up called the lich King now
>He actually seems to have heavily remodelled ICC and is preparing to attack
It's gonna be like pottery isn't it? First we deal with the legion, then the frozen undead come to clean up whatever is left over.
like a day
I just spent the last 10 hours basically doing world quests and suramar. Everything to do with the main city is great. I could fuck around with that masquerade mechanic in the city for a long time. There are a few artists in the zone as a whole I'm not fond of. Christ, who thought it was a good idea to have a quest where you herd cats. It's good for a joke, but is unfun to do. Also fuck the vrykul chain to the east, I hate swimming.
I think you mean 110 and I would finish because at the end you get some Artifact Power usually.
First time with MMOs?
I felt so conflicted. Considering how quickly I was killing shit I worried she would turn into a bloodthirsty hunter. I do like that the hunter training is a nod of sorts to hunters being new to gnomes.
>not going in anyway
What's the matter user, hate fun?
>Sell my staff after getting my first artifact weapon as lock
>"This is useless now right?"
>To get the second artifact you MUST use the appropriate spec during the questline
>I have no weapon for it now
>Get to the end without a weapon but unable to kill the boss before he kills me because he keeps summoning minions faster than I can kill them
>Try like 5 times
>Go buy an old staff from AH
>Do the quest easily now
Why must I be so retarded sometimes? Though it's not like I could have known you are forced to a spec even before getting the artifact for the spec.
Nah don't worry about it Bolvar has totally got it under control even though he's obvious making plays with the DK and doing some fucked up shit to people who come to ICC
In your order hall there is a vendor that sells ilvl 740 weapons for 100g each for that express purpose. Unique skins, too.
>DK artifact quest
>this paladin ghost has been clinging to the Light since Arthas killed him
>show him the error of his ways
>playing as fire mage
>every blood elf wants my dick
>playing as outlaw rogue
>literally no one gives a shit about my literally who weapon
You aren't forced though. I did all 3 of the rogue artifacts playing as outlaw
Mainline a destro lock
Have a prot pally alt for tanking.
Also have my pride and joy fury warrior I've had since vanilla but I dislike how gutted the class it now. What should I use my boost on? Was thinking a qt draenei Mage, shaman, or priest to heal.
Well, there is your problem.
>Be Death Knight
>"Hey bro go rip this guys soul out and force him to tell us what we want to know"
>"Horde aint going to like it, but Nazgrim belongs to us now, fuck em'"
>"The lich king is back boys, time to fuck this entire planet!"
>Acherus full of demons strapped down and being experimented on.
You need to make a DK alt
I think one of the vendors in the class hall sells a green staff just for that occasion.
>when windfury procs on stormstrike
>mfw playing Combat Rogue since BC
>usually top of the charts in every raid
>mfw blizzard changed my class from strong, sustained dps to this random roll the bones shit which could either make me top, or dead bottom depending on how lucky I am
>get a lucky roll over and over, time for loot roll and I roll a 1
i noticed that. as an assassination rogue, pretty much every quest hub has someone who recognizes them.
i've come to think that all the jerking me off over my daggers is entirely sarcastic and its much funnier that way
also, how do i get Lucky Coins?
>We're attacking Light's Hope again
>b-but this time is totally different I swear
I'm a marksman hunter, where do I go to have people talk about my bow? Dal?
Tirion really should have executed us when he had the chance
Pick pocket
Maybe trying to become a Paladin again? He hears how Sir Zeliek was a Death Knight who still wielded the Light. Now he's on a pilgrimage looking to redeem himself, doing good deeds, visiting holy places, seeking out the Naaru. Over the course of this journey you could have him accept his new powers as being as effective if not more so at dispatching demons and eventually he comes to see them as a gift not a curse.
Played for the first time in BC, never properly came back to WoW since then. I'm just an idiot.
>playan outlaw
>rolling all 6, double combo points and True Bearing all day every day
>win every single Greed roll
>Be Skinning/Mining
>Go to the Nesingway quest hub in High Mountain
>His quest is literally just kill a pack of animals in the area
>You do this three times for him
>My face when averaging 118 leathers every half hour
>Wall of "your auction has sold" because I can undercut the shit out of everyone due to near infinite leather
Or you could just pick up slice and dice.
Why is alting dead?
Was considering resubbing but playing alts was always a big chunk of what I did with my time.
>Alliance and Horde fighting each other while the Legion is butt fucking them
>This allows us to do whatever the fuck we want undetected, even doing borderline scourge shit like the Forsaken
>No one will call us out on it
What a time to not be alive.
too much shit to do
I guess because you wanna focus your time on making your weapon as powerful as possible?
Are blue world quests fixed yet
>try to gear 800+
>can't because the quests won't complete
because you have to spend time grinding Artifact Power, and playing an alt can leave you behind
Highmountain is so awful, holy fuck.
By far the most boring and uninspired zone the last 3 expansions.
Without Nesingwary and the Murloc quests I would flat out hate it.
>To get the second artifact you MUST use the appropriate spec during the questline
Wrong, it just tells you the quest is made for the spec, but you don't have to switch, just press no to the popup
Got a fancy party
>Without Nesingwary and the Murloc quests
Those are consistently some of the worst in the game. I'll stay away if they're the best.
>slice and dice for my best burst finisher
>Why does Vereesa hate Blood Elves?
Ideological differences over ways to solve species-wide magic addiction. Blood elves decided that any replacement source works, even if it's demonic or involves sucking on a captured Naaru. High elves decided they have standards and decided to tough it out.
Also, her Blood Elf cousin tried to kidnap her kids in a book once. It was a shitty book, but still, that happened.
>Why isn't Vereesa a Blood Elf?
See above. She was also hanging around Dalaran after the Third War, rather than go home to Quel'thalas.
>Where is she getting her magic crack from?
Sunwell, like everyone else. The whole species split is rendered somewhat moot by Velen chlorinating the Sunwell, but the damage is already done.
Did I make a mistake playing paladin in legion? They seemed to be the only class with functional specs in all 3 roles and I liked what I heard about their class quests.
You kidding? High Mountain has been my very zone in the game so far.Everything about it is amazing.
Spam holy wrath for 1mill + dps
It's your only saving grace
Well fuck....... no idea which of my old characters I'll main then........ thinking DK if I do decide to resub though.
That's an interesting concept. I like it! Plus it's not all "Waah I'm edgy and unredeemable I want to die but I don't really". Thanks man!
>shaman class quest to restore thunderfury
>its on a dead dwarf tank in full warrior gear
No, I'm serious. Everything regarding these moose Tauren just annoys me.
The zone itself is pretty nice looking, though.
Highmountain is great though.
Well shit
Am I better off switching before it's too late? What would you recommend?
best expanion EVA!!!!!!!!!
>Frost DK
>Wonder why you'd want to work with a new Lich King
>Forget it pretty early
>Raise 4 new horsemen
>See Ghost Arthas in Highmountain
>"Neat. Wonder what he does..."
>he says this youtube.com
Yeah, I think Bolvar is rusing us all.
Well thats probably the issue then. I love everything about the High Mountain tauren and found everything outside of Nesingway and Murlocs to be fun as hell
>That Kobold quest
>The bare knuckle boxing league
i did it shills..you got me, well done.
resub and downloading.
Why are Death Kights so good story wise in Legion? Being the hand of the Lich King, Deathlord or Archeus, wielding the shards of Frostmourne, it's amazing.
>Being the hand of the Lich King#344556, Deathlord or Archeus#344556, wielding the shards of Frostmourne#344556,
>no Misha