Street Fighter is saved!

Street Fighter is saved!

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What is this, a new puzzle fighter?

Probably still a better game than SF5.

Oh well thats not very hard to achieve either way.

>ugly vector art
can Crapcom fail any harder?

>Crappy mobile game
Yeah. No.

This, is it?

>Yet another PAD clone
>Only 3 elements
>Doesn't even utilize the original Super Puzzle Fighter gameplay
fucked up big time


A new _mobile_ puzzle fighter

(english android version is coming)

Well not like the current non mobile SF isnt crap

those chibi looks pretty bad. Was this even drawn by Japanese people? That sakura reeks of newsground """""""""""artstyle""""""""""""""""

Ryu and Ken are just different color bodies with a head pasted on...

Sprites are horrible but fuck that, I need more Puzzle Fighters in my damn life.

It's not Puzzle Fighter though, it's more like
Just a shit ass PAD clone. What a fucking disgrace.

And so hype dies. Fuck.

What is "Literally every game up to and including 4 besides Ryu's pants being torn", Alex?

>"Puzzle Fighter"
>still has colored blocks, but otherwise completely different puzzle game

What were they smoking? I'd be happy with just a mobile version of the original.

wow delete this

what does this have to do with Street Fighter besides the characters and stages

What did Puzzle Fighter have to do with SF besides the characters and stages faggot?

Funny that this post would apply to SF5 all the same.

It doesnt have much to do with SF if we look at the garbage gameplay, its just garbage coated with SF characters and stages to hide the smell.


I wouldn't mind if it was like that multiplayer PAD game on arcades. That game was kinda neat when I tried it, although I didn't like that it still had some stupid gacha shit.