What are games with Greek Mythology in them?

What are games with Greek Mythology in them?

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God of War
Glory of Heracles
Persona 3 I guess

inazuma eleven, fuck yeah, thank you based level-5

Altered Beast

literally all of them. the ancient greeks were the foundation for all of literature, and furthermore, every single story after that.

posting best zeus member

Shit ton of Japanese games use allusions to Ancient Greece or were influenced by them.

For games that are directly based off of the mythology, Legends of Troy comes to mind. It's just like what it looks like: dynasty warriors in the Illiad. Nothing too special about it gameplay wise. They made an odd decision to exclude almost every god from the game, however. Some liberties were also made with the story.

pls go be a pedo there

>japanese games

Now that is what I call Greek.

dragon's dogma?

Any grand strategy game where you can be deep in debt.

Greece being in debt is not a myth though.

Soul Calibur I suppose

Is Inazuma Eleven the shota version of Pokemon?

Age of Mythology
great campaign mode that is actually decently challenging whilst telling a story

Titan Quest
Curse of Issyos
Battle of Olympus
Age of Mythology
Kid Icarus

One of the best RTS campaigns of all time, but even on Titan difficulty it's not particularly hard if you know even the basics of RTS.

>tfw actually like Rise of the Argonauts
>critics give like 2/10

I remember playing the 2nd hardest difficulty on my first time through and finding it pretty challenging
and I also remember Titan being impossible until you created a certain algorithm of what to do and when. Which in turn made it easy lol

that's more yo-kai watch but Inazuma is an rpg

I mean in the sense you can build a team of shotas.

Yes, you catch/recruit shotas and train them (stats and special skills) to become the best soccer players.

ancient greeks were white

rule of thumb: any ethnicity is ok as long as they're cute and anime

That game was so cash. One of the most worthwhile purchases I've made recently.
>Fighting Athena's armies with your own personal skeleton army
>crossing all the rivers of the underworld
>the entire ending sequence where you're descending mount olympus to fight zeus again

modern greeks aren't white,only the ancient greeks were

My 10 year old self got destroyed by hard and titan back in the day.

Then I learned the basics of macro and simple micro and it was easy as fuck.

Age of Mythology was pretty great, although I probably played more Egyptians than Greeks since they were a lot less vanilla in terms of technology and civ gimmicks.


I'm replaying strikers xtreme because GO a shit

but I did complete DS game of 2 not a while ago, unfortunately I was retarded and forgot to back up my saves when I upgraded my SD card so I have to grind again

There's a Titan Quest thread on Sup Forums atm
Check it out, it's a pretty good game


Are you trying to identify with the ancient greeks/romans, you filthy barbarian?

Ahahaha, this is the biggest we-wuzzery I've seen in a long time. You're just a filthy anglo/celt/nord, with no right to pretend you bare ancestry to the great Hellenic/Roman peoples.

Ancient greeks have more in common with modern anglo/celt/nord rather than modern brown greeks.
Anyway,try to keep it vidya pls

This thread was never about vidya to begin with.

Are you that swiss Sup Forums shitpoter or the swedish one?

we're trying to talk about inazuma eleven here fami

incorrect, but whatever helps you sleep at night

Keep telling yourself that, barbarian. See now you're settling for "closer" to the Greeks/Romans because you well know your people have NOTHING to do with them. At least modern Greeks can make somewhat of an argument that maybe some of them have ancient Greek ancestry. Also ancient Greeks may have damn well been "brown" or olive skinned. You're just constantly used to statues and sculptures all being pale white because the paint wore away. The west is so pathetically hellbent on imitating their old masters, that they don't even bother to paint their buildings because that's what Greek ruins look like. Yeah well sorry to disappoint you but all those white/grey Greek temples were once bursting in colour.

Yeah, and the ancient Iranians have more in common with the modern German "Aryan" rather than modern Iranians, amirite?

>wanting to play a debnt simulator

Google is being useless as usual.


>draw a girl
>call it a boy

literally fucking why

masculine > traps
to b h mate
