You niggers talk about "revisionist" history all day long with battlefield 1...

you niggers talk about "revisionist" history all day long with battlefield 1, but cant even remember that dice put fucking jetpacks into world war 2

can you people stop with the lame ass excuse to be racist retards when you contradict your own fucking logic half the fucking time.

oh, battlefield is supposed to be the most realistic game ever. you can jump out of a plane going full throttle and snipe the pilot out of another plane while flying through the air, and that is alright with you. but the very fucking moment you can play as a brown skinned nigger you people cry foul and scream "MUH REALISM"

how fucking autistic can you idiots actually fucking get?

btw, i kinda like bf1, its silly and fun

Verdun is a WW1 game.

BF1 is a fantasy shooter.

then why is everyone so mad about brown skins being in the game?

Because it calls itself a ww1 game.

You're a fucking idiot, is this game called Battlefield: Secret Weapons of WWI? No, it was advertised as a WWI shooter but it's full of bullshit prototype weapons, some of which never even existed. No one ever called Battlefield realistic, it's just called staying true to the fucking era, you inbred. But wait, you're probably American so you don't know shit all about World War I so fuck off to and go suck your Swedish daddies' dicks you fucking shill.

>i cant enjoy games because there is a black person in it

do you understand how literally fucking retarded you come off as

Because brown skins are fucking awful.

shut up fucking cuck

b-but historical revisionism is OKAY when it's used to denounce (((kikes)))

>Talks about bullshit prototype weapons that weren't in WW1, no mention of colonial troopers
>Uhhhh, did you just say black people??? You're racist!

Kek, can't say I expected anything less from a fucking EADrone.

Implicate some kind of "realism force field" compared to other wars and FPS. It's all fictionalized.

jetpacks are fun

playing as a nigger in world war 1 is not fun

Jetpacks are a gameplay addition. Niggers aren't.
Sage for baiting cuckold

and bf4 calls itself a modern war game, but there is nothing modern about it... nobody is fucking parachuting off collapsing dams/buildings in real modern war

Not him, but I'm a non-white and I this forced diversity is complete bullshit.

If the vast majority of the people that fought and died in WW1 were white, then the majority of player models in a WW1 game should be white.

This. I've never seen a single person complain about CoD WaW or Black Ops 1 (because those are set in the past) for having zombies because they aren't realistic. Also, you can get fucking thunder guns and ray guns in their campaigns.

>CoD WaW or Black Ops 1 for having zombies because they aren't realistic. Also, you can get fucking thunder guns and ray guns in their campaigns.
Those are separate game modes.

One is an expansion pack meant to allow you to use weapons never actually used in WWII, the other is advertising itself as a WWI game.

People did complain about the weapons in black ops being anachronistic. I know I did.

Did I ever say a word about black people you fucking retard? Oh wait, you probably haven't learned to read yet because you're too busy whoring yourself out to EA.

You forget that Sup Forums thinks it's cool to hate on anything EA touches, and just AAA games in general. This game is like a double negative for moronic kneejerk shitposts.

which has the higher proportion of automatic weapons, BFone or BF1942?

Jet packs are white and made the game fun, black people are black and are there for the sole purpose of forcing a political narrative that has nothing to do with a good game and also happens to be a stupid political narrative that is hurting the world

>it's cool to hate on anything EA touches,
When's the last time EA put out anything remotely good?

user, you don't seem to understand that Sup Forums likes good games, I have actually enjoyed every battlefield game up until this point, even hardline had a certain charm to it, but this game is such a moronic fucking cash-grab on par with Battlefront, DICE has become absolute shit.