>antagonist is more relatable and sympathetic than the protagonist
Why does this happen so much in video games? Do people really not know how to write a good main character?
Antagonist is more relatable and sympathetic than the protagonist
Explain Kirby please.
>did nothing wrong
main characters have been the exact same for too long and now they are just stale
Specter tried to kill the cute boys and Yumi
>Eric Sparrow
>Rosh Penin
The best kind of villain is those whose goals and aspirations are better than the hero's and/or in good taste. For example, Armstrong, Illidan, Kreia, Mr. Freeze, etc.
>Armstrong's goals
>in good taste
Eh, I'll give you that one. I mean, what else would you do when you find out you and nearly everyone you've been living with for the past month CAUSED THE FUCKING APOCALYPSE, and the resident nebulous evil organization and their mole were all the good guys all along?
>what else would you do?
cry, because best girl died.
>the guy from Last of Us
That guy DID something wrong; it's ok to try and keep your colony alive, and even trying to make Ellie a part of it, but losing your shit when you are supposed to be a very calm when she says "no" is unnecessary.
That fruit killed 16 majestic creatures for no reason.
He did quite wrong.
Completely Ok, I wanted to join him after his speech, not to fight him.
You know that most people who agree with Armstrong are the weak that he wants purged right?
oh, this is a shitposting thread.
>did nothing wrong
your list is shit
Because devs think that pandering to self-insert faggots is easy money and they're right So we get Twilight tier protagonists that are just bland, blank slates that are easy to self-insert into.
All Armstrong wanted was for people to fight their own battles rather than getting others to do it for them.
>You know that most people who agree with Armstrong are the weak that he wants purged
I didn't say I completely agree with everything, and no, the people who want to follow his ideals aren't "weak", if anything, they need to be the strongest. That's why he asked Raiden to get into it, because he could be of help.
All of these characters are edgy faggots.
Whoever made this, please remove yourself from the gene pool.
>Manny Pardo did nothing wrong
>Manny is literally the miami mutilator
>The only reason he became a cop was to become famous for his bravery in the field.
>When that doesnt work, he murders innocent people, setup alex for the murders, and tried to blackmail his only friend to writing about the miami mutilator to gain notriety.
Yeah, but he had a good reason to do what he did.
full fucking retard
>Did nothing wrong
And what would that reason be?
He was a tragic villain who only did the things he did out of desperation and insecurity.
>humans should be forever chained by their biological limitations, fuck that eugenics forced evolution and technological evolution through nanomachines
he would basically turn this planet in Macragge