Shitty Skyrim that already runs quite well on all systems gets a remaster

>shitty Skyrim that already runs quite well on all systems gets a remaster
>Oblivion that is unstable and laggy as sin even on more or less modern systems will never get a remaster
How is this fair?

popular game, easy money

Because even Bethesda realises that Oblivion is the objectively worst game in the series.

Not saying Skyrim is good, but atleast it's better than that atrocity.



>better than Oblivion
(You), enjoy it you desperate soul.

Too much work.

Because the remaster isn't being done for PC, it's being done for consoles. PC is only getting it so Bethesda can make a quick on retards.

Whelp thats how capitalism works so don't blame me

Skyrim might actually be better than Oblivion, but I think both games are trash in their own right.
The thing I hate in both games is the huge amounts of dumbing down from morrowind.
Fuck bethesda

Morrowind > Oblivion = Daggerfall > Arena > Skyrim


Anyone who owns skyrim on pc already gets it free.

but if you own PC Skyrim you get the remaster for free on PC

Because Skyrim is what normies like.

Now, I don't mind the fact that people buy it and enjoy it or whatever, but the fact that there's so many people acting like they're long-time fans of the Elder scrolls series/Falloutis rather disgusting.

dumb frogposter

>remaking a game that was made recently, probably still has bits and pieces of tech that are still relevant meaning less time spent on needing to update and change things
>remaking a game that was made a decade ago, need to change and update just about everything to make it run better

You're only eligible if you own the Legendary Edition, which means Skyrim plus all the DLCs, which includes that shitty house building DLC that nobody bought, otherwise you get absolutely nothing.

>remaster is just an ENB and some texture mods
>people are going to actually pay their hard earned cash just to play the same game again but slightly less shitty looking

Post your face when people find files or code straight out of ENB in Skyrim Remaster on PC

It doesn't run quite well, it's a fucking mess that crashes constantly as well as other problems if you dare to go over 50 mods due to it's old as fuck limitations. The remaster has been ported to the same version that FO4 is running on, which for the first time, actually runs well and takes 200+ mods without complaining like the slut it is.

But I agree. Oblivion should have been remastered due to how fucking annoying it is to run let alone mod.

This is true. Skyrim would be decent if it wasn't a TES game, but it just doesn't hold up when compared to other games in the series.

Shitposters and children always forget that even with all its faults Oblivion at least had 10/10 quests and atmosphere. Not to mention that SI shit all over Dragonborn DLC.

the problem of Skyrim is that there is a cool world and all but nothing interesting in it, the armors were gutted by removing the leg part, the gameplay is half assed action shit, magic is garbo and it has the same technical shortcomings as Oblivion, that Morrowind didn't have.

Also the quests are all very generic, whereas they were a strong point of Oblivion.


DAE think that Skyrim is better than morrowind? I just couldn't get into it after a few hours of playing, granted Skyrim was technically my first ES game, it just a lot better than the clunky old ones and even graphically stands out against most games of its time. Skyrim is virtually perfection for the ES games and I'm happy to see an HD remake.


>Shitposters and children always forget
They never played Oblivion and are just spouting memes they saw reposted on reddit and 9gag from Sup Forums in 2008

The only reason it got a remaster is because during the development process for Fallout 4, they ported their latest game (Skyrim) onto PS4/XB1 to test if the engine worked.

That was the hard part, so they enabled some of the new effects from the updated engine, made some minor improvements and called it a remaster because they know people will eat it up.

>non-humans in the party

Do you still get it if you own Skyrim and all DLCs separately?
Skyrim had REALLY shitty and uninspired quests. The only one I enjoyed was a Night to Remember and even there Bethesda managed to fuck it up by paying no attention to detail.
>married to Ysolda for weeks
>quest says go talk to Ysolda
>talk to her
>she congratulates me on my wedding

>non humans

The real children are the nostalgia fags who played Oblivion first and think it actually had good quests. They only remember the Dark Brotherhood quests apparently, since those are the only good ones.

>Do you still get it if you own Skyrim and all DLCs separately?

Well yes, given you bought everything on Steam, you can check going to the Steam page, if it says that you own all the contents for the bundle called "Skyrim + Addons" then yes you're eligible.

>That dark brotherhood questline in Oblivion

There were a lot of great threads.
Also, most of the "OBLIVION SUX" memes come from people that played Morrowind first and didn't care that it was simplified as fuck compared to the previous games and had a teeny tiny world compared to them as well.

my first TES game was Daggerfall, my favorite is Morrowind and I really fucking love Oblivion.

at least Oblivion still had some RPG elements left, unlike Skyrim

This. Oblivion's quests are very overrated. They mostly just look good in comparison to Skyrim.

>forgetting Fighter's Guild that had a great twist even in first quest
>forgetting Mages Guild qualification quests
>forgetting Daedra quests
>forgetting tailing people in Skingrad for paranoid wood elf
>forgetting dreams
>forgetting Vampire hunters
>forgetting being hijacked along with boat tavern
1/10, made me reply.

That's bullshit and you know it. Oblivion has no memorable quests while Skyrim has countless.

>hurr durrr Oblivion is shit because they removed skills and made it simpler!
"Yes, but Morrowind is guilty of everything you're complaining about compared to the previous TES game"
>Yeah but thats ok because they only removed shit things!

Summary of the average Morrowbabby conversation I've had on here.

>tfw they took out the climbing ability from Daggerfall in Morrowind

I'm still mad.

Holy shit, I had forgotten about Vampire hunters.

Skyrim just has 2 quests you repeat ad nauseam. Fetch the thing and kill the thing.

>forgetting that one where you go into the painting

The problem with skyrim is every quest was fucking forgettable as fuck

>There were a lot of great threads.
Woops, I meant "There were a lot of great quests"
I'm tired as fuck since I stayed up for the stupid Nintendo Direct

Oh shit, you're right. One of the best quests for sure.

yeah, I remember that one where you go into a dungeon and have to kill draugr

The quest lines were short as fuck too.
I'm pretty sure you do more quests in Oblivion just to become an actual member of the mages guild than you have to do in Skyrim to become the leader of the College

The theives guild quest where you have to steal the Elder Scroll was pretty radical too

>took out levitation in Oblivion

>I am told they took out spellcrafting in Skyrim

They literally make TES worse and more generic with every new game.

There also the one where you have to solve the stolen painting mystery and investigate/take conclusions all on your own. You can even strike a deal with the real culprit to accuse someone else.

Yea Skyrim is shit. I've never once wanted to replay it. Every once in awhile I'll pick up Oblivion again.

It's too late, Oblivion was the tipping point when Bethesda decided "Every player should be able to experience 100% of the game in 1 playthrough". So you end up being guild leader of everything etc.

>Hey dude, wanna be a bard? Go to bard college!
>go to college
>Hey dude, wanna be a bard? Go to draugr dungeon!
>go to dungeon
>Hey dude, you're a bard now. No, you can't sing or play, but you're a bard now!
>no one ever mentions you're a bard

Every god damn quest led me to draugr dungeon #1263

>They literally make TES worse and more generic with every new game

That's my point, I can't stand Morrowkids who think it was perfect, turn a blind eye to the fact it was dumbed down and simplified, yet shit on Oblivion for doing the same.

Each faction questline in Oblivion is as large as the main quest itself. The Mages Guild has 19 story quests and two more optional ones.

>mages guild in oblivion
>have to get recommendations around cyrodiil, long and fun questline, even have to fight a boss in the end
>custom spells

>mages guild in skyrim
>lol whatever dude, just do these 3 quests and you're arch-mage, doesn't matter that you know no spells or magic whatsoever
>no custom spells

>That first person double-take

I cant help but laugh.

It's your own fault if you decide to do everything on a single character instead of trying to follow a more sensible route.

it'd better be fucking canon in TES: VI that Draugr are goddamn extinct in Skyrim thanks to the Dragonborn

Hines said very clearly Skyrim is the cheapest one to remaster and that's why they're doing it. They also have a good amount of work done already because they ported it to the One to learn how the new consoles worked.

And everyone else is doing the same shit.

The atmosphere was terrible, I was never tense or taken into the world or anything, as with every TES game the combat was terrible and it felt pretty awful just to move and jump.

The quests were alright but nothing special, it was literally just follow the quest maker, if it's an enemy/human try to talk to it, if you can't then kill it, if it's an item pick it up and follow the quest marker back to get your shit reward.

There was some good content here and ther but the game was geniunely awful and I put over 150 hours into it when I was younger and poorfag and I experienced the vast majority of content the game had to offer. If they just removed the quest marker and gave more information on quests in a journal style like morrowind the game would've been a ton better.

The reason why people like Morrowind is it's world and handcrafted world that rewards exploration a LOT.

Daggerfall's procedural generation and lack of human touch in 90% of it's content is what's holding it back. Also, fuck Daggerfall dungeons. I mean it, fuck em. I once spent 3 evenings (4 hours of play or so) exploring ONE dungeon over and over again because not only was it stupidly large, the quest item bugged out and didn't spawn.
But I really don't understand why they got rid of medical skill, languages, ability to force open doors. And large towns were creating great situations where you were walking around asking people for directions.

I'll play Daggerfall again once Unity port is done.

*its lore

It wasn't perfect but it was good and it didn't make the biggest fuck up(addition of quest marker making the journal almost useless since you can just walk towards the marker and/or fast travel there) most of the people that talk up morrowind are the people that started on it and went back for daggerfall and arena and didn't particularly like them, which isn't surprising honestly. Every TES game has its problems and daggerfall and arena dungeons can be tedious as fuck.

>it was literally just follow the quest maker
All NPCs provide enough information for you to find things without following the marker. Unlike Skyrim, the markers in Oblivion for the most part just take you to a general location based on what NPCs tell you, they don't generally point to items and such. You can't really claim the game has bad quests if you just skipped all dialogue and followed the markers, you're the one who simply didn't care about the quests.

It would take more work.
You're taking it personally.

>If they just removed the quest marker

This is a shit complaint. You can completely go off the journal to solve quests in Oblivion. The quest marker is optional.

It's annoying when people complain about fast travel and quest markers existing.

They got rid of languages because they were essentially worthless and required you to drop your guard and hope the affected enemy wouldn't attack you. There aren't a lot of ways to improve them in Morrowind unless you turn them into an archaeological or speech skill, and then you're getting to the point where you're gating content for the sake of it.

Temple factions were nice too, and the custom character abilities.

Languages were pretty shitty skills since it just meant X chance to not have to fight some random creep. Specializing in them meant giving up a skill that would actually help you.

"You're gonna need these boots one day. You'll know when."

>has problems running oblivion

how? dude i have to artificially limit my computer to make the game run locked at 60fps so the physics dont go crazy

how the fuck do you have problems running the game? are you literally running this shit on a toaster?

Oblivion ran better on my 2005 laptop than it does on my current gaming computer

The game was clearly designed with the quest marker in mind, sometimes the NPCs were extremely vague when it came to quests and the information in the journal didn't give specific enough information to know exactly where to go, 60-80% of the time the journal information was enough but a lot of the time it just told you go to X location(Without telling you where X location is and giving no clues about it).

Also when I first played the game I didn't even know you could turn it off for like 60 hours.

If they removed the quest marker and then designed the game around not having the quest marker, meaning the journal would have a lot more specific information the game would have been better. I don't really care about fast travel that much because there was nothing interesting to find anyway because level scaling meant you never found anything strong and interesting stuff was just far more rare than older games.

I'm not saying languages were great, I just think that's an idea they should've tried to work on rather than drop entirely, and could've used with many quests. Idea was interesting, execution sucked.
i7-950, 4GB GTX680, 12GB RAM. Areas around Skingrad drop my frames to 20-30 constantly.

fuck I want to replay Oblivion after this thread

1. download dxtory
2. disable vsync in game
3. use dxtory to limit game to 60fps
4. unpark your cpu and set game affinity to 1 core
5. game runs super stable, no stuttering, no crashes, can load a shitload of mods with no framerate issues

its not my fault you people are fucking retarded

2x xeon 2690v2, 64gb ddr3-1333, gtx 1070... game runs perfect

never had tremendous problems with the game ever

Dunno but it might be the fact that Oblivion literally only uses one CPU core. You're has an upper limit of 3.06 ghz, while I got a i5-3470 that can go to 3.4 ghz and I've never gotten framedrops around Skingrad.

Mines clocked to 3.8, and even then even 3.06 should be more than enough for the game from 10 years ago.

Who knows. Oblivion's real fucked up on some PC hardware. Found out the single core thing the hard way when I tried running it on a laptop with a quad core 2.4 ghz processor. Was able to run FO3, Skyrim, and New Vegas damn well but Oblivion just choked.

It's why it needs a remaster the most, Getting rid of that 1 core limit would open up a lot of modding possibilities.

Skyrim is a better game than Oblivion. This shouldn't be a surprise.

I had way more fun in Oblivion than Skyrim. You had more freedom in Oblivion, had more spells and enchantments, skills and stats, and there was more places to explore despite 90% of it being the same halls.

Skyrim is a fucking awesome game no matter what you hipster fags trying to spread, on that note Oblivion is good too

Why? It's shit.

I can't agree. Its ok, nothing special.

now that even Titan Quest got a "remaster"(at least the added an option to speed up the game) I can still hope they will remaster Oblivion in some way.

Best game of the 2010s so far

Maybe if you include all the mods.

>that mining animation in Skyrim

Well Tes and Fallout games are made in mind of mod compatibilities, jusr downloading RCRN mod for Skyrim makes it 10/10

>A graphics mod fixes the oversimplification of mechanics in Skyrim and the shit quests