Daily reminder that if you spend money on F2P games you are killing video games

daily reminder that if you spend money on F2P games you are killing video games

mfw I am not poor and I don't care

>paying for a game I love AND killing this shitty industry
Brb, buying more premium currency.

I'll be honest, I don't really care. I don't spend money on FTP games, but even 400 dollars or 1000 isn't terribly much over a few years.
I probably spend more than that buying snacks at uni.

If no one spent any money on them then they wouldn't be able to release them for free

objectively wrong, the industry is pushing P2W so hard since they noticed that this is the way to jew massive amounts of shekels out of goys

basically right now there are only 2 truly F2P titles

>Spending money on any games at all, ever.

Games can work just fine on pure cosmetic sells. Look at dota2 or poe for example.

I really, really wanted that zyra skin though.

Battle born has shown no one will pay 60 for a moba so theyre F2P which allow them shitty graphics immunity >"its free what do you expect" allong with being in third person (even worse textures. MOBAS are shit

>killing video games
>literally keeping f2p games alive
OP, why are you so autistic?

yeah but people have a problem with that for some reason

>he could have bought a new computer for that amount
Reddit truly is cancer

Smite and DOTA

Name 1 good F2P game thats not P2W and allways was and will be free
>pro tip you can't

I spent well over 800 USD on Dota 2. What the fuck are you going to do, poorfag?

>tfw i spend money on f2p games
whatcha gonna do to stop me >:3

>tfw i bought a bunch of the $15 mech's in mechwarrior online

>tfw i bought star citizen ships
you cant stop me

>Pay for heros
also MOBAs couldn't charge 60$ look at stillborn


>Pay for heros

Dota and

also post sexy basketball americans

Path of Eggs Aisle

>spending money on F2P games
>instead of buying No Man's Sky and Shantae
Yeah go fuck yourself at least F2P games actually fucking work

counter-strike: go


Dota is shit

CSGO is free it says 14.99 on steam


>daily reminder that if you spend money on games you are killing video games

Given the state of the industry, it's more like it.

>so poor that $14.99 is considered not free

Reading reddit really gives one cancer

I just spent 3k on strippers and coke and probably had a better time than any f2p game.

$350 on Marvel Heroes since February 2014.
Last time I spent money was November 2015.
I still play the game and I regret most of the money spent, but whatever.

> No one calling out OP for visiting reddit
Sup Forums is truly ded

Fucking scrub

I bought about 100€ worth of lootboxes for Overwatch, but that isn't a free game so all's good.


Are you a Gamestop employee who got it for free because no one wanted this shit anymore?


Try to stop me.

fuck off, parrot


any tipps on how to steal gift cards user ?

cards in dota?

>no one will pay for a moba
>overwatch is the highest selling game of the year

What shitty game is that ?

looks like maple story

those things have to be activated at the register before you can use them