Is presentation all it takes for a game to be successful?
Is presentation all it takes for a game to be successful?
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Blizzard could have released No Mans Sky and it would have sold 10 times the amount of copies. Overwatch is fucking trash and people are mindless, brain dead brand loyalists who are gullible and stupid enough to both pay for the game up front AND get milked in-game for skins.
do people honestly give a shit about skins?
You're talking about the beaten house wife fan base, blizzard fanboys. Look at WoW, the only people who would still play wow today, and PAY for it, are people who have nothing else and just love to be abused.
Good god, look at all this projection
I just like Overwatch bro.
The marketing power of Blizzard was in overdrive with this game. That was one reason.
Dude the only bliz game I played before this was WoW and I hated it so don't put me in your "loyalist" category for liking game that's actually good you fucking retard
I don't think you know what that word means, petal
retard or gay?
I like it cause there are no other fun casual shooters for me to play with Australian players.
Terrible game, always will be, but you can't deny Blizzard perfected this weird mix combo of a Disney/Pixar mixed with tf2, but shitter artstyle and rocked those cinematics and it was always gonna be a hit, terrible or not, just all the perfect ingredients to pull that mass audience.
Blizzard are the Spielberg of videogames, they know exactly what strings to pull at to get the most people playing/watching
I think he does I don't know what you think it means though
Pick one you mouth breather. It has a skill ceiling somewhere in the basement, and mills spastic middle income, low iq retards with their pachinko-tier slot machine dopamine rewards.
In 2016, yes.
Nah. The game is pretty fun.
But Overwatch is good. But this is Sup Forums. Sup Forums hates popular things. And neo Sup Forums hates video games. Earlier proved that.
>Le boogie man
Sorry, I guess overwatch just isn't meant for autists who get angry that they can't articulate words to their team mates so they can't coordinate. Go back to cod and your Dew™ points.
t. Buttmad rank 30 shitter
Don't konw why people are paying for any blizz shit anymore after the D3 and SC2 shitfests.
Blizz stop making B- games.
Why the fuck aren't you buying more crates you Blizzard cocksuckers? Fuck off to your Battlenet hug box. Overwatch is a shit game made for retards.
You act like buying crates is the only way to get skins you hecking idiot
>wahh, the game is bad, that's why I don't like it
>it's not that ranked showed me how shit I really am
Sure thing, champ.
Posting in an underage thread
I know you're upset that you didn't get the skin you wanted during the Olympic events but calm done buddy
I'd like to know what draws people to that game besides the art. Is it the extremely low skill entry point? The chokepoint filled maps that make it impossible to get flanked? The misconception of variety when people just can't understand what the fuck is going on with all the visual pollution? This is basically TF2 with all its flaws tuned up to eleven, which wasn't that good to begin with.
Waifus son, waifus.
>he doesn't know buy crates is actually bad
The more crates you open the less they're worth.
the only reason that game didn't flow is 10+ years of brainwashing people thanks to blizzard fanatic fanbase that literally breed together and train their kids to become blizzard drones from infancy.
I bet you think you're really unique and cool, not like all these other mindless drones, am I right?
If you actually think Overwatch is a good game you can go fuck yourself.
>stop liking what I don't like
Anything will sell if you pour enough money into it. Not to say Overwatch is a bad game. Its just very overhyped.
Most succesfull game of 2016
Objective truth supported by numbers
Overwatch is trash, its the most gimped fps i've ever had the dis-pleasure of playing
>Retardedly huge hitboxes so people aiming with a laptop trackpad can hit head-shots
>Abysmal netcode
>In-game currency/Micro-transactions
>No single-player
>The worst balance in a fps to date
>Half the roster is completely useless with most comps being cookie cutter teams with maybe 1 or 2 slight variations
>Incredibly low skill-ceiling
>Incredibly low player-agency, good luck solo-queing
>Hard-counters in an fps game
There is just so much wrong with this game its hard to put into words sometimes, TF2 was infinitely better then this garbage and its free.
$60 down the fucking drain
At least update your fucking pasta user
Epic counter-arguement blizzdrone, go back to your garbage
This thread is pointless anyway. The only people who """play""" overtrash are paid shills and 7 years olds.
blizzdrones are such niggers
>already dead
no just loyal cucks who will buy everything like apple faggots.
>hitbox meme
>20 tick meme
>In TF2 you can pay to get weapons that are objectively better than the default ones, rather than just purely cosmetic stuff like in Overwatch
>TF2 was infinitely better
>weapons that are objectively better than the default ones
You're full of shit, the default weapons are generally the best
>hitbox meme
Still a thing dumbass
>20-tick meme
May have been updated now, but it should of been there day one
>this is used as a valid excuse by joe-joystick here
>get trashed "o fugg 20 tigg > : D > : D"
s-shut up, I fell for the Overwatch meme
Completely and utterly false.
Autism is a fucking sin, user.
It also needs waifus
>He thinks 20-tick is excusable for an fps game in 2016
Keep sucking the blizzard cock
Reminder to let Hiro know this board should be deleted
Except its not, all the weapons are well balanced bar a few like the sticky launcher, granted i haven't played since Meet your match
Except it hasn't been 20 tick for a while now.
yes. Diablo 3 is a great example of this
>he thinks the hitboxes are the same as release hit boxes
Plus even TF2 has fucked up hitboxes.
I really should stop responding to bait but it's fun.
I have no particular loyalty to blizzard my man. I got it cause its fun
>meme post this is muh first blizzard game
either underage or lying.
S-Shut up blizzdrone you're not fooling anyone!
They are broken again moron, blizzard realised that its playerbase are brain-dead retards so they put the back as they where
Overwatch was my first blizzard game
Only Hanzo has terrible hitboxes, literally the aimbot hero, I hate him so goddamn much.
>It's a Hanzo getting kills shooting randomly
His fucking stupid his ult goes through walls too, if you use him kill yourself.
Imagine being this mad about the games that others choose to play
First of all. That video was published on June 6, the patch that fixed hitboxes was July 19. Second they're only messing with Hanzo's hitboxes on the PTR because he's trash.
>Blizzdrones in full damage control mode
>calm done
What damage
>this mad your game is dying
top kek mate.
My sides!
>my only argument is buzzwords
>Hanzo is trash.
Widow is TRASH, her ult is a worse version of Hanzo's shift, her mine does 25 damage, unlike him she actually need to hit her targets.
Hanzo is the aimbot shitter hero.
I find a game in seconds m8, I'm having a blast with this game. Over 100 hours into it and no plans on stopping. It's flattering that you're so buttblasted about the game I choose to play :^)
>her ult is a worse version of Hanzo's shift
But her ult is better in every way
Hanzo and Widow are trash, along with every defense hero except for Junkrat on the occasion. Plus if you aimbotting McCree is the better choice.
dropping players by day mate.
Because there's no competitive mode right now. Season 2 starts in 5 days :^)
>open box
>3 grey
>1 blue
>open box
>2 blue
>2 grey
>open box
>4 grey
>close game
>play something else
I assumed Overwatch was just TF2 mixed with McDonalds Happy Meal culture.
Looks shiny and cool but is the game anything more than a product...
>serious game
>childish fantasy
>childish game
>serious fanbase
Everyone who dislikes Overwatch gets their opinion thrown out immediately.
>its because muh competitive mode not because the game is shit and people are sick of it
My favorite thing is the claims that the game is losing players by the hundreds each day but have no proof to substantiate those claims.
nah Blizzard is kinda shit now
Exceptional polish and attention to detail generally has always made a game succesful.
>low skill ceiling
Yeah? So what? It's still about which team can play better than the other.
Overwatch is garbage. No LAN or custom maps. False advertisement on in-game cosmetics. Competitive Season 1 was just a shitshow. Endless teasers on Sombra.
Post your in-game stats m8. Let's see you hitting that low skill ceiling.
Ok, I know where we are and suspect most people here are either underage or have never played games BUT this childish discussion requires some objective overview:
1. Yes, Blizzard is shit. Some of you guys might be aware of the Sombra arg and their awfully immature propaganda over an unfinished product. Speaking of unfinished products, it is true that Overwatch is essentially an alpha version of a game. 12 (soon 13) maps, 22 (one day fucking 23) characters, taking into account most maps are shit and in competitive 2/3 of the roster are thrown out the window. Yes, 40/60 bucks for the game at the time seem hardly justified. The irony in the matter is that if Blizzard had the foresight to make it f2p, the numbers would be insanely bloated and most naysayers here would sing a different tune. This is not the point though - if another company made the game, maybe it would have been better contentwise, but now we reach the mechanical level of play.
2.It IS fun. The game is built on basic principles and works perfectly fine to provide entertainment. Sadly, depending on the player, a cap might be reached, due to its repetitive nature. Characters do feel unique and memorable and their playstyles are limited, but also greatly specialized. There are exceptions to this rule, but they are purely subjective, based on playstyle and aesthetic choices.
3. "But its for casuals" - this is how you spot the shitters. This is the same shit excuse as league being casual and dota being the hardest assfagots game to master. Bullshit and you all know it.I reached rank 74 last season by actually becoming better at the game. Hitboxes don't matter, considering ranked at higher levels is fully eliminating aim for the purposes of consistency and playing around the objective. 20 tick is gone.
In summary: is the game good - no
is it fun - yes
He is obviously not talking about Sup Forums you brain-dead fucks. Sup Forums is not why overwatch was so successful. Retarded blizzdrones that would pay $50 for a toilet plunger if it had the blizzard logo on it are why overwatch was successful.
I agree on all these but the cosmetics thing. What did they falsely advertise?
>pixar like universe with interesting backstory and characters
>levels full of easter-eggs and stuff to look at
>wiafu bait
>perfect 'casual' shooter for when you don't want to take a game super seriously
>somewhat engaging meta, albeit not on the same level as other competitive games
>fun custom game modes
>easy to feel like you're contributing even if you're not playing at your best
Remind me why people hate this game? It's not got many maps and the in-game purchases are bull, but otherwise I've had a lot of fun with it.
This is my first Blizzard game to be honest.
Why? Filing lonely?
Nah, otherwise brink would still be okay.
>expecting LAN
>playing custom maps means you already lost interest
Yes, the Olympics event was pure cancer. Never touched comp.