Nioh Bread
who >//katanamastery\\ here?
Nioh Bread
who >//katanamastery\\ here?
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Weapon scaling system feels strange. Are there any benefits of leveling "main" weapon damage stat exclusively or you should split it between multiple stats providing damage boost to your weapon?
whats the highest level item you have?
>even having touched Dual Katana
>claims to have mastery over the Katana
You impure motherfucker.
It almost doesn't matter at all since no weapon type has above a B+ in damage scaling. The only stats that you should level for scaling are Spirit and Magic if your weapon has the status effect for it.
Has anyone figured out how the mastery level = skill points curve looks yet?
By the time you get a weapon up to where OP has Katana at least, it slows down to an utter crawl and you need to work with other weapons to keep getting skill points at a reasonable pace.
depends, with katana I split it between spirit & heart for raikiri, since it seems there's a few points in a stats level where it gets less scaling for a few levels and then goes back to normal
I was but a bab, and was curious about how its sheathing skill worked compared to katana
Who here Ninjutsu?
>100% Unlimited Ninjutsu
>mfw spamming Big Bomb on everything
Gonna be sad when the beta ends. Here's to hoping they have a good CE to show off soon.
when does it end?
first level has a genuinely great design
second is kinda worse though
I liked the 2nd levels design, just wish the cliff part was a bit larger and more open ended
>no weapon has more than a B+
But that's wrong. I have a level 37 purple Raikiri that's A scaling.
Your Raikiri has an A scaling in any of its default stats? You know, the ones at the bottom?
Scaling and elemental dmg go up on raikiri when you increase your familiarity.
Scaling for Spirit goes up, not for Heart, Skill, and Strength.
Spirit scaling was mentioned at the end of the post and is irrelevant to my initial declaration.
I agree. The first level, despite being rather small, because of how it's set out, feels rather large. I ended up spending roughly three to four hours on there getting all Kodama, all secrets and making sure I killed all developer Revenants.
As for the Cave, it only took me thirty minutes to clear completely. And I found it incredibly boring.
That being said, Hiro-Enma is a much, much more enjoyable boss than Onyroki.
>developer Revenants
oh nice, another thing i've missed
where are they?
Different places all the time. Sometimes they have full on Lore names like, 'Mitsurugi Harakichi' or something like that. Other times, it'll be BoBxxXSniper. Not even kidding.
They'll have no date of death, and their name will be a different colour than normal.
I wonder if there's going to be an invasion system. The game is already pretty hard, but when you add a douchebag with a bow killing you with a single headshot it will be a truly great experience.
anything special from killing them?
I sure as fuck hope not, they just need a duel map with matchmaking. PvP needs to be on a back burner. Too many balancing issues. I'd rather PvE not suffer, just for a mediocre invasion mechanic.
God, I hope so. No Sarcasm. I honestly want scum bag bandits invading me.
If they do this, it will truly be a fun time to be alive. To think we'll get Demon Souls tier douchebaggery again.
God that was fun.
That feel when you'll never again invade some poor sod, break all of his armour and weapons, poison him and watch him slowly but surely die then have no gear to go back and get his lost souls.
There's a few quite funny ones. You can find Kou Shibusawa on the cave on the beach outside the slaving ship (There used to be an oni spawn here in the Alpha too, but it was removed for some reason) and "TheJacquio" on the shore right by the jetty.
Sometimes they drop unique items which are incredibly helpful.
On the first mission, in that cave near the end, you get a chance on getting his Katana. Which is a Earth Element Katana that is several levels higher than the best katana you can get in that map. It makes killing Onyroki so fucking simple.
I fucking hate dueling, it garbage and ruined souls community. What i want is a simple invasion mechanic. Maybe limit them to twilight missions as they are considered to be challenge maps by themselves.
Nah, fuck you pussy.
I bet you complain when people invaded you in Dark Souls. Or better yet, have your net turned off.
The Oni is there in Twilight mode
>invading with 100% unlimited ninjutsu
Oh man, my dick is already hard.
>climbing onto a building that you can't get onto without going all the way around
>invader is just throwing BIG BOMBS the entire fucking time
Souls community was shit to begin with. If they would add invasions but only balance for PvE Id be perfectly fine with it since invasions is the majority of what I did in das1. But doubt that will happen.
Fuck you, faggot. They're making an excellent PvE game, it would be fucking ruined if they focused on PvP and balancing it for you autists.
Learn a martial art and leave good games alone, cocksucker.
nobody asks pvp to be balanced
leave it completely unbalanced, this is where the fun is in this type of interaction
>focus on pvp
No. Just put it in, then leave it. All the OP shit can stay for all I care. None of that shit matters when you can Flux into Ki Bursts into Combos.
Now go kill yourself pussy
Lel calm down bitch nigga, all I'm worried about is keeping PvE skills/weps in a good place and not seeing shit nerfed to the ground. Id welcome invasions if they don't listen to whiney pvp shitlords when it comes time to balance shit.
Invasions were alluded to originally at the game's rereveal at TGS last year, but the idea's since been scrapped. PvP arena is reasonably likely.
>spend 5 minutes waiting to invade
>finally invade
>get 1shot by a ninjutsu guy
>wasted a cup
I wouldn't mind that. But I know your faggot PvP enthusiast community too well and the results of catering to you fucks.
There was a dev revenant on the first level that had burned to dead and his name read "Why me".
I don't know why but I started laughing when I came across it.
I'd be fine with that. As long as players can fight other players.
Honestly the best way they could do invasions is have it be something you could turn off, but the winner gets something that makes it worth it.
just make it impossible to duel
invasions should never be balanced in any shape or form, they must be an element of chaos
There was another, said he was Someone the Genius but had burned to death
That made me laugh because I can see someone backing up into the flames right next to him
demon souls level of invasions
both sides are essentially fucked
>invade for the first time
>annihilate some axe newfriend with style
>invade for the second time
>both host and his phantom spams 100% unlimited ninjutsu big bombs so you die faster than you spawn
I want it
My favourite is still;
>Sasuke (or whatever his name was) The Ladder Climber
His revenant was next to a ladder. And his death was;
>Fell to death
I couldn't stop laughing. It was so stupid and simple, but it just made me laugh for a good hour.
>invade Weeb Katana Friend
>Anime name
>we have super Honorable duel filled with SSS tier combos
>somehow ends in Iai duel full anime style
>"wow, invading in this game is awesome"
>invade again
>host and phantom are both ninjutsu, bomb spamming shits
I hope they do put in invasions.
I like it, but I get the impression that these things are going to make the game trivial. Ive also played with people who ki burst and nothing else then just stab the enemy when they are on the ground, never fighting, just run in and ki burst then finisher. I dont want to be a wet blanket but I seriously hope this stuff is nerfed or removed, it completely overrides the need to actually learn game mechanics or even fight, you can call them crutches but the thing is they are far more effective than actually fighting, which is where the problem lies.
Water Sword or Windstorm?
Water Sword for Yokai
Windstorm for dudes
Was he the one located on the side of a twin sentry tower at the end of first level?
I laughed pretty hard at that one too.
stop shitposting
Still working on it.
That's insane. Nice work, user. Even if it is a little 'autism' though, I'd also like that sword. So I can't fault you for that.
>. Even if it is a little 'autism' though, I'd also like that sword.
The funny part is, it came that way, The only thing I'm trying to change is the Proficiency bonus to something more useful.
Wait, there's a hide helmet option?
Yep. go to game options, its at the bottom of the first page.
>came that way
Fuck. That's crazy luck, user.
>He still hasn't unlocked the teahouse
Screenshot with proof
I killed Kou Shibusawa in the cove containing the Harakiri Sword, on Twilight Mission, level 30.
He dropped an earth damage sword.
Kickass. All my purple headgear looks like ass, so I'd rather just not see it.
>got that sword in non twilight my first time there
>it was an almost perfect rolled Purple
I used that thing all the way to Honorabu Samurai.
God it was strong
How can i git gud against succubus? i got good gear and set but fuck i barely hit her much
any strategy?
Git gud.
Okay seriously;
>Only Block Giant AOE Spin, and Knife Throws
>When she goes HUH wait a second and then dodge, don't dodge straight away
>only attack after her slow as fuck, melee range combo
>learn to ki burst and use skills
alright thanks
i just wanted to get the second DLC and go back to Witcher 3
So what do you guys think of the game so far?
pretty fucking good.
Surprisingly Harder than DaS, 9/10
If all you want is the Marks;
>Use a Spear in mid stance and only use triangle
I like it more than Souls, but that's just a personal opinion.
It still has a lot that could be fixed though.
stuck in the first area right now but i am just getting used to it/10
It was an eventual purchase with the alpha. After the beta 10/10 Day 1 buy
its an 8/10 for me right now. If they work out some things here and there it will easilly be an 9/10 for me. Also i hope they add some form of pvp
What you cant fight someone who came ready and prepared? Invasions are cool, but if you hate duels and like invasions youre a scrub who cant handle a straight up fight.
Where can I get stuff with unlimited ninjutsu?
I was having fun with this up until bat bitch, now I'm not having any fun at all. I can't have fun in a game where bosses leave zero room for error. One mistake and fuck you start from the beginning.
I don't like jobbing to a boss over and over, makes me feel like my character should just die and stay dead.
At least in Souls you had healing items that were not useless and the only bosses who stunlocked you to death were found in the end of the game once you were competent and had a good build.
I'm stuck at Onryoki reee.
It's a great action game but the RPG mechanics are tacked on as fuck. At the very least, there should be more focus on reinforcing your equipment with unique stats instead of praying to RNGesus.
If they add more weapon types and a tonne more skills, 9/10.
If they add invading on any mission / map 10/10 day one purchase
How about you go back to dark souls then.
Day 1 buy. Day 1 pre-order. Day 1 pre-order limited collector's edition.
I don't ever do any of those other things.
Are you using antiparalytic needles? I had base body and stamina with some basic mid/heavy armor and she would still only hit me for a third of my health at best, hardly "Zero room for error" unless you're not using needles and getting stuck in paralysis.
Can I play as a grrl?
shit wrong webm
>Souls community was shit to begin with.
No, Demon / Dark Souls community was fucking good before Artorias of the Abyss
so we can blame pcfats for the shitposting?
shameful bump
I have little trouble avoiding her paralysis and I could definitely beat her if I wanted to, I got her to 60% health after 10 tries.
I just don't want to. It's not fun. I try to ki pulse and get rekt. I try to combo and she has crazy poise and ignores me. All I can do is get in for a few hits and back off. It's not fun. I understand the fight mechanically but I do so little damage I can't bring myself to go through with it.
Also the cave level was pretty shit, the level design is still years behind something like Bloodborne.
I never raged this much at any Souls game, and it's entirely because I do such SHIT FUCKING DAMAGE. Buying and playing this would be bad for my health.
My strat for my first Hino-enma-chan kill was to drop my spear and katana and pick up a dual katana.
On mid stance dual katanas are so fast you can hit Enma-chan in the spaces between her kicks. The rest is timing to dodge forward or sideways when you hear her go huff. Blocking her charge is risky for stamina, so is dodging it for your HP.
For my Twilight run I used Tachibana Muneshige's katana, using all three stances.
Square and Triangle attacks on mid and high stance work on her when you attack after she does her spin attack. The idea is to dodge into her to the left side of your screen. You will end up unscathed while remaining inside her area of attack.
High stance is miraculous because you can cause her to go out of breath and this buys you time to kill her grunts on twilight mode. Use low stance on the ghoul creature.
I am using dual kats. It's too slow. Damage is shit.
So, is this game getting a PC release or not? Because the more i see about it, the more sad i get that i'll never probably play it.
Sony have got dibs on it for at least the forseeable future.
Just get a NEO next year, senpai. Or you from Brazil or Eastern Europe or some other shithole like that?
That webm, I'm in tears
No unfortunately, i think everyone should have an opportunity to play this game. I felt like i was experiencing dark souls all over again
i hope so the frame rate in the burning village is like 15 -20
It's videogame, so never ever on petiton cuckputer with nogames.
Do you guys think William is the only character that is going to be playable?