ITT: Stuff that really makes you think

ITT: Stuff that really makes you think

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Sup Forums - Twitter

tfw 23

She's right though

Reminder to let Hiro know this board shouldn't exist


this тbh, I only play Age of Empires once every 6 months, people who waste their lives away on this dross should be euthanised.


Peanut allergy must be a bitch. Knowing that your child could just die because it eats a common food item.

Post your favourite genres lads


>playing video games
I seriously hope you guys don't actually sit here and discuss games, hype them up and then play them


anyone with "mom" in their username is either some thin skinned liberal or an evangelical conservative that wants to ban fun

Why, though? What's the difference between say a game of chess and like a game of lol/dota?

Its okay because I actually am very dumb overall

I'd make her choke on my peanut if you know what I mean.

2012 was almost 5 years ago


Who the fuck is this bitch to tell people how they should spend their free time?

3/10 try it with some more effort next time

>look up her twitter
>she plays pokemon go

They're also a filthy yank

One is a long standing cultural phenomena with real artistic merit and one is a video game


>in my thread
I don't bloody well think so

are you allowed to use "developmentally disabled" as an insult? I mean nowadays with politically correct bullshit

good work you fucking idiots

Honest question. What is more fun to do than play video games? Obviously you should strive to be a learned and successful person but playing video games as a primary hobby and being an enthusiast for them seems perfectly acceptable to me.


chess is a highly sophisticated intellectual battle of minds that has endured for 1000+ years. lol/dota is bleep bloop disposable entertainment for teenagers

is there a governing body that is going to stop you?



If you actually went on it you'd see it's an obvious troll account

hehe you're all pawns for /brit/

utter runts

All me

But this thread has barely 30 replies and half the posts are not talking about the subject image.

>video games can't have artistic merit

no, I just thought that you could use that to bait her

And one of those things is a grown man getting excited over black cock

Really make the old hamster wheel start turning

Chess has literally been solved though. "Hey guys, you want to all get together and watch paint dry?!"

pretty fair comment. video game 'artists' are simply cast-offs that couldn't make it as authors, writers, directors etc



Damn...than the people who are into games because of a social trend must be really fucked up.

No, you should try enjoying a real artistic pursuit like anime next time

few things are more embarrassing then a grown man starting a petition to get a blue check mark back